Updated 2024 Spring  
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Our Solar System
This graphic shows some distant minor planets of our solar system in their highly elliptical orbits. Our world is 8 light-minutes away from The Sun. (Not even a pixel wide!) This view of our Solar System may span almost 1 light year. The measurement of diameter of our solar system depends on whether we include the Oort Cloud of billions of comets. One way or another, it's a huge structure.

All these labelled orbits are of small objects and Minor Planets in the Kuiper Belt & Oort Cloud. An interesting note is that all the distant Minor Planets and satellites do not simply go around the Sun in far-away circular orbits. Instead they all dive toward the Sun, approach the very circular orbits of Quaoar and Neptune and then they all swing out, out and far away in highly elliptical orbits that take hundreds or even thousands of years to complete!

This resembles and may remind us of the circulatory system in any creature. The blood comes toward the Heart and dashes away to circle around! From this point of view, the Inner Planets with their Circular orbits around The Sun seem like the vital organs of the Solar System while Outer Minor Planets in Elliptical orbits seem like sensory organs and limbs.
view of the solar system
This graphic of the Planets of the Inner Solar System shows the Celestial Bodies with traditional & modern Astrological Rulerships. Eris is the same size as Pluto, and may be perhaps the ruler of Libra. Astrologers are still studying correlations.

In this illustration the order of the planets is correct and the sizes of the planets are to scale, but the distances are certainly not! Note that Ceres, Pluto and Eris are barely visible at this scale.

The 'Habitable Zone' is the region both cool enough and warm enough to have liquid water which is essential for life as found on our world. This band includes Venus, Earth and Mars. This region is sometimes called the "Goldilocks Zone", because it's 'Just Right!' for life.
planets of the solar system
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Astrological Models
From Ancient Times..
Traditional Legends explicitly state and archeological evidence also suggests that Astrology is knowledge inherited intact and complete from older, lost and forgotten civilizations. Astrological references are woven into some of the most ancient cultural memories. The oldest astrological artifacts are ephemerides and charts pertaining to governmental usage.
Ancient Chart image not found Ancient Chart image not found Ancient Chart image not found
Ancient Chart image not found
Ancient Chart image not found Ancient Chart image not found Beit Alpha Mosaic image not found
Phases of Venus
Tablet of Ammisaduqa
Mesopotamia c.2000 BCE
4000 years ago
Zodiac Planisphere
(clay shard)
Mesopotamia c.1500 BCE
3500 years ago
Antikythera Device
Astrological computer!
Greece c.500 BCE
2500 years ago
Zodiac Board
(pieces of ivory)
Croatia c.100 BCE
2100 years ago
Zodiac at Dendera
(temple mural)
Egypt, c.30 BCE
2000 years ago
Beit Alpha Zodiac
(synagogue floor)
Israel, c.530 CE
1500 years ago
12 Zodiac Signs in Two Models
The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac are viewed and interpreted somewhat differently around the world. Here are descriptions of the two major models. Click HERE to display / hide more detailed explanations. Below these two models you will see "A Chart of the Zodiacs ~ East & West" with the Elements, Phases, Polarities and Signs and correspondences between both systems. map
The Indo-European Western model
The East Asian model
  • The Indo-European Western ~ Three Phases
    In English, Western Astrologers commonly call the three phases "Cardinal", "Fixed" and "Mutable". In India, at a tier below the One God Principle, the Hindus have three God/Goddess faces: the Creator, the Maintainer and the Destroyer. Each of these Gods & Goddesses are a married couple, male and female, so the concept of Yin / Yang is also in the background.

  • The Indo-European Western ~ Four Elements
    Fire Earth Air Water
    •  🜂 Fire: Active, Energy, Radiate, Influence, Force, Intention
    •  🜃 Earth: Gravity, Matter, Stable, Effect, Consequence, Presence
    •  🜁 Air: Movement, Perceive, Connect, Pattern, Relate, Thought
    •  🜄 Water: Transform, Memory, Fuel, Bonds, Merge, Emotion
    The Four Elements are symmetrical and evenly interspersed.
    Each Element has 3 Signs with one Sign in each Phase.
    For example: Starting Repeating Fire, Steady Maintaining Fire & Dispersing Completing Fire.

  • The Indo-European Western ~ Six Analogue Pairs ~ Counterparts
    Viewed cross-culturally, Yin and Yang can also be seen in the Four Elements of the Western Zodiac. The Six Dimensions of the Earth and Water Signs are considered to have the Inner nature of The Earth, of Yin. The Six Dimensions of the Fire and Air Signs are considered to have the Outward nature of Heaven, of Yang.
    Every Inner Sign / Dimension naturally and intrinsically corresponds to an Outward Sign / Dimension. Each one of the Six Earth/Water (Yin) signs has an analogue, a counterpart, among the Six Fire/Air (Yang) signs. Fire signs correspond to Water, and Air signs to Earth.

    As you read the Notes, you can see the analogue for each sign by mousing over the symbol to the right of the Astrology header for each planet.

    You can find many of these relationships around you. Look for connections between Aries Scorpio (♂♇), Taurus Libra (♀Eris), Cancer Leo (☽☉), Capricorn Aquarius (♄♅), Gemini Virgo (☿⚳) and Sagittarius Pisces (♃♆).

  • The Indian Vedic Sidereal Tradition
    The Vedic Zodiac in use in India differs from the Western primarily in the position of the first point of Aries. The Vedic system uses the stellar constellation of The Ram (Sidereal Zodiac) while the Western uses the Spring Equinox (Tropical Zodiac). The difference is due to the precession of the Equinox and is currently calculated to be a difference of ( 23° 36' ) between the two systems. So if your Sun position in a Western chart is ( Aries 10° ), then your Sun position in a Vedic chart would be about ( Pisces 16° ). The discrepancy will continue to widen at a rate of approximately 1° in 83 years.
    Here is an explanation at White Lotus of Light

    Each cycle of the Precession of the Equinox takes about 26,000 years to complete. The new incoming cycle is the Age of Aquarius. Astrologers have various opinions about the starting dates.
  • The East Asian ~ Two Polarities
    "Yin & Yang" is a very well-known concept of relationships highly refined by Asian philosophy. Complementary and opposite, they are two sides of a Unity. Yin and Yang are essential qualities, they both partake of each other and contribute to each other. They are not absolutes, but rather relative to each other, more like directions or magnetic poles or ranges like above and below, cooler and warmer or lighter and heavier. Any point on the range may seem Yin to one person, but Yang to another.

    Everyone has both qualities and directions in varying degrees and mixtures in various regions of the energy, body, thought and emotions. Traditional Chinese Medicine makes extensive use of this concept in understanding the balance of health and the treatment of illness.

    Sociologically, the concept of Yin and Yang can shed light on many cultural blessings and difficulties around the world. Indeed, the happiest cultures and also marriages, friendships and partnerships are those where Mutual Influence is shared and preserved among people, in intimate relationships and between the outer and inner sides within each of us.
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    • 陰 / 阴 Yin:

    • 陽 / 阳 Yang:
    • Moon, Inside, Hidden, Dark, Draw Inward, Passive, Cool, Moist, Completions, Feminine.
    • Sun, Outside, Shown, Light, Expand Outward, Active, Warm, Dry, Beginnings, Masculine.

  • The East Asian ~ Five Elements
    Fire Earth Metal Water Wood
    image not found
    • Fire: Energy, Joy, Hot, Clinging, Bitter
    • Earth: Stability, Peaceful, Sweetness, Slow, Desire, Worry
    • Metal: Hard, Decisive, Reason, Logic, Shining, Abrupt, Shock, Grief
    • Water: Yielding, Soft, Gradual, Depth, Dark, Fear, Sadness
    • Wood: Growing, Enthusiasm, Spreading, Optimism, Anger
    Although the Four Elements originally came to China either from India or directly from the Chinese sky gods, 'Wood' was defined & added to the Chinese Zodiac schema in the Time of King Wen for political reasons.
    The king's will (or whim) was law and everything had to appear as he saw and understood it. The king said the Earth should be in the center and the other elements around it. To accomodate the king, to facilitate this modification, the 12 sign-dimensions were re-allocated assymetrically to 5 elements with mathematical permutations. The astrologers concatenated the 3rd and 4th signs to a new element - Wood.
    Now there were 4 signs assigned to 'Earth' (2 yin & 2 yang). The 4 remaining Elements, Metal, Water, Wood & Fire, were each assigned 1 yin sign and 1 yang sign. A cross-cultural note: the 4 Asian 'Earth' signs (2 yin and 2 yang) correspond to the Western 'Fixed' signs: Ox / Bull .. Dragon / Lion .. Sheep / Scorpio .. Dog / Aquarius.

    In the medical zodiac schema, they concatenated the 11th and 12th signs to the new element - Wood. So for medicine, Wood includes the signs Aquarius and Pisces. In the medical schema, there are 4 signs allocated to the Fire element. Apart from Wood, the order of elements in the Traditional Chinese Medicine zodiac schema remains the same as the other zodiac ~ Fire -> Earth -> Air -> Water with Wood added between Water and Fire... They said that Wood is nourished by Water and accordingly placed it after Water. They noted that Wood nourishes Fire by so it would be placed before Fire. Note: The Chinese Element 'Metal' corresponds to the Western Element 'Air'.

    The signs of both systems do correspond. They can be lined up to match in the order they are counted from first to last in each system. The Western Ram is first and Fish is last. The Chinese Rat is first and Boar is Last. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the first channel of the 12 is Lung and the last channel is Liver.

    According to available sources, the Five Elements are assigned one way to the 12 Signs of the Chinese Zodiac and differently to the 12 Channels of Traditional Chinese Medicine:
    The Asian Zodiac assigns 4 Signs to the Earth Element and 2 Signs to each of the others. The Earth Element is assigned 2 Yin Signs and 2 Yang Signs. The 4 other Elements are each assigned one Yin Sign and one Yang Sign.
    Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) assigns 4 Channels to the Fire Element and 2 Channels to each of the others. The Fire Element is assigned 2 Yin and 2 Yang Channels. ( Heart 5, Small Intestine 6, Heart Protector 9, Triple Heater 10 ) The 4 other Elements are each assigned one Yin Channel and one Yang Channel.

    The Asian New Year begins at the New Moon in the 11th Sign, the Dog / Aquarius. ( ☉︎☽︎ ♒︎ )

A Chart of the Zodiacs ~ East & West
♈︎ ♉︎ ♊︎ ♋︎ ♌︎ ♍︎ ♎︎ ♏︎ ♐︎ ♑︎ ♒︎ ♓︎
The Indo-European Western 12 Zodiac Signs
4 Elements (Fire, Earth, Air, Water) in 3 Stages-Phases (Starting, Steady, Dispersing)
Fire and Air are considered 'active & relational' (Yang) and Earth and Water are considered 'receptive & transformational' (Yin).
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Ram Bull Pair Crab Lion Girl Balance Scorpion Archer Sea Goat Ewer Fish
मेष वृषभ मिथुन कर्क सिंह कन्या तुला वृश्चिक धनु मकर कुम्भ मीन
טלה שור תאומים סרטן אריה בתולה מאזניים עקרב קשת גדי דלי דגים
The Chinese East Asian 12 Zodiac Signs
The Signs of the East Asian Zodiac are all represented by animals, unlike those of the Indo-European Western Zodiac.
The 12 Signs are assymetrically distributed to 5 Elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, Earth), each with 2 polarities (Yin & Yang).
Cross System Note: The four Fixed Steady signs of the Western system (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) are assigned to the Asian Element of Earth.
The Asian Elements of Metal, Water, Wood & Fire are each given 2 adjacent signs listed in the Western system as Cardinal/Starting & Mutable/Changing signs.
Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit / Cat Dragon Snake Horse Sheep Monkey Rooster Dog Boar
Twelve Dimensions In Us All
Fundamentals ~
“Even if there is only one possible unified theory, it is just a set of rules and equations. What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe? The usual approach of science of constructing a mathematical model cannot answer the questions of why there should be a universe for the model to describe. Why does the universe go to all the bother of existing?”
Stephen Hawking ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♍︎ ) physicist A Brief History of Time

"Consciousness is a fundamental feature of the Universe."
"I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness."
Max Planck ( ☉ ♉︎ ☽ ♍︎ ) physicist, 'father of quantum theory'

"Consciousness cannot be accounted for in physical terms. For consciousness is absolutely fundamental. It cannot be accounted for in terms of anything else."
Erwin Schrodinger ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♉︎ ) physicist, quantum theory

⩫ ⩫ ⩫

"I AM the Source of Everything;
From Me the entire Creation flows.
Knowing this, the wise worship Me with all their Hearts."
The Bhagavad Gita ~ Chapter 10 Verse 8.

"Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel and say unto them 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you', and they shall say to me, 'What is His Name?' What shall I say unto them?"
And God said unto Moses "I AM THAT I AM".
And He said "Thou shalt say unto the children of Israel 'I AM has sent me unto you.' "
The Bible ~ Exodus: 13-14.

"Something Mysteriously Exists,
Before Heaven and Earth.
In the Silence and the Void,
Standing Alone and Unchanging.
Ever Present and Moving in Everything,
It may be seen as the Mother of the World.
I do not know a name for It, so I call It 'The Way' ".
Tao Te Ching ~ Verse 25 ~ Lao Tsu.

⩫ ⩫ ⩫

"So Ham" ( "I Am That" )
A traditional Yoga Mantra for meditation.

Be Still.. in Hebrew
"Be still and know that I Am God."
The Bible ~ Psalms: 46:11

Consciousness and the Mystery of Existence Closer to Truth #913
What is Consciousness? Closer to Truth #1302
Is Consciousness Ultimate Reality? Closer to Truth #1513
Self Organizing Universe Science and Non-Duality
Evolutionary Origins of Self Science and Non-Duality
Aware: Glimpses of Consciousness PBS Independent Lens
A Conscious Universe with Rupert Sheldrake

yin yang
First, we can see Two Sides ~
"In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth."
The Bible ~ Genesis 1.

"The Nameless is the beginning of Heaven and Earth."
Tao Te Ching ~ Verse One ~ Lao Tsu.

"Of all that is Material and all that is Spiritual in this world,
know for certain that I Am both the Origin and the Dissolution."
Bhagavad Gita ~ Chapter 7 Verse 6.

"Father ~ Mother is the name for Deity,
which indicates His tender relationship to His spiritual creation."
Science and Health ~ Chapter X: Science of Being, Verse VIII ~ Mary Baker Eddy.

I Ching ~ Hexagrams 1 & 2.

Separation for distinction is a major function in the architecture of the world. It also remains within all of us as an important physical and psychological characteristic of individuals and groups.

The First Separation of the Universe yields two sides or directions with opposite, complementary characteristics so well described as Yin/Yang, Earth/Heaven, Inside/Outside, Less/More, Emptying/Filling, Dark/Light, Cold/Heat, Still/Moving, Moist/Dry, Contract/Expand, etc ...

These are both absolute fundamentals. They are the two sides of one thing. They Dance and Spin and Sing Together! Where these two sides and directions mix, mingle and interact, they provide all the conditions suitable for Life.

Creation Myths Creation Myths around the World Common Elements in Creation Myths
"Which Side is better? The Light or The Dark?"

"Imagine visiting a planet with no atmosphere that doesn't rotate.
It won't mix the Light and the Dark.
One hemisphere is always blazed in light and heat.
The other is always cloaked in darkness and cold.
The light hemisphere is roasted while the dark one is frozen.
You certainly could not live there!
On which side would you prefer to die?"

Many cultures around the world have tragically developed a fear and contempt of the Yin - inside - dark - stillness. This is a serious and very unfortunate imbalance in our psychology. The abstract concept or belief in absolute good vs. evil certainly seems to be a sign of mental illness or, at the very least, a sign of seriously deficient psychological development.

We certainly do see some things as good for us and others as bad for us, but it's important to remember that this is always for us a subjective judgement, not an absolute value. We are not arbiters of reality.

It's good to keep in mind the perspective that we are tiny, fragile living creatures who live in a narrow range of time, space, energy, gravity, radiation and many types of changes in many other factors such as temperature, chemical conditions and more.

Anything outside that range seems "bad" to us. Too hot, too cold, too bright, too dark, too loud, too quiet, too dry, too wet, too much pressure, too little pressure, too much water, too little water, too much food, too little food, too much mineral, too little mineral, too fast, too slow, too early to do this, too late to do that, etc .. The list goes on ...

image not found: 4 Elemental Dragons from TeeTurtle
Next, we can see Four Elements ~

🜂 fire
🜂 Fire
🜃 earth
🜃 Earth
🜁 air
🜁 Air
🜄 water
🜄 Water
Both of the two primary sides now show that they each hold some of the other side. These four distinct aspects of the whole appear as the Four Elements.

🜂 Fire expresses drive & purpose ~ self-awareness, intention, direction, activity, identity, unity, strength, pleasure, joy, creativity, growth, energy, enthusiasm, purpose, inspiration, victory.
🜃 Earth expresses desire & value ~ physical resources, gravity, matter, form, desire, values, measures, maths, application, skills, recursive iteration, fine details, structure, boundary, respect, self-esteem, satisfaction, realization, fulfillment, resting.
🜁 Air expresses thought & learning ~ patterns, movement, perception, communication, ideas, awareness, relationships, intellect, designs, concepts, illumination, knowledge, insight, enlightenment, freedom.
🜄 Water expresses emotion & feeling ~ reactions, urges, fear, caring, nurturance, motivation, power, transformation, sharing, passion, healing, restoration, resonance, sublimation, inner growth, empathy, compassion, joyful surrender.
A Woman Dancing Naked in the Snow at Midnight

"Which Element is most important?"

"The Element You Lack is most important.
Are you Dancing Naked in the Snow at Midnight?
It's Warmth, Heat, Fire!
Did you Fall from your upstairs Balcony?
It's Stable Firm Earth!!
Did a Wave Drag you Underwater at the Beach?
It's Air! Air! Air!!
Are you Gardening in the Hot Sunshine?
It's Lemonade, Soda, Water..."

"Why would I be dancing naked in the snow at midnight?"

"I have no idea, but I'm sure that you would want warmth!"

In the Astrological model the Four Elements are seen as distinct. Actually they are simply various sides of our existence, stages in movements, all aspects of one thing. In real life, they function together seamlessly, constantly affecting each other. When it comes to personal experience, it is an Art to work with the Four Elements in our own lives. They often seem to express paradox by not fitting together within us, but it's important for us to learn how they actually do fit together. When we know how to move between them well, we can express our lives gracefully. Otherwise we experience frustration and difficulty.

We need all of the elements. They work together. Imagine someone who has a very strongly emphasized Water element without much Air. They would react to the world in a highly emotional way without any thought or consideration. They would express every fear and suspicion without establishing if it were true. If they also have too little Earth, they would indulge every passionate urge without self-restraint, without boundaries or structure. If they also have too little Fire, they would be purposeless, without direction, without joy, weeping and blubbering as they suffer from all their unrecognized, misunderstood, unexpressed and unfulfilled urges.

zodiac circle Then we can see Three Phases of Time (aka Modalities) ~


Creation, Starting, Causes, Instance, Initiative, Repeating, Immediacy, Opportunity, Leadership, Pushy, Take-charge

Preservation, Maintaining, Archetype, Steady, Stable, Stubborn, Holding, Loyal, Consistent

Destruction, Ending, Effects, Changeable, Moveable, Disperse, Flowing, Duality, Wandering, Insinuation, Evolution

The three Phases (or 'Modalities') are simply the stages in time. Everything that exists or happens has a beginning and an ending. The archetypal principle of a thing or event remains always, while each instance appears and acts and then fades, leaving effects.

The Separation of Time is impressed upon the Elements, making a Beginning and Ending to go with the Archetype for each Element. This gives to each Element a Beginning Phase, the Archetypal Phase and an Ending Phase. These Three Phases for each of the Four Elements express 12 Dimensions, giving a Shape to Time.

We all live in the flow of the Phases of Time. Having a planet in one sign / dimension can be interpreted by the element and the time phase. For example, Sun in Leo means the power of Integration expressed as Fixed Fire. These movements and changes give us a very wide variety of experiences.

The birth positions of our natal charts and the everyday temporal transits give us the complex situations that we all constantly experience. As everyone knows, the transitions are seamless and there are no 'time-outs'.

zodiac wheel
The addition of Time makes Twelve Dimensions ~ 12 Paths In All of Us ~
♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓ The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac can be seen as the Dimensions of the Universe. All of us live with all twelve dimensions. In all of us and in everything around us there are all twelve dimensions.

12 Dimensions
🜂 ♈︎ The First is repeating fire, activity, intention.
🜃 ♉︎ The Second is steady earth, an enduring stable base of infinite Firsts.
🜁 ♊︎ The Third is flowing air, movement through all points in infinite Seconds.
🜄 ♋︎ The Fourth is repeating water, collecting wakes, memories of infinite Thirds.
🜂 ♌︎ The Fifth is steady fire, stable merged integration of all Fourths.
🜃 ♍︎ The Sixth is flowing earth, recursive multiple instances modelled on the Fifth.
🜁 ♎︎ The Seventh is repeating air, relationships between the Sixes, complement to the First.
🜄 ♏︎ The Eighth is steady water, stable transformations of the Sevens, complement to the Second.
🜂 ♐︎ The Ninth is flowing fire, growth due to transformations of the Eighth, complement to the Third.
🜃 ♑︎ The Tenth is repeating earth, structure realizing the growth of the Ninth, complement to the Fourth.
🜁 ♒︎ The Eleventh is steady air, stable illumination of realizations of the Tenth, complement to the Fifth.
🜄 ♓︎ The Twelfth is flowing water, sublimation of the illumination of the Eleventh, complement to the Sixth.

Expansion and Contraction
Of the 12 Dimensions, there are 6 Inner ones to contract (Earth & Water) and 6 Outer ones to expand (Fire & Air). They influence each other. The 6 Outer dimensions Initiate, Activate and Offer while the 6 Inner dimensions Accept, Respond and Transform. When you activate Outer dimensions, effects are created in the Inner ones. These effects set up conditions for the next Outer Actions.

Four Elements
The 3 signs in each Element facilitate each other:
🜂 Fire: activity, intention
  ♈︎ Aries ♌︎ Leo ♐︎ Sagittarius
🜃 Earth: stability, reality
  ♉︎ Taurus ♍︎ Virgo ♑︎ Capricorn
🜁 Air: perception, relations
  ♊︎ Gemini ♎︎ Libra ♒︎ Aquarius
🜄 Water: emotion, changes
  ♋︎ Cancer ♏︎ Scorpio ♓︎ Pisces

Three Phases of Time (aka Modalities)
The 4 signs in each Phase stabilize one another:
• Cardinal: Creator, Starting, Initiating
  ♈︎ Aries ♋︎ Cancer ♎︎ Libra ♑︎ Capricorn
• Fixed: Preserver, Constant, Maintaining
  ♉︎ Taurus ♌︎ Leo ♏︎ Scorpio ♒︎ Aquarius
• Mutable: Destroyer, Flowing, Dispersing
  ♊︎ Gemini ♍︎ Virgo ♐︎ Sagittarius ♓︎ Pisces

Six Sets of Polarities
The 2 signs in each Set of Polarities are 180° across the sky and complement each other. The 6 Pairs of opposite signs indicate attraction, cooperation, partnership or competition. People who work to have good relationships with their Sun-Moon polar opposites develop a good understanding and appreciation of peace and harmony and a broader perspective.
♈︎ Aries ♎︎ Libra
♉︎ Taurus ♏︎ Scorpio
♊︎ Gemini ♐︎ Sagittarius
♋︎ Cancer ♑︎ Capricorn
♌︎ Leo ♒︎ Aquarius
♍︎ Virgo ♓︎ Pisces

Six Sets of Yin Yang Pairs
Yang Signs
♈︎ Aries ♎︎ Libra
♊︎ Gemini ♐︎ Sagittarius
♌︎ Leo ♒︎ Aquarius
Yin Signs
♉︎ Taurus ♏︎ Scorpio
♋︎ Cancer ♑︎ Capricorn
♍︎ Virgo ♓︎ Pisces

The Yin Yang Counterparts
Each Yang sign has a counterpart relation with a Yin sign.
• The Core: ♌︎ Leo ≈ ♋︎ Cancer
• Messages: ♊︎ Gemini ≈ ♍︎ Virgo
• Relations: ♎︎ Libra ≈ ♉︎ Taurus
• Energy: ♈︎ Aries ≈ ♏︎ Scorpio
• Growth: ♐︎ Sagittarius ≈ ♓︎ Pisces
• Completion: ♒︎ Aquarius ≈ ♑︎ Capricorn

The Two Sequences of the Yin Yang Counterparts
These two sets of six signs each also have a simple sequence. Both sets of Six dimensions move from the two Core planets to the two Messenger signs to the two signs that represent Relationships to the two emblems of Energy to the two signs of Growth and finally to the two dimensions of Completion. They interweave with each other, one to the next, criss-crossing each other and thus the two sequences describe a double helix.

Inherent Paradoxes
Curiously, each Sign can also be seen as contradicting the previous Sign. Thus, actions that are appropriate for one can be quite incorrect for the next sign! Learning to balance and coordinate these Dimensions and functions is a life-long mission. Like a sailboat tacking to progress against the wind, first we go in this direction, then we change to the other direction and we can make progress. Remembering to accept the differences of others and allowing for the necessary changes is important.

Interwoven Qualities
While we can view each Dimension as a Path building upon the previous levels as steps, they are also interwoven, interrelated and interactive. What we choose in each Path affects all the others. We rewrite ourselves and our future and our perspective and understanding of the past with each choice or achievement in any of the Paths.

Note: This is just my own interpretation, feel free to ignore or argue..
Time appears as Life moves and waves through the 12 Dimensions, creating Reality by making choices, closing some options and opening other possibilities as we progress.
Life is always at Now.
We constitute the Universal Now.
Our current position in the Shape of Time is Now.
No one remains in Yesterday, and no-one is yet in Tomorrow.
We are all Now.
The Past is crystallized into Memory and a persistent physical Reality, while the Future is the variety of possible paths. The immediate future can seem almost visible in our imaginations and dreams, while the further away future seems more and more nebulous. We can choose our directions.
Destiny is like the bones and other definite forms of a body while Free Will is like the moveable joints and muscles. Using them together We dance through the world!

Whatever we do in one Path is shared and informs and affects all the other Paths. If we make a correct action in a path or a correction to a mistake, it sends the correct action as a wave back towards a path in which an error was made. The correct action wave is also sent to the next paths to appropriately prepare the way for new choices and actions. This is easily illustrated by two ancient recommendations that refer to the last two Paths:
  • "And you shall know the Truth and The Truth shall set you Free."
    To know and express the Truth.
    This is right action in the Path of Aquarius, the penultimate path, and will send a message of correction back to all the previous paths and also forward to Pisces, the last path. When someone knows and expresses the Truth, it makes a difference. Of course, we all know of the desirable ideals of True Friendship and True Love.

  • "Love thy neighbor as thyself."
    To live with Charity, Kindness and Compassion.
    This is right action in the Path of Pisces which, as the last path in each of us, sends a message of correction to all our other paths. Thus any act of Charity, Kindness and Compassion has an effect similar to a reset button, allowing us a bit of a breathing space to explore other choices and actions that are appropriate to more fully accept and complete our corrections.

"Which Sign is best?"

"It's Capricorn."

"What? Why? Are you a Capricorn?"

• When you ask anything, any kind of question, the sign-dimension that pertains to that Topic, Quality or Meaning will be called on to organize an answer.
• For example: Virgo will advise regarding Refinement & Health, Libra will answer questions pertaining to Relationships and Balance, and Pisces will answer queries involving Empathy and Compassion.
• Capricorn and Saturn hold all our Experiences, Perspectives, Maps and our ability to judge where everything in our life belongs. So the question of 'What is Best?' ~ whether to do, to have, to choose, or to change ~ is always asking your Capricorn dimension to help you to distinguish 'What is Best'.
• Hence, we can think of Capricorn as the 'Best' sign dimension."

"That's not exactly what I was asking.."

"I know, but that's my best answer."

* Questions and replies above are from Astrology classes taught by the author.

• "We and the Cosmos are one. "The Cosmos is a vast living body, of which we are still parts. The Sun is a great heart whose tremors run through our smallest veins. The Moon is a great nerve center from which we quiver forever. Who knows the power that Saturn has over us, or Venus? But it is a vital power, rippling exquisitely through us all the time."
• "We need not feel ashamed of flirting with the Zodiac. The Zodiac is well worth flirting with."
D.H. Lawrence ( ☉ ♍︎ )

• “Astrology is assured of recognition from psychology, without further restrictions, because astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.”
• "We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more."
• “The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection…”
C.G. Jung ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♉︎ ), psychologist

• "A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician."

"I don't believe in astrology; I'm a Sagittarius and we're skeptical."
Arthur C. Clarke ( ☉ ♐︎ )

image of the Sun and the Moon

The Lights: The Sun and The Moon ~
The Sun and The Moon are also known as the "Lights" or the "Luminaries". They are the two most prominent factors in the chart.

Every living thing has their birth position of the Sun as their outer light and their birth position of the Moon as their inner light. The Sun steadily radiates and gives light and the Moon receives and reflects light to show her changes over time. Together, these two represent the core process of receiving and giving in the cycle of Life.

Each person has a Sun which lights their world through only one of the dimensions and one 'house'. Each person has a Moon which displays their reactions through only one of the dimensions and one 'house'. These limits give each person individuality and distinct character. So when you look at a group of people, you can see that the Sun and Moon are present with a wide array of styles and in a wide range of venues ('houses').

"In the beginning of all things wisdom and knowledge were with the animals, for Tirawa, the One Above, did not speak directly to man. He sent certain animals to tell men that he showed himself through the beasts, and that from them, and from the stars and the sun and the moon should man learn .... all things tell of Tirawa."
Eagle Chief (Letakots-Lesa) (late 19th century): Pawnee

"This above all, To thine ownself be true;
and it must follow, as the night the day,
thou canst not then be false to any man."
Will Shakespeare: Hamlet, Act I, Scene III. Polonius' advice to Laertes

image of the Planets
The Planets: Moveable Points of Focus and Accents ~
Each Planet serves as a focus for one dimension. The planets move in their orbits through the Zodiac. The Zodiac appears to move across our sky, rising and setting as our world turns. Together with the 12 Houses of the Earth's surface this makes three layers of 12 interactive symbols: The Ruling Planets move through the 12 Zodiac signs and through the 12 Houses of the Earth's surface. In this way a planet can carry the significance of their sign through the other signs, temporarily mixing the meanings and offering certain experiences.

What is the architecture of space that causes circular paths, rings revolving around a center point, to divide perpendicularly into equal sections (like those of oranges, greatfruits, lemons or other citrus fruit) that express the 12 dimensions? The LaGrange points could be one visible physical example of the gravitational aspect of this architecture.
"Astrology is the best boat for the journey of self-discovery."
Saying from Indian astrologers

"Astrological factors seem as dangerous as a tiger when you do not have a strong spiritual connection, but they seem as mild as a kitten when you do."
Saying from Hindu Astrologers

"When an inner situation is not made conscious, it appears outside as fate."
Carl Jung ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♉︎ ), psychologist

A Holographic Universe ~
Scientists have described the Universe as "holographic". The Astrological model, like the holographic, holds that all the principles and attributes that you find in the Entirety are also present in each of the individual pieces. "As above, so below"

Holograms have an amazing attribute: If you cut a hologram film in half holograms split each half will still display the entire picture, but with less focus, at a lower resolution, a little fuzzy and with a partial perspective. You can again divide each piece and again you will see the same original picture, but again with less focus, even fuzzier and with a more restricted range of perspective.

"What we observe as material bodies and forces are nothing but shapes and variations in the structure of space." Erwin Schrödinger ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♉︎ ) physicist, quantum mechanics

We have some attributes that identify us as distinct particles and some that identify us as parts of waves. So we can see ourselves as tiny semi-distinct pieces of the holographic living Universe, each with the entire picture, but at a low resolution, somewhat out of focus. (OK, extremely out of focus..)
Remarkably, thankfully, we can all cultivate, develop and strengthen our relationships and connections with others. Together we can learn, grow, share and increase our knowledge to improve the focus and clarity of our view of the world. Our shared knowledge and emotional bonds with others contribute to a much greater resolution of our picture and understanding of the world and also greater effectiveness in living in the world.
   🐉︎ (🏺︎ 🐟︎ ⚖︎) (♒︎ ♓︎ ♎︎) 🕎︎ ✡︎ 🕉︎ ☯︎
List: About This Page, Key Terms, Columns Headers

About This Page
This page started as simple curiosity about the newly discovered round-body planets in the outer regions of our own solar system. How many are there? What do astronomers know about them? Have astrologers started to find correlations in charts? It was a pleasant surprise to find that there are photos of all the spherical moons in our inner system!
At some point, it seemed natural to add the mythological and astrological backgrounds. The page evolved as friends enjoyed the work and provided valued feedback and encouragement. So now, basically this page is my own ongoing study of Astrology. For me, Astrology is the study of the abstract principles of nature. This page is not presented as Astrological orthodoxy. Many of the interpretations of planetary symbolism are my own and are still developing. Of course, this also means that any mistakes, errors or omissions are due only to my own inattention or misunderstanding.
The astrological notes are drawn from study of traditional sources, modern researchers' work and ideas, my own experiences, meditation and listening and accepting. For years, I've bugged many friends, colleagues, fellow workers and acquaintances with requests for their birthdates and anecdotes about their own characteristics and those of their families and friends.

The stories "Four Blind Musicians" (♊︎), "The Music Teacher" (♉︎), "The Entrance to Heaven and Hell" (♑︎), "The Enlightened Grandfather" (♒︎) and "The Old King's Coin" (♎︎) were re-written by the author as briefer re-tellings of some good old traditional and popular stories.

In the Notes, this little arrow Just like that!
indicates you can mouse over it to see additional information like quotes and lyrics.
This page was hand-written in HTML, CSS & JavaScript using SciTE. Some illustrations were made with GIMP. Many illustrations come from the web sites listed in Resource Links. Some drawings are by the author. The planets' facts and photos come from NASA sites and other Astronomical Research web sites. The HTML and CSS code has been validated at

The fine font used for many glyphs is Astroganza by Jason Davies.
AstroGanza was designed in a semi handwritten / weathered style initially for Jason's own personal use.
This font is Copyrighted 2003 by Jason Davies and is available for use from WidgetsWorld at no charge. You may use this font for commercial purposes if you notify

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I hope you enjoy this summary of the planets' data! If you find any serious data errors, please send via the contact page on the Astrofaces web page. Thanks!
🐉︎ (🏺︎ 🐟︎ ⚖︎) (♒︎ ♓︎ ♎︎) 🕎︎ ✡︎ 🕉︎ ☯︎
The List Interactions
Rulerships, Elements, Phases, Polarities, Analogues

• Click on the Bodies names in the list to read Astronomical facts, Mythology of the names and Astrological essays.
• Click on 'Display Notes of all Astrological Rulers' to open the notes of 12 solar system bodies and the 12 Zodiac Signs they represent.
• Click on 'Display Each Note in Zodiac Order'. At the end of each note, you can click to the next one.
• Click on 'Display Elements' to read about the planets clustered by Element.
• Click on 'Display Phases' to read about the planets clustered by Phase.
• Click on 'Display Polarities' to read about the planets arranged in pairs of Zodiac opposites.
• Click on 'Display YinYang Analogues' to read about the planets related by YinYang. Each Yin planet has a Yang counterpart.

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The 2 buttons at the far right side of the List Interaction pane will hide or show the explanations and details of the elements, phases and combinations. You can change this at any time.

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The Planets Orderings in the List and in the Notes
The Planets are listed in the physical order in which they appear from the Sun outward, not in the order of the Zodiac signs.

At the end of each Note, you'll read about how that Zodiac Path leads to the next one. If you wish to read in Zodiac order, start with the planet Mars which represents Aries, the Ram. You may then read the Notes in the order of the Zodiac Signs.
The physical order of Planets from the Sun outward:

The Sun, (Our Star)
Mercury, Venus, Earth & Moon, Mars, Ceres, (rockies)
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, (gas & ice giants)
Pluto and Eris. (outer rockies)
The smaller spherical minor planets of the outer solar system are listed by their orbital periods. They may be associated with the signs in auxiliary roles.
The Zodiac Paths in their order with their ruling planets.
(mouse over icons to see Latin names)
♈︎ Ram ♂︎ Mars ♎︎ Balance Eris Eris (?)
♉︎ Bull ♀︎ Venus ♏︎ Scorpion ♇︎ Pluto
♊︎ Pair ☿︎ Mercury ♐︎ Archer ♃︎ Jupiter
♋︎ Crab 🌙︎ Earth•Moon ♑︎ Sea Goat ♄︎ Saturn
♌︎ Lion ☉︎ The Sun ♒︎ Ewer ♅︎ Uranus
♍︎ Girl ⚳︎ Ceres ♓︎ Fish ♆︎ Neptune
Regions of the Solar System
  • Inner System Bodies ~ Our Star, Planets & Moons .. (Sorted by Apsides - Distance from The Sun)
    • Antiquity : "7 Classical Bodies" : Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.
    • Modern Age : New Planets and Objects seen with Telescopes and Probes:
      • ABO : Asteroid Belt Objects :
        Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, Hygeia (Four spherical among ~ 400,000 non-spherical)
      • CBO : Centaur Belt Objects:
        Chiron, Nessus, Pholus (Non-spherical & elliptical orbits)
      • ISB : Inner System Bodies : Uranus, Neptune, Quaoar. (Spherical worlds with circular orbits)
  • Outer System Bodies ~ Kuiper Belt & Oort Cloud (Sorted by Orbital Periods - Planetary Years)
    All these are spherical among many more non-spherical objects.
    All of them have extremely long years and most have highly elliptical orbits.

    • KBO : Kuiper Belt Objects & Moons :
      Orcus, Pluto, Ixion, 2005RN43, 2002MS4, Salacia, Varuna, Haumea, Makemake, Varda,
      2002AW197, 2002TC302, Gongong, Eris, G!Kun (& counting..)
    • OCO : Oort Cloud Objects & Moons :
      Sedna (& counting..)
image of the solar system regions image of the solar system regions
Columns Headers
  • Known Since.. Always, Antiquity, Year of Discovery

  • Names of Planets & Moons.
    The Rulers also have their Symbols. Moons are indicated with a lunar symbol & the parent planet's symbol.
    Click the Name of a planet or moon to open the Notes column for more information and photos.

  • Diameter of Planets & Moons in Kilometers (Km).

    There is a very wide range of diameters of the round bodies in our Solar System. The Sun is about 1,392,000 km wide. Jupiter, the largest planet orbiting the Sun, is almost 143,000 km wide, while the smallest round bodies are only around 400 km wide!

    The Minimum Diameter or Width at the Equator for a Spherical World is about 400 to 500 Km, depending upon the body's condition & composition ( water, ices, rocks, heat, etc ). See the Asteroids Pallas and Hygiea and the Moons Mimas, Enceladus and Miranda for examples of the small bodies that have been photographed.

    Diameters ~ image from: Scale, Time and Distance
  • Rotational Period of Planets & Moons in Earth Hours or Days.

    This is the "Day" of each Planet and Moon. These "Days" are reported here as Earth days and hours. So a "Day" on Mercury equals 58 Earth days and a Mercurian "Year" equals 88 Earth days. The "Day" measured here is the rotation with relation to the "fixed stars", the "Sidereal Day". All planets spin on their axis. Some spin very slowly (Mercury, Venus) and some spin very quickly! (Jupiter, Haumea) The speed of rotation is involved in the strength of the magnetic field.
    Like our Moon, most moons are Tidally Locked, Synchronous (TLS) in their revolution around their Parent Planet. These moons stopped spinning independently long, long ago. Today, like our Moon, they show only one face to their parent planet. The density of the moon determines how it faces the planet. So the Days of almost all the moons in our solar system are the same as their Months.

    rotation on axis
    Rotational Period ~ image from: Planets Spin
  • Orbital Period Revolution of Planets & Moons in Earth Years, Days or Hours.

    The Orbital Period of a planet is the "Year" of that Planet's orbit around The Sun counted in Earth Days or Years.

    The Orbital Period of Moons and Rings around the Parent Planet are their "Months" counted in Earth Hours or Days.

    In this list, Outer System Minor Planets beyond Quaoar (Kuiper Belt & Oort Cloud) are ordered by Orbital Periods, their "years", since their Apsides (Perihelions & Aphelions) are so extremely far apart. These are displayed in Earth time periods, Earth years.

    Orbits - revolution around the Sun
  • Apsides / O.E. Closest & Furthest Distances from the Sun & Orbital Eccentricity - Deviations from a circle.

    • The Inner System Planets are listed in order of their Apsides, their distance from The Sun. Their Perihelions & Aphelions are listed in Millions of Kilometers (mKm) and Astronomical Units (AU).
    • The Moons are listed from their Parent Planet outward. On this page, only spherical Moons are listed, not rocks.
    • The Apsides of all Moons are listed as a single number, the Mean Orbital Distance from the parent planet in Kilometers.
    • In this list, the 3 lesser roughly round Asteroids (Vesta, Pallas & Hygiea) are grouped under Ceres like moons, although they circle the Sun in their own orbits in the Asteroid Belt and therefore are classified as Minor Planets.

    • Orbital Eccentricity: The number to the right of the Apsides is the Orbital Eccentricity, a measure of the orbit's deviation from a circle. The Planets do not move in perfect circles around the Sun. All planetary orbits are elliptical. Some are nearly circular and some are extremely elliptical.
    The orbital deviation from a circle is expressed as a single number - the O.E. A circle is numbered as "0".
    Here is the Formula.
    Eccentricity is half the distance between the foci,
    divided by half the length of the major axis.
    This can be expressed by this equation: e = c / a.
    Some Links:
    Planetary Orbits
    Orbital Eccentricity
    Exercises to understand O.E.
    A video to explain O.E.

    Apsides Definitions
    • Planets ~ Perihelion & Aphelion (millionKm & AU)
      • Perihelion - Closest Orbital Approach of a Planet to the Sun
      • Aphelion - Furthest Orbital Distance of a Planet from the Sun
    • Moons ~ Perigee & Apogee (Km)
      • Perigee - Closest Orbital Approach of a Moon to the Parent Planet
      • Apogee - Furthest Orbital Distance of a Moon from the Parent Planet
    • Distances
      AU = Astronomical Unit (A Very Large Distance)
      By definition: The Mean Distance from the Sun's center to the Earth's center.
      Some Equivalents:
      • c = Speed of Light = ( ~ 186,000 miles / second | ~ 300,000 km / second )
      • 1 AU = 8 Light Minutes, ~ 93 million Miles, ~ 150 million Km, 0.1495978707 Terameters
      • 1 Light Year (LY) = 2,644 AU ( The Distance that Light travels in One Earth Year )
      • 1 Parsec (Pc) = 3.26 LY (An Immense Distance based on Parallax)
      Centauri, the nearest star system (3 stars), is about 4 LY away. (Just Next Door!)

    An interesting note is that all the Outer System bodies, the far away minor planets and satellites, do not simply circle the Sun in far away circular orbits.

    Instead they all dive towards the Sun, approaching Quaoar and even Neptune and then they swing out and far away in highly elliptical orbits that take hundreds or even thousands of years to complete!

    This resembles and may remind us of the circulatory system in any creature. The blood comes toward the Heart and then dashes away to circle around again!

    See the entry for Quaoar (after Neptune) for an interesting observation ("The Anchor Ring").

    According to current observations, the gap between the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud seems to be about 40 AU wide.

    Apsides ~ image from:

    Apsides of orbits around the Sun
  • Notes & Photos:
    • Photos from Telescopes and Space Probes!
    • Zodiac Rulerships ~ both Indo-European & East Asian
    • Minor Planets have an additional line of identifiers at the top of the Notes:
      Region: ABO/KBO/OCO | MPC: Minor Planet Center # | PD: Provisional Designation | Ephemeris: Link
    • Astronomy: Physical characteristics
    • Mythology: The Origin of the Name
    • Astrology:
      •   Planet Icon and Zodiac Glyph
      •   Keywords & Principles
      •   Yin Yang Analogue
      •   Notes, Descriptions and Interpretations
      •   Quotes
      •   Links: books, movies, music, etc
      •   Click to read next Sign

    image missing - screenshot of notes

List: Interactions
Click Names to Toggle Notes
(Sun, Planets, Moons, etc.)
♌ ♊ ♉ ♋ ♈ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓ Display Notes of All 12 Astrological Rulers
in the physical order of The Solar System.
♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓ Display Each Note in Zodiac Order
This opens with Mars, the ruler of Aries, the first Sign.
At the end of each Note you can click to go to the next.
🜂 Display Elements
The 3 Fire planets
~ Sun Mars Jupiter ~
in the order of the solar system
🜃 Display Elements
The 3 Earth planets
~ Venus Ceres Saturn ~
in the order of the solar system
🜁 Display Elements
The 3 Air planets
~ Mercury Eris Uranus ~
in the order of the solar system
🜄 Display Elements
The 3 Water planets
~ Earth•Moon Pluto Neptune ~
in the order of the solar system
Display Phases
The 4 Cardinal Starting planets
~ Earth•Moon Mars Saturn Eris ~
in the order of the solar system
Display Phases
The 4 Fixed Archetype planets
~ Sun Venus Uranus Pluto ~
in the order of the solar system
Display Phases
The 4 Mutable Ending planets
~ Mercury Ceres Jupiter Neptune ~
in the order of the solar system
♈ ♎ Display Polarities
~ Aries Libra ~
♉ ♏ Display Polarities
~ Taurus Scorpio ~
♊ ♐ Display Polarities
~ Gemini Sagittarius ~
♋ ♑ Display Polarities
~ Cancer Capricorn ~
♌ ♒ Display Polarities
~ Leo Aquarius ~
♍ ♓ Display Polarities
~ Virgo Pisces ~
yin yang Click to Display:
Yang Planets and Signs
Yin Planets and Signs
♌ ♋
Display YinYang Analogues
The Core ~ The Sun Earth•Moon ~
♊ ♍
Display YinYang Analogues
Messages ~ Mercury Ceres ~
♉ ♎
Display YinYang Analogues
Relationships ~ Venus Eris ~
♈ ♏
Display YinYang Analogues
Energy ~ Mars Pluto ~
♓ ♐
Display YinYang Analogues
Growth ~ Jupiter Neptune ~
♑ ♒
Display YinYang Analogues
Completion ~ Saturn Uranus ~
All Notes
All Opens
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Currently Viewing the List 🙵
12 Planetary Rulerships
🜂 Fire 🜃 Earth 🜁 Air 🜄 Water
Cardinal Aries 🙵 Mars Capricorn 🙵 Saturn Libra 🙵 Eris? Cancer 🙵 The Earth•Moon
Fixed Leo 🙵 The Sun Taurus 🙵 Venus Aquarius 🙵 Uranus Scorpio 🙵 Pluto
Mutable Sagittarius 🙵 Jupiter Virgo 🙵 Ceres Gemini 🙵 Mercury Pisces 🙵 Neptune
Aquarius Scorpio
Pisces 12 Rulerships lib
Aries vir
Taurus Leo
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4 Elements ~ Trios of Signs & Planets ~ Keywords
🜂 Fire Aries 🙵 Mars | Leo 🙵 The Sun | Sagittarius 🙵 Jupiter activity🙵 intention, direction, identity, unity, strength, pleasure, joy, creativity, growth, enthusiasm, purpose, gentle victory, inspiration.
🜃 Earth Taurus 🙵 Venus | Virgo 🙵 Ceres | Capricorn 🙵 Saturn physicality🙵 stability, resource, desire, sweetness, value, measures, skills, context, structure, boundary, respect, satisfaction, realization, fulfillment, resting in truth.
🜁 Air Gemini 🙵 Mercury | Libra 🙵 Eris | Aquarius 🙵 Uranus intellect🙵 pattern, movement, perception, communication, theory, connection, relationship, knowledge, insight, enlightenment, freedom.
🜄 Water Cancer 🙵 Earth•Moon | Scorpio 🙵 Pluto | Pisces 🙵 Neptune emotions🙵 feeling, reaction, fear, care, motivate, transform, passion, heal, resonance, empathy, compassion, transcendance, joyful surrender, union.
4 Elements
4 Trios
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3 Phases ~ Quartets of Signs & Planets ~ Keywords
Cardinal Aries 🙵 Mars Crab 🙵 Earth•Moon Libra 🙵 Eris Capricorn 🙵 Saturn Create, Initiate, Starter, Gather, Repeat, Instance, Cause, Immediate, Opportunity, Leadership, Take-charge, Pushy
Fixed Taurus 🙵 Venus Leo 🙵 The Sun Scorpio 🙵 Pluto Aquarius 🙵 Uranus Preserve, Maintain, Archetype, Steady, Foundation, Hold, Ever-present, Stable, Consistent, Loyal, Stubborn, Closed
Mutable Gemini 🙵 Mercury Virgo 🙵 Ceres Sagittarius 🙵 Jupiter Pisces 🙵 Neptune Destroy, End, Disperser, Change, Move, Flow, Effect, Duality, Interfere, Release, Idealize, Testing, Fickle
3 Phases
3 Quartets
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click the Hide button above.
6 Polarity Pairs
Cardinal Yang Fixed Yin Mutable Yang Cardinal Yin Fixed Yang Mutable Yin
Aries 🙵 Mars
Libra 🙵 Eris?
Taurus 🙵 Venus
Scorpio 🙵 Pluto
Gemini 🙵 Mercury
Sagittarius 🙵 Jupiter
Cancer 🙵 Earth•Moon
Capricorn 🙵 Saturn
Leo 🙵 The Sun
Aquarius 🙵 Uranus
Virgo 🙵 Ceres
Pisces 🙵 Neptune
6 Polarity
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click the Hide button above.
2 YinYang Sets of 6
Yang: Fire/Air Aries 🙵 Mars Gemini 🙵 Mercury Leo 🙵 The Sun Libra 🙵 Eris? Sagittarius 🙵 Jupiter Aquarius 🙵 Uranus
Outer: Activity, Communication, Giving, Connection, Exploration, Enlightenment
Yin: Earth/Water Taurus 🙵 Venus Cancer 🙵 Earth•Moon Virgo 🙵 Ceres Scorpio 🙵 Pluto Capricorn 🙵 Saturn Pisces 🙵 Neptune
Inner: Desire, Receiving, Rumination, Transformation, Fulfillment, Transcendance.
Yin Yang
2 Sets
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6 Analogue Pairs
Functions Yin ~ Inner ~ Earth 🙵 Water Yang ~ Outer ~ Fire 🙵 Air
The Core Crab 🙵 Earth•Moon (Water) Receiving Leo 🙵 The Sun (Fire) Giving
Messages Virgo 🙵 Ceres (Earth) Rumination Gemini 🙵 Mercury (Air) Communication
Relations Taurus 🙵 Venus (Earth) Desire Libra 🙵 Eris? (Air) Connection
Energy Scorpio 🙵 Pluto (Water) Transformation Aries 🙵 Mars (Fire) Activity
Growth Pisces 🙵 Neptune (Water) Transcendance Sagittarius 🙵 Jupiter (Fire) Exploration
Completion Capricorn 🙵 Saturn (Earth) Fulfillment Aquarius 🙵 Uranus (Air) Enlightenment
6 Analogue
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click the Hide button above.
(click names)
Apsides (Km,AU) / O.E. (𝑒)
⮟ Sorted
Astronomy, Mythology, Astrology, Keywords & Photos
Always The Sun 1.392 M 11-30 hr * *
☉︎ ♌︎ :: The Sun, Ruler of LEO ~ The Lion / The Dragon
The Sun

The Sun

  • The Sun, the central body in our Solar System, is a Star ~ a huge ball of fusing hydrogen & helium. Unimaginably great waves of energy are continually radiated outward. Scientists have estimated that the Sunshine that falls on the Earth in a small portion of a single day actually carries enough energy to power our world-wide civilization for an entire year, if we knew how to use it efficiently.
  • Our Sun has an 11-year cycle of solar activity. At times dark sunspots appear as regions of relative coolness on the surface.
  • The temperature at the surface of the Sun is about 5,600 ℃ (Celsius) / 10,000 ℉ (Fahrenheit). The temperature inside the Sun is estimated to be much hotter ~ about 15,000,000 ℃ / 27,000,000 ℉.
  • The Sun spins. There are several distinct latitudinal regions that rotate at various speeds.
  • On the Sun, there are vibrations that ring like a bell! He Sings! The Sun also flings out into space huge electro-magnetic flares that can even affect us here on Earth. He Dances! The beautiful aurorae at the North and South poles appear when the solar wind interacts with the Earth's upper atmosphere and magnetic field.
  • A Question of Stellar Formation
    It is thought that, over billions of years, Stars like our Sun gradually create in their centers solid cores of fused elements. Do these cores become planets? Are stars the childhood form of planets? Are planets the adult form of stars? Do planets wander around in families and form new stars in their barycenters when they feed on hydrogen nebulae? Do families of planets give birth to new stars?

In Greece and Rome, Helios or Apollo was the Olympian god of the Sun who drove his chariot across the sky every day. He also played Healing Music. In English, Sunday is named after the Sun.
In Chinese 太阳 ("Tai Yang") means "Yang, South of the Hill"
In Hindi सूर्य ("Surya") means "Sun"
In Hebrew חמה ("Ḥammah") means "Hot One"

☉︎ ♌︎ The Sun rules The Lion / The Dragon • Identity  • Strength  • Integrity  • Warmth  • Pleasure  • Joys & Sorrows  • Creativity  • Arts  • Music & Dance  • Comedy & Drama  • Giving  • Instinctive Affection  • Happiness  • Focus of Love  • YinYang Yang The Sun is the Yang analogue to Earth/Moon
which is Yin and Rules the Crab / Rabbit.

The Sun represents Leo, the Steady Ever-present Fire. As the Steady Fire, The Sun is the Heart. Traditionally, the Immortal Spirit is attached to the material body in the Heart. The Sun symbolizes our Strength of Will to be Ourselves. The Sun, The Heart is Simple and Strong, holding Joys and Sorrows, Victory and Loss.
The Sun, the Heart is the Focus for Life and Love.

"I Am seated in everyone's Heart,
and from Me come Remembrance, Knowledge and Forgetfulness."
Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 15 Verse 15

The Sun, The Heart is the Principle that Integrates our own parts together and also integrates our World into us and makes our Impression upon the World. The Sun Enlivens the System. He Sings! Our Hearts are our engines for Life.

With the dimension of Leo, we become aware that we are more than our individual ego, that indeed, we are animated by the Source of Life. Leo people (Sun, Moon) are naturally prepared to easily become aware of their Universal Spirit, "I AM".

Leo people really do have an understanding of the 'Heart of the Matter'. They know how to see what is Simple and True. From a very young age, they will be interested to know that those around them are happy.

When we are with our favorite people, with those we love, our hearts may grow excited and beat faster, stronger and more steadily, bringing our entire being into synchrony to be present for the relationships, complete with Tears and Laughter.

Out in the world, Leos simply know how to be themselves and to feel good. They therefore inspire others to be themselves and to feel good. Leos see the BIG PICTURE.
Although they are usually calm and collected, Leos are also naturally the central figures in any group, the ring-masters. People often gravitate around them looking for their attention. They are natural royalty! In a happy society you will see Leos who share their light and strength with everyone around them.

At work, Leo people know how to clearly identify everyone's best abilities. They can clearly see everyone else's talents. They can easily delegate tasks to those who are most suitable and most interested and most able to complete each task with the best results. The Leos help inspire the best contributions from everyone.

You may know sulky Leos. You may know mean or even cruel Leos. Their unhappy condition is an indicator of the failures of our narcissistic societies and civilization. This twisted characteristic of the human personality makes an unhappy mockery of the Leo sign-dimension. If the natural outpouring of love was somehow subverted, then the energy of the Leo may be expressed as harsh interactions with others.

If you wish to help, just remember that Leos respond to people who exemplify love and respect together with strength. They also respond very well to genuine appreciation.

"The Heart wants what the Heart wants!"

Quotes by People with Sun in Leo

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world.
The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.
Therefore, All progress depends on the unreasonable man."
George Bernard Shaw ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♉︎ ) Man and Superman

• "That was the way with Man; it had always been that way. He had carried terror with him. And the thing he was afraid of had always been himself." - Way Station (1963)
• "A man, he told himself, must belong to something, must have some loyalty and some identity. The galaxy was too big a place for any being to stand naked and alone." - Way Station (1963)
• "The assurance would be there, he thought, the assurance that life had a special place in the great scheme of existence, that one, no matter how small, how feeble, how insignificant, still did count for something in the vast sweep of space and time." - Way Station (1963)
• "Overall, I have written in a quiet manner; there is little violence in my work. My focus has been on people, not on events. More often than not I have struck a hopeful note ... I have, on occasions, tried to speak out for decency and compassion, for understanding, not only in the human, but in the cosmic sense. I have tried at times to place humans in perspective against the vastness of universal time and space. I have been concerned where we, as a race, may be going, and what may be our purpose in the universal scheme – if we have a purpose. In general, I believe we do, and perhaps an important one."
Clifford D. Simak ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♉︎ )

Interview with Carl Jung (1959)
• Interviewer: "Do you remember the occasion when you first felt consciousness of your own individual self?"
• CJ: "That was in my eleventh year. On my way to school I stepped out of a mist. It was just as if I had been in a mist, walking in a mist, and I stepped out of it, and I knew I Am. I am what I am. And then I thought, but what have I been before? I then found that I had been in a mist, not knowing to differentiate my self from things. I was just one thing among many things."
Carl Jung ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♉︎ ) one of the founding fathers of psychology

• ".. Quantum physics thus reveals a basic oneness of the universe."
• “I am no friend of probability theory, I have hated it from the first moment when our dear friend Max Born gave it birth. For it could be seen how easy and simple it made everything, in principle, everything ironed and the true problems concealed. Everybody must jump on the bandwagon. And actually not a year passed before it became an official credo, and it still is.”
(Still regarding Probability Theory) ".. for eternally and always there is only now, one and the same now; the present is the only thing that has no end. I don't like it (probability theory), and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it. The world is given to me only once, not one existing and one perceived. Subject and object are only one."
• “There is obviously only one alternative, namely the unification of minds or consciousnesses. Their multiplicity is only apparent, in truth there is only one mind.”
• "What we observe as material bodies and forces are nothing but shapes and variations in the structure of space."
• “What is it that has called you so suddenly out of nothingness to enjoy for a brief while a spectacle which remains quite indifferent to you? The conditions for your existence are almost as old as the rocks. For thousands of years men have striven and suffered and begotten and women have brought forth in pain. A hundred years ago, perhaps, another man sat on this spot; like you he gazed with awe and yearning in his heart at the dying light of the glaciers. Like you he was begotten of man and born of woman. He felt pain and brief joy as you do. Was he someone else? Was it not you yourself? What is this Self of yours? What was the necessary condition for making the thing conceived this time into you, just you and not someone else? What clearly intelligible scientific meaning can this 'someone else' really have? If she who is now your mother had cohabited with someone else and had a son by him, and your father had done likewise, would you have come to be? Or were you living in them, and in your father's father... thousands of years ago? And even if this is so, why are you not your brother, why is your brother not you, why are you not one of your distant cousins? What justifies you in obstinately discovering this difference - the difference between you and someone else - when objectively what is there is the same?”
• "The scientist only imposes two things, namely truth and sincerity, imposes them upon himself and upon other scientists."
• "For a solitary animal egoism is a virtue that tends to preserve and improve the species: in any kind of community it becomes a destructive vice."
• "The task is not to see what has never been seen before, but to think what has never been thought before about what you see everyday."
• “Science cannot tell us a word about why music delights us, or why and how an old song can move us to tears.”
Erwin Schrödinger ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♉︎ ) physicist, quantum mechanics

"The great artists are those who impose their personal vision upon humanity."
Guy de Maupassant ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♋︎ ) Original Short Stories

"I do me ~ or I do nothing."
Hadar ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♋︎ )

"There is but one law, one principle, one cause, one source of power.
We cannot change the law, but by understanding and cooperation we may bring ourselves, through our thought processes,
into harmony with the law and let the law work with us, through us and for us."
Venice J. Bloodworth, PhD ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♌︎ ) Key to Yourself

"Human society fascinates me and awes me and fills me with grief and joy.
I just can't find my place to plug into it."
Elizabeth Eaton "Connie" Converse ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♍︎ ) folk musician

"All men dream, but not equally.
Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity -
but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act out their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.";
T.E.Lawrence ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♐︎ ) Lawrence of Arabia

"The secret of life is to have a task,
something you devote your entire life to,
something you bring everything to every minute of the day for your whole life.
And the most important thing is - it must be something you cannot possibly do!"
Henry Moore ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♑︎ ) artist

"Throughout history, hate has always been the easy path, the path of least resistance.
Let me be clear, you will not find success at the end of the road.
You will not find fulfillment or happiness because hate burns fast and bright."
Arnold Schwarzenegger ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♑︎ ) actor, Governor of California - 2003 to 2011

• “At 14, I discovered girls. I got started dancing because I knew it was one way to meet girls. At that time, dancing was the only way you could put your arm around the girl. Dancing was courtship. Only later did I discover that you dance joy. You dance love. You dance dreams. .. And I know if I can make you smile by jumping over a couple of couches or running through a rainstorm, then I'll be very glad to be a song and dance man.”
• “Come on with the rain ~ I've a smile on my face.”
• “Any man who looks like a sissy while dancing is just a lousy dancer.”
• “I didn't want to move or act like a rich man. I wanted to dance in a pair of jeans. I wanted to dance like the man in the streets.”
Gene Kelly ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♑︎ ) actor, singer, dancer

"It is my heart that makes my songs, not I."
Sara Teasdale ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♓︎ )

Quotes by others relevant to Leo

"This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24

"The Heart wants what it wants, or else it does not care."
Emily Dickinson ( ☉ ♐︎ )

"The Heart has its reasons, of which Reason knows nothing.
We know it in a thousand things. I say that the Heart loves the universal Being naturally, and it loves itself naturally, according to its inclination, and it hardens itself against the one or the other at its choice. You have rejected the one and preserved the other: is it through reason that you love? It is the Heart that feels God, and not the Reason. This is faith: God sensible to the Heart, not to the Reason."
Blaise Pascal ( ☉ ♊︎ )

Research has shown that the heart communicates to the brain in four major ways: neurologically (through the transmission of nerve impulses), biochemically (via hormones and neurotransmitters), biophysically (through pressure waves) and energetically (through electromagnetic field interactions).
The HeartMath Website Main Page

"The anatomy and functions of the intrinsic cardiac nervous system and its connections with the brain have been explored extensively by neurocardiologists. In terms of heart-brain communication, it is generally well-known that the efferent (descending) pathways in the autonomic nervous system are involved in the regulation of the heart.
However, it is less appreciated that the majority of fibers in the vagus nerves are afferent (ascending) in nature. Furthermore, more of these ascending neural pathways are related to the heart (and cardiovascular system) than to any other organ. This means the heart sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart.
More recent research shows that the neural interactions between the heart and brain are more complex than previously thought. In addition, the intrinsic cardiac nervous system has both short-term and long-term memory functions and can operate independently of central neuronal command."
This HeartMath article

"When a Leo smiles at you, it seems like sunshine .."
Astrologer's observation, unknown author

So perhaps the meaning of life is best understood by a cat on a window sill in the sunshine?

Links relevant to Leo

HeartMath Website
HeartMath - heart / brain communication

books, articles & essays:
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♌︎ )
"One can only see well with the Heart.
The essential is invisible to the eyes."

(The fox shared this secret as a gift
to his friend the little prince)
The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams
"What is REAL?" asked the Rabbit one day... "Does it mean having things that buzz inside you and a stick-out handle?"

"Real isn't how you're made." said the Skin Horse. "It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real."

"Does it hurt?" asked the Rabbit.

"Sometimes," said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. "When you are Real you don't mind being hurt."

"Does it happen all at once, like being wound up," he asked "or bit by bit?"

"It doesn't happen all at once," said the Skin Horse. "You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't often happen to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But those things don't matter at all, because once you are Real, you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand"

"I suppose you are Real?" said the Rabbit. And then he wished he had not said it, for he thought the Skin Horse might be sensitive. But the Skin Horse only smiled.

"The Boy's Uncle made me Real," he said. "That was a great many years ago; but once you are Real, you can't become unreal again. It lasts for always."
The Harry Potter Series by J.K.Rowling ( ☉ ♌︎ )

The Antoinette Tuff Story ( ☉ ♌︎ )   NPR   11 Alive   A true story of courage.
"I used Tuff Tactics:
compassion, confidence and control."

Clair de Lune by Claude Debussy ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♋︎ )
Turn Down Day sung by The Cyrckle, Tom Dawes ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♉︎ ) Don Brenneman ( ☉ ♉︎ )
It's much too groovy a summer's day
To waste runnin' 'round in the city
But here on the sand I can dream away
Or look at the girls if they're pretty

It's a turn down day, nothin' on my mind
It's a turn down day, and I dig it

There's nothin' easier I can do
Than lyin' around doin' nothin'

It's a turn down day, just a turn 'round day
It's a turn down day, and I dig it

Soft summer breeze and the surf rolls in
To laughter of small children playin'
Someone's radio has the news tuned in
But nobody cares what he's sayin'

It's a turn down day, nothin' on my mind
It's a turn down day, and I dig it

Don't you know,
it's a turn down day, nothin' on my mind
It's a turn down day, and I dig it
Things that are waitin' to mess my mind
Will just have to wait 'til tomorrow
It's a turn down day, just a turn 'round day
It's a turn down day, and I dig it
How Sad, How Lovely by Elizabeth Eaton "Connie" Converse ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♍︎ )
How sad, how lovely,
how short, how sweet,
to see that sunset
at the end of the street.

And the day gathered in
to a single light,
and the shadows rising
from the brim of the night.

Too few, too few,
are the days that will hold
your face, your face
in a blaze of gold.

How sad, how lovely,
how short, how sweet,
to see that sunset
at the end of the street.

And the lights going on
in the shops and the bars,
and the lovers looking
for the first little stars.

Like life, like a smile,
like the fall of a leaf,
how sad, how lovely,
how brief.
All you need is Love by The Beatles
You Are My Sunshine From a lullaby sung by an unknown young mother (perhaps in Kentucky), sung by Johnny Cash ( ☉ ♓︎ )
You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey,
You'll never know, Dear, how much I love you,
Please don't take my Sunshine away...
Unchained Melody by The Righteous Brothers
Oh my love, my darling
I've hungered, hungered for your touch
A long, lonely time
And time goes by so slowly
And time can do so much
Are you still mine?
I need your love
I need your love
God speed your love to me
Love Me Tender, Love Me True by Elvis Presley ( ☉ ♑︎ ) & Vera Matson
Love me tender, love me true,
All my dreams fulfilled,
Oh my darling, I love you,
And I always will.
What a Wonderful World by George Weiss ( ☉ ♈︎ ) & Bod Thiele ( ☉ ♌︎ ), sung by Louis Armstrong ( ☉ ♌︎ )
One Love - One Heart by Bob Marley ( ☉ ♒︎ )
One Love, One Heart
Let's get together and feel all right!
Love Song by Lesley Duncan ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♑︎ )
The words I have to say
May well be simple but they're true
Until you give your love
There's nothing more that we can do

Love is the opening door
Love is what we came here for
No one could offer you more
Do you know what I mean?
Have your eyes really seen?

You say it's very hard
To leave behind the life we knew
But there's no other way
And now it's really up to you

Love is the key we must turn
Truth is the flame we must burn
Freedom the lesson we must learn
Do you know what I mean?
Have your eyes really seen?

I Can See Clearly Now written by Johnny Nash ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♓︎ ), sung by Jimmy Cliff ( ☉ ♌︎ )
I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright bright sunshiny day

Oh, yes I can make it now the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is that rainbow I've been praying for
It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day

Look all around, there's nothing but blue skies
Look straight ahead, there's nothing but blue skies
Here is that rainbow I've been praying for
It's gonna be a bright bright sunshiny day

The outer Path of the Sun wishes to radiate our happiness to those around us.
This leads to the inner Path of Ceres, The Girl, Virgo, the Path of Community, the Path of involvement with the World.

Antiquity Mercury 4,880 58 dy 88 dy 46-70 (mKm) / 0.206
☿︎ ♊︎ :: Mercury, Ruler of GEMINI ~ The Pair / The Tiger
image not found: Mercury


  • Mercury has a highly elliptical orbit. There is about 34% difference between the closest point and the furthest point in the orbit.
  • In 1919 the orbit of the planet Mercury provided evidence to support Einstein's Theory of Relativity by illustrating that space was curved by the immense amount of mass and energy of the Sun.
    Mercury & Einstein's Gravity
    Mercury & Relativity
  • Even though the planet revolves around the Sun very quickly (88 days), it rotates on its axis very slowly (58 days). On Mercury, a Day is ⅔ of a Mercurial Year!
  • The average temperature on Mercury is about 167 ℃ / 333 ℉. However,, there is no real atmosphere to circulate the solar radiation and heat. This means that during Mercury's long day, the day side slowly bakes in the Sun's radiation while the night side is freezing.
  • Surprisingly, Mercury is closest to all the planets, when measured over time!
  • The Perihelion of Mercury precesses quicker than the other planets. Currently the perihelion happens on December 20th.

In the ancient Mediterranean, Mercury was the Roman name for the Greek Olympian god Hermes, the messenger of the Olympian gods. He carried a medicine staff of healing with two snakes wound together. Today we recognize the similarity between his symbol of medical knowledge, the Caduceus (☤), and the double helix of the DNA molecule.
In Chinese 晨星 ("Chen Xing") means "Morning Star"
In Hindi बुध ("Budha")
In Hebrew כּוכַב לֶכֶת ("Cochav Lechet") means "Moving Star".

☿︎ ♊︎ Mercury rules The Pair / The Tiger. • Perception  • Movement  • Flexibility  • Adaptability  • Duality  • Speed  • Communication  • Messages  • Curiosity  • Exploration  • Research  • Learning  • YinYang Yang Mercury is the Yang analogue to Ceres
which is Yin and Rules Virgo.

Mercury represents Gemini The Pair, The Dispersing Air. The Principles of Gemini create Perceptions, Thoughts, Movements, Speed, Curiosity, Perspectives and Communications. Mercury represents the fundamental principles of Perceiving, Learning, Communicating and Moving through our world. He brings the Messages of Life To and From the Heart.

The Pair are present in perception. So many creatures have paired organs of perception - two or more symmetrically placed eyes and ears. These are the primary organs of perception and inside the ears, organs of perception of balance. Separated pairs of organs give us the ability to determine direction of the source of perceived information - left right, up down, forward or behind. These fundamental functions let us know where we are in relation to everything else in our environment.

Gemini people (Sun/Moon) clearly recognize inherent dualities in life. They have a strong ability to see into multiple sides of any situation. Relating events and telling captivating stories are talents shared by most Geminis. Gemini people (Sun, Moon) are usually highly perceptive, quick-witted and clever, whether they are teachers, inventors, mathematicians or engineers. Many Geminis become gifted and successful Authors, Doctors, Scientists, Actors, Musicians and even Lawyers! Geminis are also famous for skilled Detective work. They often have Heroic styles. In wartime, Geminis have been successful Spies. (Ian Fleming, Josephine Baker)

People who have a Gemini Dimension that is well connected to their previous path of Venus and Taurus will have a healthy respect for integrity and consistency even in the face of duality that they so easily perceive. They are often quite funny and playful.
When Gemini people (Sun, Moon) appreciate someone, they often make very charming, eloquent and memorable pronouncements. If you've done something to help a Gemini, they will let you know of their appreciation! Well said, Gemini!

One Challenge to the Pair is to cultivate a healthy balance between cooperation and competition in their relationships with others.
Cultivated cooperation with a little friendly competition can lead to mutual appreciation and great achievements and a peaceful society.
In contrast, unbridled competition without cooperation leads to arrogance, contempt, isolation and social disasters.

Another Challenge to the Pair is to discern and tell the Truth.
Sometimes people lie to escape. Sometimes people lie to gain something they could not acquire or achieve otherwise.
However, in real life, even liars don't like it when they discover that someone has lied to them. Lies engender antipathy, resentment, hatred and revenge. Likewise, Even thieves don't like it when others steal from them.
Some people say that if you believe something that you say, then it isn't a lie. They say that they believe that truth is negotiable and can be fabricated or elected by consensus.

People with a well-developed Gemini dimension believe, understand and know that the Truth is revealed, perceived and discovered, not negotiated, fabricated or elected by consensus. They also know that there can be many valid and respectable perspectives on the way toward the Truth.
The Path of Gemini is the fundamental and essential gifts of Perception, Movement, Communication, Learning and Thought.
The principles represented by Gemini bring to us all the ability to discern Patterns and Reasoning that allows us to make sense of the world.

Quotes by People with Sun in Gemini

• "What's real and what's true aren't necessarily the same."
• "What's the use of stories that aren't even true?"
• "The only people who see the whole picture are those who step out of the frame."
• "In the end, stories are what is left of us."
Salman Rushdie ( ☉ ♊︎ ☽ ♊︎ ), author

• “When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
• “What you do in this world is a matter of no consequence. The question is what can you make people believe you have done.”
• “I am a brain, Watson. The rest of me is a mere appendix.”
• “It may be that you are not yourself luminous, but that you are a conductor of light. Some people without possessing genius have a remarkable power of stimulating it.”
• “My mind rebels at stagnation ... I crave for mental exaltation ... That is why I have chosen my own particular profession, or rather created it, for I am the only one in the world.”
• “The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.”
• “How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?”
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ( ☉ ♊︎ )

"The Heart has its Reasons, of which the Reason knows nothing. We know it in a thousand things. I say that the heart loves the universal Being naturally, and it loves itself naturally, according to its inclination, and it hardens itself against the one or the other at its choice. You have rejected the one and preserved the other: is it through Reason that you love? It is the Heart that feels God, and not the Reason. This is faith: God sensible to the Heart, not to the Reason."
Blaise Pascal ( ☉ ♊︎ ☽ ♋︎ )

• "All things are double"
• "God offers to every mind its choice between truth and repose.
Take which you please - you can never have both."
Ralph Waldo Emerson ( ☉ ♊︎ ☽ ♌︎ )

"When one man, for whatever reason, has the opportunity to lead an extraordinary life, he has no right to keep it to himself."
Jacques Yves Cousteau ( ☉ ♊︎ ☽ ♌︎ )

• "And finally I twist my heart round again, so that the bad is on the outside and the good is on the inside, and keep on trying to find a way of becoming what I would so like to be, and could be, if there weren't any other people living in the world."
• "Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart."
• "How true Daddy's words were when he said: all children must look after their own upbringing. Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands."
• "I don't think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains."
• "I must uphold my ideals, for perhaps the time will come when I shall be able to carry them out."
• "Ever since I was a little girl and could barely talk, the word 'why' has lived and grown along with me. It's a well-known fact that children ask questions about anything and everything, since almost everything is new to them. That is especially true of me, and not just as a child. Even when I was older, I couldn't stop asking questions."
• "I don't have much in the way of money or worldly possessions, I'm not beautiful, intelligent or clever, but I'm happy, and I intend to stay that way! I was born happy, I love people, I have a trusting nature, and I'd like everyone else to be happy too. "
Anne Frank ( ☉ ♊︎ ☽ ♌︎ )

There is no time, no time,
there is no time,
not even for a kiss,
not even for this,
not even for this rhyme
It is May
and blossoms sway
in sifted snow
under the Moon
I only know
that I cannot stay,
for today is May
and tomorrow June.
An arrrow shot
from an idiot's bow,
that is my lot
and I must go.
There is no time, no time,
there is no time,
not even for a kiss,
not even for this,
not even for this rhyme ~ No..!
Robert Silliman Hillyer ( ☉ ♊︎ ☽ ♎︎ )

"Why did God put into my soul this incessant longing for light and knowledge?"
Sara Wacklin ( ☉ ♊︎ ☽ ♏︎ )

• "I found ideas more real than things."
• "Hell is other people."
J.P. Sartre ( ☉ ♊︎ ☽ ♒︎ )

• "Presume not God to scan, the proper study of Mankind is Man."
• "No woman ever hates a man for being in love with her, but many a woman hate a man for being a friend to her."
• "A man should never be ashamed to own that he is wrong, which is but saying in other words that he is wiser today than he was yesterday."
• "To err is human, to forgive divine."
Alexander Pope ( ☉ ♊︎ ☽ ♒︎ ), author

Quotes by others relevant to Gemini:

"You Only live Twice,
Or So It Seems,
One Life for Yourself
And One for Your Dreams."

"Loneliness does not come from having no people around you,
but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to you."
Carl Jung ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♉︎ ), psychologist

“How wonderful that we have met with a paradox!
Now we have some hope of making progress.”
Niels Bohr ( ☉ ♎︎ ), physicist

"Do you ever think of your life as a Story?"
Coralie ( ☉ ♏︎ ☽ ♒︎ )

Links relevant to Gemini

Rachel Carson;   Sir Arthur Conan Doyle;   Harlan Ellison;   Ralph Waldo Emerson;   Ian Fleming;   Anne Frank;   Allen Ginsberg;   Thomas Hardy;   Alexander Pope;   Salman Rushdie;   Jean-Paul Sartre;   Harriet Beecher Stowe;   Walt Whitman;   W.B. Yeats;  

movies & videos:
The Twilight Zone by Rod Serling ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♐︎ )
A Kind of Stopwatch (1963) S5 E4 written by Michael Rosenthal, with Richard Erdman ( ☉ ♊︎ )
The World's Greatest Lover with Gene Wilder ( ☉ ♊︎ ☽ ♒︎ ) Carol Kane ( ☉ ♊︎ )

Yellow Bird Jamaican Folk Song sung by Harry Belafonte ( ☉ ♓︎ )
Blowin' in the Wind by Bob Dylan ( ☉ ♊︎ ☽ ♉︎ )

The outer Path of Gemini also wants to keep the connections open. Mutual influence of others becomes important.
This leads to the Social impulses of the inner Path of the Earth/Moon, the Crab, the Rabbit ~ Cat, The Path of Protection, Imagination, Care, Nurturing and Family.

Antiquity Venus 12,103 ℞ 243 dy 225 dy 107-109 (mKm) / 0.007
♀︎ ♉︎ :: Venus, Ruler of TAURUS ~ The Bull / The Ox


  • To the Greeks, the planet of Aphrodite was also called both Phosphorus and Hesperus. The Romans recognized Venus as both Lucifer and Vesper. Today, we still recognize Venus in her two roles as both the Morning Star and the Evening Star, since she circles the Sun inside our own orbit. She therefore sometimes rises before dawn and other times sets after the Sun.
  • Venus is almost as large as the Earth and her gravity is 90% of Earth G.
    She has a remarkably circular orbit! This 'close circle ratio' club includes Venus, Earth, Neptune, Quaoar then Uranus and Jupiter. These circular orbits hint at the need for a more sophisticated theory of gravity!
    Venus has no seasons, since the tilt of her axis is only 3° (like Jupiter).
    This world rotates very slowly, imperceptibly, in the reverse direction of her revolution around the Sun! A "Day" on Venus is longer than a Venusian Year!
  • People speak of "Terraforming" some other worlds for us to inhabit. Terraforming Venus would be a major project for hundreds of years, but it could give us a true sister world, even though she would be a little warmer than our Earth!
    However, There are serious problems to solve ..
    • Venus has no moon. This is an important lack. If a moon could be assembled around Venus, this could help to establish and stabilize rotation and axial tilt. It could also help to awaken the magnetic field which would be helpful to amend the atmosphere. See the entry for Eros, the proposed moon of Venus, below.
    • Her extremely slow rotation is actually reversed. If Venus were rolling on a track which was turning around the Sun, she would slowly move in the direction opposite to that of the track and all the other planets.
    • Most likely due to the slooow daily rotation, there is practically no magnetic field. Venus does respond to solar wind, though.
    • Lastly, Venus is extremely hot, wrapped and collecting heat in a thick, very heavy hot-house atmosphere of 96% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen and some water vapor. The clouds are made of sulfuric acid and water. The atmospheric pressure is 92 bars, almost 100 times thicker than our atmosphere! This means that, at the surface, the air weighs a crushingly heavy 93.81 Kg/cm²! (1,334.34 psi - pounds/inch²) And finally, "extremely hot" means that the average temperature of Venus is about 465 ℃ / 900 ℉. (Aagh! Love can be Hell..)
    So in order to Terraform Venus, there would be an enormous amount to learn, and it would involve many years of work.
    But wouldn't a Sister World be Amazing?!
    Videos of Terraforming Venus:         Venus 1    Venus 2    Venus 3

Venus was the Roman name for Aphrodite, the Greek Olympian goddess of Love & Desire. In one version, she was born of the Sea after Uranus was exiled by Kronos / Saturn and his seed thrown into the Sea. In another, she was a daughter of Gaia and Uranus. The Greeks called Africa by her name.
In Chinese 太白 ("Taibai") means "Very Bright".
In Hindi शुक्र ("Śhukar")
In Hebrew נוגה (“Noga”) means "Bright".

♀︎ ♉︎ Venus rules The Bull / The Ox. • Gravity  • Inertia  • Consistency  • Durability  • Stability  • Constancy  • Cadence  • Resources  • Posessions  • Productivity  • Trade  • Commerce  • Voice  • Song  • Attraction  • Feeling  • Beauty  • Desire  • Comfort  • Sweetness  • Values  • Worth  YinYang Yin Venus is likely the Yin analogue
to the Yang ruler of Libra

Venus represents Taurus The Bull, The Steady Earth. Venus signifies our Values, Desires and Possessions. The Principle of Venus is the fundamental ability to judge and decide if something feels Good or Bad for us. Can you imagine life without this?

Traditionally, she has ruled both Taurus and Libra, The Starting Air.
This dual rulership may be revised in the near future.

The Bull is a great icon for Venus ~ Bulls usually browse in their pasture contentedly. But if they are disturbed, well! We've all seen rodeos, right? Honestly, don't those animals resemble locomotives more than anything else? Taureans very rarely start fights. If they do, they likely have a good reason related to desires or security. But they certainly know how to END fights!

Venus is the simplest Feminine Symbol. With the principles of Venus we appreciate the Beauty of the World!

Venus is involved in both Contentment and Desire, Possession & Jealousy. While she can be quite self-contained, she is also very prominent in all our Relationships. The principles of Venus help us to decide whether to accept someone into our life. They help us decide when and how to attract others and make ourselves acceptable to them. These principles also help us to compromise and negotiate when we realize and decide that we wish to keep a relationship.

Venus also signifies our self-esteem, the sense of our own value. This touches on our health, longevity, effectiveness and prosperity. The level of our self-esteem can make a very big difference in our lives.

Venus can be immoveable. This characteristic can be seen in two ways depending on the quality of judgement and circumstances. When you are right this characteristic is heroic reliability, firmness and steadfastness. But when you are wrong then it is just stubborn, perverse and oppositional behaviour.

You might think that some people you know have very progressive values. You may believe some people to be rather flighty, but Venus, the planet with which they keep these values, holds onto them conservatively. She keeps all the good things from the past.

While Venus is always basically consistent, she will look outward to new ideas if they fit into her overall scheme. Taureans usually prize the truth.

"How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb?"
"I don't know ~ how many?"
"Just one, but the light bulb must WANT to change."

Taureans (Sun, Moon) and Venusian people are often sweet, innocent, strong, well-grounded and very appealing. Their preference for affection draws people to them. The well developed Taureans very much enjoy perceiving and telling the Truth. They respect evidence and facts and they often excell in the sciences.

"Hell is the inability to Love."
Leon Tolstoy ( ☉ ♍︎ ☽ ♍︎ )

Venus also signifies the sense to manage our resources. Music, Sweet tasty treats and Money are items traditionally found in Venus' treasure house. They don't like to be rudely disturbed, so don't approach them without treats (a smile, a song or some other gesture of appreciation, an offer of a back-rub or a foot massage or some chocolate, marzipan, candied fruits, or music recordings or concert tickets, or a generously lucrative contract of some kind! etc... )

In short, your friendships with Taurus people (Sun, Moon) will always remind you that life can be good, pleasant and sweet, if you let it.

"The thing that I hate most about my enemy is that he taught me to hate."
Amos Oz ( ☉ ♉︎ ☽ ♏︎ ) author

Quotes by People with Sun in Taurus

"If they try to rush me, I always say, 'I've only got one other speed - and it's slower.' "
Glenn Ford ( ☉ ♉︎ )

"America has never been innocent at all. It is not possible to call innocent a country where the original residents were systematically wiped out and the new tenants built a society in large part on the labor of people who were shipped over in chains from another continent."
Steve Erickson ( ☉ ♉︎ ) ~ American Weimar

"Courage is a whisper from above.
When you listen with your heart, you will know what to do and how and when."
Irene Gut Opdyke ( ☉ ♉︎ ) In My Hands righteous rescuer of many lives in WWII.

"If you're sexy, everybody will love you.
That's what I wanted ~ for everybody to love me."
Traci Lords ( ☉ ♉︎ )

• "To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater."
• "My heroes are the ones who survived doing it wrong, who made mistakes, but recovered from them."
• "You see, idealism detached from action is just a dream. But idealism allied with pragmatism, with rolling up your sleeves and making the world bend a bit, is very exciting. It's very real. It's very strong."
Bono ( ☉ ♉︎ )

"See, when I paint, it is an experience that, at its best, is transcending reality."
Keith Haring ( ☉ ♉︎ )

• "Jealousy would be far less torturous if we understood that love is a passion entirely unrelated to our merits."
• "With the stones we cast at them, geniuses build new roads for us."
Paul Eldridge ( ☉ ♉︎ )

"I was now resolved to do everything in my power to defeat the system."
Oskar Schindler ( ☉ ♉︎ ☽ ♈︎ ) businessman, righteous rescuer of many lives in WWII.

"Always recognize that human individuals are ends, and do not use them as means to your end."
Immanuel Kant ( ☉ ♉︎ ☽ ♈︎ )

"If you don't ask, you don't get."
Stevie Wonder ( ☉ ♉︎ ☽ ♈︎ )

"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people."
Karl Marx ( ☉ ♉︎ ☽ ♉︎ )

• “I love and treasure individuals as I meet them, I loath and despise the groups they identify or belong to.”
• “People are wonderful one at a time. Each one of them has an entire hologram of the universe somewhere within them.”
• “Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music.”
• “Everyone smiles in the same language.”
• “Life is not measured by the number of breath we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”
• “Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.”
• “People who see life as anything more than pure entertainment are missing the point.”
George Carlin ( ☉ ♉︎ ☽ ♊︎ ) comedian

• "The mind is like an iceberg, it floats with one-seventh of its bulk above water."
• "Love and work... work and love, that's all there is."
• "A man who has been the indisputable favorite of his mother keeps for life the feeling of a conqueror."
• "How bold one gets when one is sure of being loved."
• "One is very crazy when in love."
• "We are never so defenseless against suffering as when we love, never so forlornly unhappy as when we have lost our love object or their love."
• "Whoever loves becomes humble. Those who love have, so to speak, pawned a part of their narcissism."
• "Time spent with cats is never wasted."
• "Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise."
• "What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult."
• "A civilization which leaves so large a number of its participants unsatisfied and drives them into revolt neither has nor deserves the prospect of a lasting existence."
• "America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success."
• "I have found little that is "good" about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all. That is something that you cannot say aloud, or perhaps even think."
• "Men are strong so long as they represent a strong idea. They become powerless when they oppose it."
• "Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility."
• "Look into the depths of your own soul and learn first to know yourself, then you will understand why this illness was bound to come upon you and perhaps you will thenceforth avoid falling ill."
• "Human life in common is only made possible when a majority comes together which is stronger than any separate individual and which remains united against all separate individuals. The power of this community is then set up as ''right'' in opposition to the power of the individual, which is condemned as 'brute force.' "
Sigmund Freud ( ☉ ♉︎ ☽ ♊︎ )

• "Don't be afraid to go out on a limb. It's where all the fruit is."
• "Sex is hardly ever just about sex."
• "Someday perhaps change will occur when times are ready for it instead of always when it is too late. Someday change will be accepted as life itself."
Shirley MacLaine ( ☉ ♉︎ ☽ ♍︎ )

• "Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve."
• "Whence come I and whither go I? That is the great unfathomable question, the same for every one of us. Science has no answer to it."
• "A scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."
• "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
• "All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force… We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter."
Max Planck ( ☉ ♉︎ ☽ ♍︎ ) physicist

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."
Bertrand Russell ( ☉ ♉︎ ☽ ♎︎ )

"Is it right to probe so deeply into Nature's secrets? The question must here be raised whether it will benefit mankind, or whether the knowledge will be harmful."
Pierre Curie ( ☉ ♉︎ ☽ ♏︎ )

"The thing that I hate most about my enemy is that he taught me to hate."
Amos Oz ( ☉ ♉︎ ☽ ♏︎ ) author

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
Jiddu Krishnamurti ( ☉ ♉︎ ☽ ♐︎ ) Freedom from the Known

"A husband's most important job is to keep his wife happy."
Andrew McAfee, MD. ( ☉ ♉︎ ☽ ♑︎ )

• "Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves."
• "Shall we make a new rule of life from tonight: always to try to be a little kinder than is necessary?
JM Barrie ( ☉ ♉︎ ☽ ♑︎ ) The Little White Bird

"Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education; they grow firm there, firm as weeds among stones."
Charlotte Bronte ( ☉ ♉︎ ☽ ♒︎ ) author

• “A man fighting for his life can do more than he ever imagined he could.”
• "I found a joy in myself, coming from the awareness that I want to fight."
• "I've been trying to live my life so that in the hour of my death I would rather feel joy, than fear.“
Witold Pilecki ( ☉ ♉︎ ☽ ♓︎ ) ~ The Auschwitz Volunteer: Beyond Bravery

• "I can honestly say that I was never affected by the question of the success of an undertaking. If I felt it was the right thing to do, I was for it regardless of the possible outcome."
• "Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement."
Golda Meir ( ☉ ♉︎ ☽ ♓︎ )

Quotes by others relevant to Taurus:

" 'For I know the plans I have for you', declares the Lord,
'plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you a hope and a future.' "
Bible ~ Jeremiah 29:11

"My bowels, my bowels! I writhe in pain!
The chambers of my heart! My heart moaneth within me!
I cannot hold my peace! because thou hast heard,
O my soul, the sound of the horn, the alarm of war."
Bible: Jeremiah 4:19

"There's enough for everyone's need but not enough for everyone's greed."
Mahatma Ghandhi

"What is hell? I maintain that it is the suffering of being unable to love."
Fyodor Dostoyevsky ( ☉ ♏︎ )

"Love does not cause suffering:
What causes it is a sense of ownership, which is love's opposite."
Antoine de Saint-Exupery ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♌︎ )

"This above all, To thine ownself be true;
and it must follow, as the night the day,
thou canst not then be false to any man."
Will Shakespeare: Hamlet, Act I, Scene III. Polonius' advice to Laertes

"I am in my condition, a prince, Miranda ..
and would no more endure this wooden slavery than I would suffer the flesh-fly blow my mouth.
Hear my soul speak: The very instant that I saw you, did my heart fly to your service;
there resides, to make me slave to it; and for your sake I am this patient log-man."
William Shakespeare, The Tempest, Act III Scene I, Ferdinand to Miranda

"I saw Love once, and I Want it!"
The Mermaid's impassioned exclamation to her two human friends.
movie: "Aquamarine" (2006) ~ mermaid played by Sara Paxton ( ☉ ♉︎ )

"Grief is the price we pay for Love."

Links relevant to Taurus

books, articles & essays:
Cassandra by Florence Nightingale ( ☉ ♉︎ )

All That You Wanted ~ from "Cats" (movie), sung by Frances Hayward ( ☉ ♋︎ )
All that I Wanted
Was to be Wanted,
Never to wander
London streets
Alone and Haunted!
God Only Knows written by Tony Asher ( ☉ ♉︎ ) Brian Wilson ( ☉ ♊︎ ), sung by the Beach Boys
I may not always love you
But long as there are stars above you
You never need to doubt it
I'll make you so sure about it
God only knows what I'd be without you
Love Makes the World Go Round ~ from "Carnival", sung by Anna Maria Alberghetti ( ☉ ♉︎ )
Love makes the world go round
Love makes the world go round!
Somebody soon will love you
If no one loves you now
High in some silent sky
Love sings its silver song
Making the earth twirl softly
Love makes the world go round
Hi Lili, Hi Lili, Hi lo ~ from "Lili", sung by Leslie Caron ( ☉ ♋︎ )
A song of Love is a sad song,
Hi Lili, Hi lo,
A song of Love is a song of Woe,
Don't ask me how I know..
Button Up Your Overcoat (You Belong to Me) sung by Ruth Etting ( ☉ ♐︎ )
Button up your overcoat
When the wind blows free,
Take good care of yourself
You belong to Me!
What the World Needs Now by H. David, B. Bacharach, sung by Jackie DeShannon ( ☉ ♌︎ )
What the World needs now,
Is Love sweet Love,
That's the only thing
That there's just too little of!
Our Love is Here to Stay by George & Ira Gershwin, sung by Ella Fitzgerald ( ☉ ♉︎ )
It's very clear, our love is here to stay
Not for a year but ever and a day
The radio and the telephone and the movies that we know
May just be passing fancies and in time may go
But oh, my dear, our love is here to stay
Together we're going a long, long way

In time the rockies may tumble,
Gibraltar may crumble
They're only made of clay
But our love is here to stay

The inner Path of Venus is Desire, Values and The Beginning of Maturity.
Venus also helps us to choose whether, why, when and where to go to find the objects of our desire.
This leads us to explore the outer Path of Mercury, the Pair, Gemini, the Path of Movement, Learning and Communication.

2110? Eros 3,300 TLS 19 dy [~370,000 Km?]
☽︎ ♀︎ :: Eros - Proposed Artificial Moon & Rings of Venus
Venus Rings

Eros ~ proposed artificial Moon of Venus

  • A Moon would help to rotate the planet, activating the core, creating and strengthening magnetic fields. It could also set and stabilize an axial tilt to provide 4 seasons, like those on Earth. It would also help to periodically shade the planet from the Sun, reducing the amount of solar radiation and heat reaching the surface.
  • Additionally, a Ring system would be most helpful to act as a parasol shading Venus from excessive solar radiation. Thousands of thin plates carved as polished slices of silicon glass rocks could float in orbit, reflecting excess sunshine away from the planet or even capturing the sunlight, converting and storing the energy. These Rings might seem like a perpetual rainbow or chandelier to the residents of Venus. Tiny moonlets could shepherd the rings with their gravity.
  • Assembly of Venus' artificial moon and rings can incorporate rocks that cross the orbits of Earth and Venus, spare rocks orbiting Saturn, and other rocks from the Kuiper Belt & Oort Cloud. The suggested diameter of Eros in relation to Venus echoes the proportion of Earth's Moon to the Earth ~ 27% of the planet's diameter. The suggested orbital period would give 13 moons in a year, like on Earth.
  • While Venus spends an average period of about a month in a sign for us here on Earth, the Venusian moon would traverse each sign in a few days, while the Earth would spend about a month or so in each sign as it accompanies the Sun. This would greatly contrast with the movement of our moon which only spends a few days in each sign. Also while seen from Earth, Venus regularly moves retrograde, but when viewed from Venus, the Venusian moon would never go retrograde!

"Eros" was Venus' helper, or perhaps her boyfriend. In some myths he was called Cupid.

A single Moon will reflect all the qualities of Venus for the local residents.
The moon would represent the Astrological Venusian principles for the people living there.

While Venus spends about a month in a sign for us here on Earth, the Venusian moon would traverse each sign in a few days. The qualities represented by Venus for us would be represented by the new moon for people living on Venus. This moon would move much more quickly for them than Venus does for us here on Earth. The qualities of Venus would shift styles much more quickly for them than they do for us here on Earth, perhaps every few days like our moon does for us. In addition, when seen from Earth, Venus regularly moves retrograde. Viewed from Venus, their moon would never go retrograde!

Likewise, for Venusians, The Earth would represent all those qualities that our Moon represents for us here on Earth. In contrast to our Moon moving around the Zodiac in one month, only spending a few days in each sign, the Earth would spend several weeks in each sign as it circles the Sun outside the orbit of Venus. This means that the qualities represented by our Moon which change styles frequently here on Earth, would shift styles very slowly for those living on Venus. Another difference would be that the qualities of the Earth as represented by our Moon and never retrograde here at home, would periodically go retrograde when viewed from Venus!

The Astrological Shape of Time would feel very different on Venus!

Always Earth 12,742 1 dy 365 dy 147-152 (mKm) / 0.017
🌙︎ ♋︎ :: Earth, Ruler of CANCER ~ The Crab / The Rabbit ~ The Cat

~ Love Our Mother ~

The Earth


In ancient Greece, our world, The Earth, was called by a goddess name, "Gaia". She was the primordial Earth goddess who gave birth to the Titans together with Uranus, the primordial Sky god. Today scientists are discussing James Lovelock's Gaia Principle that explores the idea that the Earth and other worlds and Solar Systems are 'living self-organizing systems' in a living Universe.

♁︎ ♋︎ Mother Earth rules The Crab / The Rabbit ~ The Cat. • Environment  • Fear  • Safety  • Regression  • Hunger  • Satisfaction  • Protection  • Resilience  • Tenacity  • Evolution  • Expectation  • Receiving  • Taking  • Keeping  • Memory  • Attachment  • Nurturing  • Caring  • Sentiment  • Understanding  • Imagination  • Appreciation  • Society  • World  • YinYang Yin Earth•Moon is the Yin analogue to the Sun
which rules Leo as Yang.

Gaia, our Earth•Moon world, represents Starting Water, the signs of the Crab / the Rabbit ~ The Cat. While in China the 4th sign is called Rabbit, in several Southeastern Asian nations, this sign is called the Cat. The Crab is the Cardinal, Initiating Water sign. It starts and initiates, but it's Water, so a good natural emblem might be a spring, a fountain, a geyser.

To us the Earth is Our Home, Our Environment, Our Living Conditions, Our Memory, Our History, and the myriad Raw Materials We Need for our very lives. Actually, we are all tiny packets of Heaven and Earth, Receiving and Giving throughout our lives. The Earth (and The Moon, for those of us who live here) represents the Principle that Perceives and Weaves together an Image of the world that becomes the background and environment for our lives.

The Earth and the Crab / Rabbit ~ Cat represent the 4th Zodiac Sign, which can also be thought of as the 4th Dimension. The movements allowed by the 3rd Dimension are recorded infinitely, which shows as continuance, endurance, persistence, wakes, trails and memory. The 4th together with the 10th provide our experience of Time, which can be felt as both subjective and collective. Each person has each day, but these days are also nested in the larger cycles that include everyone. These larger cycles are also repetitive and overlapping.

Scientists and philosophers have noted that we 'eat our way through our world'. Everyone does, every living thing on Earth eats their way through the world. What does everyone eat? Other living things of the Earth! The tiniest things eat minerals. Then the larger living things eat those smaller ones. It goes on from there in a world wide web of life and consumption.

The Earth is a very Emotional, Imaginative World. We are all constantly involved in her planet-wide Transformations. We would all do well to learn to deeply understand these natural changes and to learn to participate carefully and to wisely care for, tend and preserve our world.

People with Sun or Moon in the Crab have a high degree of tenacity. There is often a strong natural vitality. In the lives of Crab people (Sun, Moon), there is quick involvement and also quick retreats. The emotional life of Crab people is labile and fluid. There is a lot of imagination and so also a lot of fear. Fear that is unresolved can cause depression and isolation.

It's important for everyone to know that Fear is meant to keep us safe. If we can learn about the cause of the fear, it can be resolved to caring. If people do not learn enough to dispel fear properly, it may transform to hatred. Hatred that is sustained for a long time without resolution will morph into mental illness. This can ruin lives.

The Crab dimension adds convolution to the emotional mind. Every emotional thought bubbles, spouts and ripples. The imagination can flow quite far from reality. Memory can be twisted up with wishful thinking or fears and prejudices. Expectations can greatly interfere with clear thinking. Many Crab people (Sun, Moon) prefer to compartmentalize their minds.

This sign / dimension likes yesterday. It can engender the desire to go back, to revert to an earlier stage when we were not yet changed by events. So this sign can also initiate a desire for renewal. This sign likely plays an important role in the process of initiating regeneration.

Caring people with Sun or Moon in the Crab are often very nurturing and comforting. They very often have green thumbs and are excellent cooks. They are some of the ones who say they cook with love. Capricorns also do that! Cancerians also often have a wild, giddy sense of humor! Then they also get moody. If one of the Crab people in your life is experiencing a moody time, you just need to remain calm. Do something silly, let them nibble some food from your plate, and then you can both laugh a bit.

The Path of the Crab, the Rabbit ~ Cat, is to Weave Together a Life Image, a History of Experiences and Memories, a Livelihood and a Nurturing Web from all the choices that are available to us.

We all belong to the Family of the Earth. We ought to make all necessary efforts to become willing to heal our toxicity toward our Natural Family, our World Mother. She very much needs us to learn about the principles of the sharing signs of Libra and Scorpio and the principles of the collective signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Quotes by People with Sun in Cancer

• "You get tough in this business, until you get big enough to hire people to get tough for you. Then you can sit back and be a lady."
• "You know what I want? I want yesterday.";
• "Elvis was so square, we'd go . . . for hot fudge sundaes. He didn't drink, he didn't swear, he didn't even smoke. It was like having the date that I never had in high school."
Natalie Wood ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♉︎ )

"I base my fashion taste on what doesn't itch."
Gilda Radner ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♊︎ )

"When I look back upon the past, I can only dispel the sadness which falls upon me by gazing into that happy future when the infection [puerperal fever] will be banished. But if it is not vouchsafed for me to look upon that happy time with my own eyes … the conviction that such a time must inevitably sooner or later arrive will cheer my dying hour."
Ignaz Semmelweis ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♊︎ ) physician who highlighted the importance of handwashing in 1840s.
NPR article

"It is best to love wisely, no doubt ~ but to love foolishly is better than not to be able to love at all."
William Makepeace Thackeray ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♋︎ )

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away."
Henry David Thoreau ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♋︎ )

• "The further a society drifts from Truth, the more it will hate those who speak it."
• "Happiness can exist only in acceptance."
• "For a creative writer possession of the 'truth' is less important than emotional sincerity."
• "If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself."
• "The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history ... This prospect frightens me much more than bombs."
George Orwell ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♋︎ )

"People may say that I couldn't sing,
but no one can say that I didn't sing.."
Florence Foster Jenkins ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♋︎ )

"Compassion is the capacity for feeling what it's like to live inside someone else's skin - And it's the knowledge that there can never be any peace and joy for me, until there is peace and joy for you, too."
Frederick Buechner ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♌︎ )

• "Freedom and constraint are two aspects of the same necessity, which is to be who one is and no other."
• "On ne voit bien que avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
   ("One can only see well with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes.")
• "Love does not cause suffering: What causes it is a sense of ownership, which is love's opposite."
Antoine de Saint-Exupery ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♌︎ )

"Hate the world that strikes you down,
A warped lesson quickly learned.
Rebellion, a universal sound,
Nobody cares, no one's concerned.
Fatigued by unyielding strife,
Self-pity consoles the abused,
And the bludgeoning of daily life,
Leaves a gentle mind . . . confused."
Juanita Dale Slusher ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♍︎ )

• "Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible."
• "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."
• "The creatures that inhabit this earth ~ be they human beings or animals ~ are here to contribute, each in its own particular way, to the beauty and prosperity of the world."
Tenzin Gyatso, Dalai Lama XIV ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♍︎ )

"The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly.
One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane."
Nikola Tesla ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♎︎ )

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. ... As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
Marianne Williamson ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♑︎ )

• "As long as the world is turning and spinning, we're gonna be dizzy and we're gonna make mistakes."
• "Bad taste is simply saying the truth before it should be said."
• "Humor is just another defense against the universe."
• "Everything we do in life is based on fear, especially love."
• "Rhetoric does not get you anywhere, because Hitler and Mussolini are just as good at rhetoric.
   But if you can bring these people down with comedy, they stand no chance."
• "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die."
• "We want to get people laughing - we don't want to offend anybody."
Mel Brooks ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♒︎ )

• "The best educated human being is the one who understands most about the life in which he is placed."
• "Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much."
Helen Keller ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♓︎ )

"Gentleness succeeds better than violence."
Jean de LaFontaine ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♓︎ )

"We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion.
The great task in life is to find reality."
Iris Murdoch ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♓︎ )

Quotes by others relevant to Cancer

"In all our decisions, we must consider the seventh generation."
Chief Seattle

"God gives us our families..
Thank God we can choose our friends!"

"I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station,
through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in."
George Washington Carver, "The Wizard of Tuskeegee" (in the State of Alabama)
book: From Slave to Scientist
The actual birth date of this genius is unknown, since he was born in slavery.
He was born around 1864 in Diamond, Missouri.
He died on January 5, 1943 in Tuskeegee, Alabama.

The authoritarian character worships the past. What has been will eternally be. To wish or to work for something that has not yet been before is crime or madness. The miracle of creation - and creation is always a miracle - is outside of his range of emotional experience.
Erich Fromm ( ☉ ♈︎ )

Links relevant to Cancer

The Earth's Natural Environment, The Current Climate Crisis and Solutions

books, articles & essays:
Charlotte's Web by E.B. White ( ☉ ♋︎ )
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♌︎ )
The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams
George Orwell ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♋︎ )
• 1984 • Animal Farm • Such, Such Were the Joys • Fascism and Democracy

1984 by George Orwell ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♋︎ )
Defending Your Life with Meryl Streep ( ☉ ♋︎ ) & Albert Brooks ( ☉ ♋︎ )
Popeye ~ "Sail with Me, Stay with Me" sung by Shelley Duvall ( ☉ ♋︎ ) & Robin Williams ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♓︎)
A bunch of films by Mel Brooks ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♒︎ )
• The Producers • Blazing Saddles • Young Frankenstein
• Life Stinks • SpaceBalls • High Anxiety • History of the World..

Yesterday by the Beatles
A Woman is a Sometime Thing Porgy & Bess (1989) by George Gershwin sung by Bruce Hubbard
Son, listen to your papa warning,
a'fore you go a'traveling.
A woman may borne you, love and mourn you,
but a woman is a sometime thing.
Yes, a woman is a sometime thing.
Ain't No Sunshine by Bill Withers
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
It's not warm when she's away
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And she's always gone too long
anytime she goes away

Wonder this time where she's gone
Wonder if she's gone to stay
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And this house just ain't no home
anytime she goes away
Grandma's Hands by Bill Withers
Try to Remember (from The Fantasticks)
Adama ( Mother Earth ) lyrics by Ehud Manor, music by Yair Klinger, sung by Ofra Haza
Earth – I attend to Your voice
Earth – Always and wherever I shall go
Earth – The path which I will walk on is Yours
Mother Earth

Earth – My feet are pacing bare
Earth – Your face is warm and loving
Earth – Brown eyes are watching me
Mother Earth

For I came from You, from Your loins, Earth
And You are soon to lessen – Earth
All my sorrows, my nights, my days
The whole wide world thanks You – Earth
And we are the Trees of the Field – Earth
From You and unto You, Mother of All, embrace me

Earth – Giving fruits to us all
Earth – Good and innocent to the world
Earth – Please teach Your sons of Adam
Mother Earth

The inner Path of the Earth brings all our threads of our world into a tapestry to serve as an environment for our lives. The next step is to hand these life images and choices all together to The Sun, the outer Path of Leo, The Lion, the Path of Integration of the Self and the World ~ the first sign in the second set of four signs, the Interpersonal dimensions: Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio.

Wolf Howing at the Moon Wolves Discovered the Moon Long, Long Ago! Luna 3,476 TLS 28 dy 384,400 Km / 0.055
🌙︎ ♋︎ :: Luna - The Moon of Earth

.. And Love Your Mother's Little Sister, too.

☊ ☋
The Lunar Nodes
The Moons Nodes

Luna ~ The Moon of Earth

  • Our Moon has always been a remarkable sight in the night sky. She Dances throughout the Year. You can see that it is a round body, first by the apparent circle and then by all the slow changes throughout the month and the year.
  • Our Moon is a bit wider than ¼ of the width of our world, at 27% of the Earth's diameter. She is very large in relation to her parent planet - Most moons are a tiny fraction of the size of their parent planet. Pluto's moon Charon can also be considered a very large moon at about ½ the diameter of the parent planet. Eris' moon Dysnomia may also fit this configuration, since latest measures estimate that Dysnomia seems to be about ⅓ the diameter of the parent planet.
  • Like most moons, Our Moon is tidally locked to the Earth, always showing only one side to us. We could only study the other side, the far side, when probes orbited the Moon in the 2nd half of the 20th Century. Our Earth does not show only one face to the Moon, as she turns on her axis every 24 hours. So every day, people all over the world can see the Moon whenever she is at least a few degrees away from the Sun. (Clouds permitting, of course)
  • Even though the Moon has no atmosphere or biosphere of her own, many physicists and biologists have acknowledged and study the essential role and importance of the presence of our Moon in the emergence and development of life on our world.
  • Our Moon circles the Earth on an angled orbit. This orbit crosses the Ecliptic plane. The Moon orbits the Earth every Month, moving through the entire Zodiac. Therefore, it crosses the Ecliptic twice a month, going North and going South. The points where the Moon crosses the Ecliptic are called the Lunar Nodes. The point where the Moon crosses the Ecliptic going North indicates the current position of the North Node. Conversely, the point where the Moon crosses the Ecliptic going South indicates the current position of the South Node. These points precess around the Zodiac over the course of 19 years. These calculated points always move Retrograde.
    ⮜ Mouse over the area below the moon's image to see a diagram of the Moon's orbit that describes the Nodes.
  • Moon Phases 2018 - Northern Hemisphere
    Moon Phases 2022 – Northern Hemisphere

• In ancient Greece and Rome, Artemis / Diana was the Olympian Moon goddess, the sister of Helios / Apollo, the Olympian Sun god. She was famous as a huntress of deer. In English, Monday is named after the Moon.
• In Chinese 月亮 ("Yuèliàng") means Month, Moon
• In Hindi चंद्र ("Chandra")
• In Hebrew לבנה ("Levana") means "White One"

The Indo-European Zodiac sees a Crab in the Moon. The Asians say that the Jade goddess of the Moon has a pet Rabbit. We can see the outline of the rabbit in the shadows of craters on the Moon when it is full. In the East Asian Zodiac, Rabbit is the fourth sign and ruled by the Moon, equivalent to the Crab in the Indo-European Zodiac. Both rabbits and crabs proliferate very easily and quickly. They are both prey species that are very important to the natural food chain.

Crab Wolves Discovered the Moon Long, Long Ago! • Our Moon reflects all the attributes of Earth's Rulership.
• For us, the Moon represents our world in the sky.
YinYang Yin Earth/Moon is the Yin analogue to the Sun
which rules Leo as Yang.

The Moon represents the dimension of Starting Water. The Moon reflects all the qualities of Earth, so to us who live here on Earth, She represents the Crab / Rabbit in the Zodiac. She also inwardly reflects the outer light of the Sun, so we can consider that She symbolizes the weaving together of the Radiation of Steady Fire with the Transformations of Starting Water. All living creatures on our world really are children of the Sun and the Earth•Moon.

Evolution is driven by the principles of the Earth•Moon. Living things need to eat and protect themselves and change in response to their environment. They need to find or catch food and to escape or repel predators and dangers. The principles of nourishment and protection belong to the Moon.

We all consume the world in many ways. Physical food and drink is one kind of nourishment. There is also spiritual inspiration that brings us 'food for thought' and nourishing, caring emotional bonds.

The Moon represents Hunger and Acceptance of all kinds of nourishment. This includes receiving and giving, accepting and being accepted. The flow of Receiving and Giving runs all through life.

The principles of the Moon also include Fear. The simplest way to show willingness to go beyond fear and to engage caring is to share nourishment of any kind. Every person, dog and cat understands this. Mammals and Avians understand this very well.
The purpose of Fear is to keep us Safe. We are supposed to avoid things that make us afraid. We need to understand things that make us afraid so we can deal with them in sustainable ways. When we learn from fear, Learning dispels fear. As we deal with our fears and grow in understanding, we outgrow them. As we outgrow fear, we become more protective and caring and we can learn about healing and compassion. Therefore Natural Selection, Evolution, leads us from fear to caring. Caring is more sustainable than Fear.

Conservative attitudes can help to remind us to preserve the good things from the past while we move forward in Time. Good things from the past are those things that are sustainable. Sustainable customs, methods, things or ideas are those that will be easily integrated with new ideas. They remain relevant and helpful to society. If a custom, method, system, idea or belief is not sustainable, if it is no longer helpful or relevant, then it cannot be considered good or true and must be allowed to fade into memory and history.

⩫ ⩫ ⩫
The Moon's Nodes ☊ ☋
The Moon's movement across the Ecliptic describes our social directions. As the Moon moves to the North side of the Ecliptic, the spot where it crosses is called the North Node. Likewise for the South Node.

In Vedic Astrology the North Node is called Rahu and the South Node is called Ketu. They are known as the head and tail of the Dragon. With the Dragon's head we eat our way into new experiences and the future .. and the Dragon's tail produces soil and leaves it in the past.

The Moon's Nodes hold much of the story of our social progress in life.
⮜ Mouse over the area below the moon's image to see another diagram of the Moon's orbit that describes the Nodes.
Image not found: Moons Nodes Dragon

⩫ ⩫ ⩫
North Node ☊

The Sign and House in which we find our Head of the Dragon ( North Node) is what, how and where we are drawn to "eat" on our way to the future in this life.

Natal Planets
When a natal planet is on the North Node, this strongly beckons us to try new experiences symbolized by that planet, to learn and do new things, to move towards our future.
People with natal planets on the North Node should seek guidance from others who have more experience to use the North Node wisely and not to be mislead.

Transiting Planets
When planets transit the North Node they can be viewed as necessary new lessons and opportunities that will be presented and offered for a certain time.

⩫ ⩫ ⩫
South Node ☋

The Sign and House in which we find our Tail of the Dragon ( South Node) is how and where we expel our past and produce good soil.

Natal Planets
When a natal planet is on the South Node, this indicates easy access to past experience, knowledge and expertise, but it also presents a difficulty with progress, letting go of the past and moving forward. These people often have confidence as if they have 'done this before' and they know how to do it well. People with these positions are often socially demanding.

However, Natal planets on the South Node also indicate compulsions. These urges can interfere with the simple joys of life, contentment and the exercise of free will because compulsions must always be satisfied first.
After a compulsion event, there will be a refractory period, relatively free of urges.
Then you can proceed to ..
Wait! Then the compulsion can appear again and compulsions must be satisfied first!
OK, fine. Then you can go on ..
Wait! compulsions must be satisfied first!

Extensive Remedial Study of social dynamics is strongly recommended for people who have natal planets on the Lunar South Node. They need to periodically review the reasons that move people to gather in societies. They need to periodically review what is necessary for societies to thrive and continue in a sustainable manner.

Transiting Planets
When planets transit the South Node they can be viewed as highlights to necessary obligations that will be presented and required for a certain time. They may become temporary obsessions, which may be amusing or distressing to one's friends.

books, articles & essays:
Karmic Astrology: The Moon's Nodes & Reincarnation Martin Schulman
"All Women are Wolves" A collection of wit & wisdom edited by Abner Silver

Antiquity Mars 6,792 1 dy 687 dy 207-249 (mKm) / 0.094
♂︎ ♈︎ :: Mars, Ruler of ARIES ~ The Ram / The Rat


  • When Mars is closest to the Earth, it looks like a red ruby in the sky. Through telescopes we can periodically see atmospheric storms. Mars has no round moon, just two free-flying mountains, rocky satellites called "Phobos" and "Deimos".
  • Many people believe that we could "Terraform" Mars - transform it to make another habitable world for us. However, there are many points to consider:
    • The length of a day on Mars is almost identical to the length of an Earth day. Mars also has a similar tilt of the axis, and therefore has similar seasonal changes. But Mars has a much more elliptical orbit, with almost 29% difference between the closest and furthest points. This will make the seasonal changes in temperature more extreme. Temperatures currently range from a mild Spring-like 10 ℃ / 50 ℉ down to a very cold deep Wintery -87 ℃ / -125 ℉.
    • Mars currently has an extremely thin atmosphere that would require amending. (1% of Earth's atmosphere at 0.006 bars or 0.095 psi) This thin atmosphere consists of ~95% Carbon Dioxide, ~2.8% Nitrogen, ~2% Argon and ~0.17% Oxygen. If we wished to modify Mars to be habitable, we would need to thicken and enrich the atmosphere. Recent research (in 2021) indicates that this might be difficult due to a deficit of carbon dioxide. But perhaps we might be able to ship to Mars some of the excess carbon dioxide and methane from Earth and Venus.
    • Furthermore, a proper moon could help to warm and move the core of Mars, and possibly reactivate and strengthen the planetary magnetic fields, which in turn could help to improve and preserve the atmosphere. See the entry for "Meretz" below.
    • But most important and completely unchangeable, Mars is only a bit more than half the size of Earth and therefore has much less gravity than Earth, only about 38% of 1 Earth G. So while vacations on Mars might be fun, people who lived there for long periods would become weakened in the low gravity. Thus, this planet might not be suitable as a permanent home for individual humans.
    But Mars certainly could be valuable for agriculture, scientific research, tourism, sports and adventures!
    Martian Jungle Safaris, anyone?
    A week-long vacation for Skiing on Mons Olympus? Wow!

In Rome and Greece, Mars / Ares was the Olympian god of War and contests in general.
In Chinese 熒惑 ("Yinghuo") means "Bewilderment / Enchanted".
In Hindi मंगल ("Mangala") (also "Lohita") means "The Red One".
In Hebrew מאדים (“Ma'adim”) means "Reddener".

♂︎ ♈︎ Mars rules The Ram / The Rat. • Energy  • Action  • Impetus  • Spark Of Identity  • Presence  • Focus  • Brave  • Bold  • Genuine  • Self  • Challenge  • Direction  • Application  • YinYang Yang Mars is the Yang analogue of Pluto
which rules Scorpio as Yin.

Mars represents the First Sign, Aries The Ram, The Starting Fire!
Mars signifies the Spark of Energy that Opens Any Path!
Mars is there at the Initial Confrontation of Life!
Mars likes Exclamation Points!

Mars is the simplest Masculine Symbol, the male Hero, directing energy outward!

Aries people (Sun, Moon or Mars Rising) are often ready to try anything and very often they succeed and make progress! They often have an appealing innocence. They are eager for experience and interested to interact with others. When interacting with others, they often seem to have a background attitude of acceptance, an easy understanding that the world is naturally wide and full of variety, and they seem to easily accept others as they are. They like to challenge themselves and they appreciate people who also challenge them. Even though they don't handle frustration well, they don't seem to be control freaks.

Mars and Aries people have a remarkable ability to think directly and go straight to the point. This is an important leadership quality. It includes Honesty. It also engenders the fine trait of Sincerity. They actively and eagerly discover and develop their talents and skills.

"Every beginning is difficult."

They are naturally heroic in their protection of loved ones, and ready and willing to fix problems and rescue those in need ~ "Help is on the way!"

Many people who have Sun and Moon in Aries or who have prominent Mars also have an appreciation of, and affinity with, animals - pets, domesticates and creatures who live in the natural and wild world.

Mars and Aries are associated with Blood and the Life in the Body. The Path of Mars leads us to Focus, to Act to become Real, to live Genuine Honest lives in the Real World and to help create a Wholesome Reality for ourselves.

Quotes by People with Sun in Aries

"Great minds have purposes, little minds have wishes."
Washington Irving ( ☉ ♈︎ )

"Comparison of one's lot with others' teaches us nothing and enfeebles the will."
Thornton Wilder ( ☉ ♈︎ )

"I am self-confident because I have found my own dimension.
I should not make myself smaller than I am."
Edith Sodergran ( ☉ ♈︎ ) Finnish writer

"We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.
The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come."
Joseph Campbell ( ☉ ♈︎ ) The Hero with a Thousand Faces

• "If you cannot find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else."
• "War is not the answer, because only love can conquer hate."
Marvin Gaye ( ☉ ♈︎ )

"Teach success before teaching responsibility.
Teach them to believe in themselves.
Teach them to think, 'I'm not stupid'.
No child wants to fail. Everyone wants to succeed."
Al Green ( ☉ ♈︎ )

• "Like it or not, the world evolves, priorities change and so do you."
• When you're in charge of your life, you tend to not care about losing control of things that don't really matter."
Marilu Henner ( ☉ ♈︎ )

• "To begin, begin."
• "The child is father of the man."
• "That best portion of a man's life, his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and love."
William Wordsworth ( ☉ ♈︎ )

Elizabeth Montgomery's biographer Herbie Pilato wrote:
She considered "Sisters at Heart" her favorite episode of the Bewitched series and said that it "was created in the true spirit of Christmas ... conceived in the image of innocence and filled with truth."
Elizabeth Montgomery ( ☉ ♈︎ ) actress

"You can't use up creativity.
The more you use, the more you have."
Maya Angelou ( ☉ ♈︎ )

"I have found that to love and to be loved is the most empowering and exhilirating of all human emotions."
Jane Goodall ( ☉ ♈︎ ) Naturalist & Researcher

"Ever tried? Ever failed? No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better."
Samuel Beckett ( ☉ ♈︎ )

"One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever comes to sit by it.
Passersby see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way."
Vincent Van Gogh ( ☉ ♈︎ )

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms ~
to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way.”
Viktor Frankl ( ☉ ♈︎ )

"You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom.
You can only be free if I am free."
Clarence Darrow ( ☉ ♈︎ )

"The most wonderful aspect of the universal scheme of things is the action of free beings under divine guidance."
Joseph Marie De Maistre ( ☉ ♈︎ )

• "Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is.
The most important product of his effort is his own personality."
• "Immature love says 'I need you, so I love you.' Mature love says 'I love you, therefore I need you.' "
Erich Fromm ( ☉ ♈︎ )

Quotes by others relevant to Aries

"Every beginning is difficult."

Links relevant to Aries

books, articles & essays:
The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm ( ☉ ♈︎ ), psychologist

Red and Black from stageplay "Les Miserables", book by Victor Hugo ( ☉ ♓︎ )
I'm Still Standing written and sung by Elton John ( ☉ ♈︎ )
I'll Be Around sung by The Spinners
Reach Out sung by The Four Tops
Nature Boy written by Eden Ahbez ( ☉ ♈︎ ), sung by Nat King Cole ( ☉ ♓︎ )
The greatest thing
You'll ever learn
Is just to love
And be loved in return.
I Love the Man You are in Me by Janis Ian ( ☉ ♈︎ ) (1974)
I love the light, I love the changing season
I love without much thought to reason
I'd give it all if I could make you see
I love the man that you were meant to be
I love the man you are in me.

I love the man who waits beside you
I love the man who hides behind you
I love the shadow though it disappears
I love the afterglow reflected through the tears
I love the shadow in my tears

I love the dreams you can't remember
Lost in the early waking hours
I love the season of the river

I live without the light of laughter
I live without an ever-after
I'd give it all if I could make you see
I need the man that you were meant to be
I love the man you are in me.

The outer Path of Mars gives us Action. When we act, we feel an inner effect. We want to feel the Value of the action. The hammering of Mars helps to consolidate and condense the next Path.
This leads us to the inner Path of Venus, of the Bull, Taurus, the Path of Desire.

2110 ? Meretz 1,850 TLS 57 dy [~170,000 Km?]
☽︎ ♂︎ :: Meretz - Proposed Artificial Moon of Mars
Artificial Moon of Mars

Meretz ~ proposed artificial Moon of Mars

  • A Moon would help to warm the planet's inner core by gravitational friction strengthening the magnetic fields which in turn would help to preserve the atmosphere. The suggested diameter of Meretz in relation to Mars echoes the proportion of Earth's Moon to the Earth ~ 27% of the planet's diameter.
  • Assembly of Mars' artificial moon can incorporate the two small natural satellites Phobos and Deimos, Mars-orbit-crossing rocks, spare rocks orbiting Jupiter, and other rocks from the Kuiper Belt & Oort Cloud.
  • While Mars spends about two months in a sign for us here on Earth, the Martian moon would traverse each sign in a few days, while the Earth would spend about a month or so in each sign as it accompanies the Sun. This would greatly contrast with the movement of our moon which only spends a few days in each sign. Also while seen from Earth, Mars regularly moves retrograde, but when viewed from Mars, the Martian moon would never go retrograde!

There's no myth to the name here - "Meretz" is the Hebrew word for "Energy".
It simply echoes Mars nicely both in sound and meaning.

A single round Moon will reflect all the qualities of Mars.
The moon would represent the Astrological principles of Mars for the people living there. The swift movement of the Martian moon would reflect quick and frequent changes in the Dimension represented by Mars, in contrast to the slow passage of Mars as seen from Earth. This includes styles of energy, initiative, activity, interaction. Here on Earth, Mars usually remains in a single sign for six weeks, with one much longer period every two years. But Mars' moon would complete the passage around the Zodiac without retrogrades in perhaps six Earth weeks!

The progress of the Earth across the sky would represent the principles of the Earth for everyone living on Mars. Here on Earth, those principles are represented by our Moon. Seen from Mars, the Earth would follow relatively close to the Sun and thus the Earth would move much more slowly through the zodiac than does our Moon. So the shifts of the principles of the Earth would occur much more slowly on Mars than they do here at home. This means steady longer periods of any given style of nurturance, imagination, growth, acceptance and more. In addition, seen from Mars, the Earth would appear to move retrograde periodically, while here on Earth, our Moon never appears retrograde.

The Astrological Shape of Time would feel very different to people living on Mars!

1801 Ceres 946 9 hr 4.6 yr 382-445 (mKm) / 0.078
⚳︎ ♍︎ :: Ceres, Ruler of VIRGO ~ The Girl / The Snake

image not found: Asteroid Belt

The Asteroid Belt

Region: ABO  MPC: 1  PD: A801AA

  • Although she is small, Ceres is the largest and the most clearly round representative world in the Asteroid Belt circling the Sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. She is a little smaller than ⅓ of the diameter of our Moon.
  • Like Mercury, Ceres has no atmosphere to distribute heat. Unlike Mercury, Ceres does rotate, so the temperatures on Ceres range from a very cold -73 ℃ (daytime) to -143 ℃ (night-time) / -100 ℉ (daytime) to -225 ℉ (night-time).
  • Ceres takes a little more than 4½ years to make her way around the Sun and the Zodiac. Because she is nicely round and circles the Sun, this classifies her as a Planet. However, she has not cleared her orbit of other objects. Indeed, she shares her orbit with very many other objects. Thus, Ceres is classified as a Minor Planet since her orbit is extremely cluttered.
  • In the Asteroid Belt, there are three other roughly round planetoids less than half her size: These are the minor planets Vesta, Pallas and Hygiea. They also circle the Sun in their own orbits within the Asteroid Belt.
  • In addition to these four round members of the Asteroid Belt, there are an estimated 400,000 smaller irregularly shaped asteroids circling the Sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. These asteroids range in size from huge free-flying mountains down to boulders, rocks and stones. Some astronomers have estimated that the if the entire mass of the Asteroid Belt were gathered together, it would make a small planet almost as large as our moon. The asteroids are not close to each other in our terms, though. You would need a small telescope to see other asteroids if you were standing on Ceres.
  • Note in the illustration at left below Ceres that many Asteroids, the "Trojans" and "Greeks", appear to cluster around the sextile positions in relation to Jupiter, while the "Hildas" are clustered in opposition to Jupiter on the other side of the Sun! These Asteroids are present at Jupiter's LaGrange points! We can view this as an intimate relationship that the Asteroid Belt has with Jupiter.
  • Some astronomers believe that Ceres and the other asteroids were originally a larger planet that was broken up by impacts from other objects and/or by gravitational pressures from Jupiter, while other astronomers believe that these objects were parts of a ring of dust, a potential planet that never completely formed.
  • Now, Ceres is not really suitable for terraforming, but along those lines, this author would like to suggest that someday we send robots to work for years to gradually grind smooth the surfaces of Ceres, Vesta, Pallas and Hygiea. The robots could then also cover them in shiny stuff as decoration. Maybe they could use a layer of silicon flakes or small glass marbles? That might make Virgo people happier. Virgo likes jewelry... This would also make the four largest asteroids more visible in the night sky!
  • Ceres was discovered in 1801 by Giuseppe Piazzi, a priest born July 16 1746 in Ponte Valtellina, Italy.
  • Energy Efficiency: Ceres, the representative of the Asteroid Belt and the Virgo Dimension, seems to 'pretend' to be much larger than she is. How? There would seem to be a lot more surface area to the collection of all the objects of the Asteroid Belt than there is to a single round planet. This would mean that the Asteroid Belt collects a lot more sunshine than a single round planet! We may interpret this to mean that the Virgo dimension has this special strategy to collect solar energy, which may actually be more effective and efficient than the usual way of a single round rotating planet. However, the price that the Virgo Dimension pays for this superior ability to gather energy is a severely reduced level of integration.

Ceres or Demeter was the Olympian goddess of the Harvest.
The English word "cereal" is related to her name.

⚳︎ ♍︎ Ceres rules The Girl / The Snake. • Inner Messages  • Application  • Organized  • Conformity  • Clean  • Healthy  • Self Control  • Diligence  • Improvement  • Skills  • Specialist  • Expert  • Modesty  • Recursion  • Participation  • Refinement  • YinYang Yin Ceres is the Yin analogue to Mercury
which rules Gemini as Yang.

Ceres represents Virgo, The Girl, Dispersing Earth. Ceres is the largest body in the Asteroid Belt, representative of Virgo, which embodies the most prominent Principles involved in physical health, in functioning in the world, and in the many details of life and in application & industry.

This Earth sign is a complex sign-dimension.
Virgo can be thought of as the sign that signifies the completion of the individuality.
The next sign, Libra, is the sign of relationships.

Wheat Fields and Rice Paddies are natural symbols of Virgo. The Sand on a Beach is also a good natural symbol of Virgo. The surprising beauty of the tiny things of the world is also seen through our Virgo dimension, such as sunflowers, snowflakes, sea shells, butterflies' wings, grasshoppers & beetles, birds' feathers, bees and their hexagonal wax hives, gem stones, et cetera!
Technologies all involve Virgo skills, from fishing nets & webs, growing agricultural grass grains such as rice, wheat, barley, oats & lupine and legumes & beans, ceramics & pottery, designing & printing computer chips and mathematics and engineering. All these work with fine, tiny bits from the Earth and many detailed functions that collectively have great effect on all our lives.

Mandelbrot set Julia set

It's not simple or easy to disperse Earth, but amazingly ordered details have great beauty. Here are 2 mathematical sets that display recursive forms that seem to express the principles of Virgo.

Here is a video by Ben Sparks that explains the Mandelbrot & Julia Sets. Here is a website about fractals. Keep in mind that in order to understand recursion, you must first understand .. recursion.
If you recurse down to a certain point and then pop back up to the surface when you find what you seek, recursion will be productive. Otherwise, recursion without an end-point will descend into inner chaos.

Boundaries are very important for Virgos. Without good boundaries, they may become self-involved and lose their sense of the real world. Good boundaries protect against uncontrolled inward recursion.

Virgo is the dimension that lets people work out the details of inventing, designing and producing the fine, useful, beautiful, exquisite, delicious things that everyone wants and enjoys. Many Virgo Sun people are gifted storytellers and musicians. They are usually very conscientious and diligent in their chosen field. Our Virgo dimension helps all of us understand and work with the details of the world. Virgo easily sees all the setails. (oops, sorry ~ details) A well developed Virgo dimension encourages us to do things well.

"If something is worth doing, it's worth doing well."

Virgos work with real world items. They can understand the physical world very well, and they can work effectively and with great skill. Many people with Virgo Suns and Moons find success in the health field. They make excellent medical professionals, including nurses, and they often have the gift of helping people to regain their health. We ought to make proper appreciation and financial support for nurses and other caretakers a priority in our societies.

Virgo is not a central figure. One important challenge to Virgo is to let go of their 'feeling memory' of the fiery focus of Leo and to allow their own actual ego to be subsumed into their service to the community and their remarkable work with the real world. Virgo, however, definitely does not know how to delegate tasks or rely on others' participation.

"If you want something done right, do it yourself!"

There is a difference between being a 'central figure' and being a 'center of attention'.
• Being a central figure comes from an inner quality within yourself. People notice and gravitate toward the creative character of the artist who creates within themselves.
• Being a center of attention comes from actions originating outside you. People who are around you will create your character if you cater to their requirements, expectations, wishes and whims in exchange for their attention.
Leo Suns natural actions draw people to them as the 'central figure'.
In contrast, Virgo Suns, often secretly, and sometimes openly, wish to be the 'center of attention'.
We all have both dimensions, in various degrees. We use our creativity to integrate ourselves and create our happiness, and we use our adaptability to refine ourselves and to fit well into our social environment.

Actually, Virgo Suns do very well in roles as the center of attention in various fields of culture and entertainment: literature, music, theatre, television, film. In these fields, there is a very long list of talented people born with Sun in Virgo. See a partial list in the Quotes section below.
Fantasy allows them to bring out their secret Leonish stories very well. Many Virgo Sun people have become perceptive, compelling storytellers and social activists. This kind of work brings them tremendous attention. This method of getting attention and adoration is immensely better than trying to insert and involve themselves into other people's lives uninvited as in politics or corporate management.

Energy Efficiency, as noted above in the Astronomy section on Ceres, is an important feature to Virgo people. Socially and Psychologically this would be expressed as the ability to function as part of a large group. Corporations, workers' unions and any large groups work on Virgo principles. Non Governmental Organizations that exist for the benefit of the public also work on Virgo principles. Many individuals can coordinate and work together to gain results that no one individual alone could produce. Many species of insects also work together with remarkable instinctive coordination. The most famous examples are ants with their fungus farms, termites with their air-conditioned tower cities and bees with their hives and honey dances. These types of organizations can work well if they operate without egoism. However, if there are dictatorial egos guiding the group, such as greedy corporations, everything becomes corrupt and poisonous.

In a safe, strongly cohesive, happy, healthy group, Leo central figures will shine lights on the Virgos and commend them for their contributions, encouraging everyone to then give appropriate attention, recognition, appreciation and rewards to the Virgos for their fine work. In this healthy group, the Virgos will be able to accept the praise as appreciation from their valued peers and encouragement to continue to do their best and to set a good example for others. Unfortunately, that kind of group of mature individuals is very rare.

For many people, their Virgo dimension seems to be drawn to two impossible values: perfection and purity. It would be good for all of us to learn from our Taurus and our Capricorn Dimensions that these two values are directions rather than actual qualities. If we keep in mind the words 'to perfect' and 'to purify' as verbs, we will be much more comfortable with our Virgo dimension.

"Don't let 'Perfect' become an enemy of the 'Good'!"

One Challenge of the Path of Virgo is to be Organized, Patient and Productive while retaining the virtues of her experiences with the previous sign of Leo. Virgo can help us all to become truly Modest and Graceful while allowing the ego and energy to diffuse and be disseminated into the many works that she provides to support and enhance her corner of the world, her community.

Virgo people (Sun, Moon) often feel overwhelmed by the huge number of details that they feel need their attention, their tending, their management.
The Inner Messages via hormones that keep our bodies healthy are Virgo functions. The Inner Communications of a community are also an aspect of expression of Virgo. Ceres has myriad Inner Messages and Influences from the other Asteroids.
Gossip, Rumours, Criticism, Control, Contempt and Arrogance are some of the negative versions of social messages. These are negative symptoms of an ego that is severely insufficiently or improperly engaged in the world.

Many Virgo Sun people sometimes feel their identity to be too diffuse and in danger of disintegrating. They may feel that everything is unstable, so they try to emphasize and exert control over everything and everyone around them. Other people describe normal levels of this Virgo characteristic as "bossy". However, this can reach disturbing levels. Then people will use terms such as 'Too Tightly Wrapped', 'Micro Manager', "Control Freak" and "Super Critical" to describe this characteristic. When a bad temper and flashes of anger are included in the mix, "Virago" is another term other people may use to describe the women.

When you see a Virgo Sun who is eager to be a leader, or meet a group whose central group of leaders include many Virgo Suns, you can be sure that there is something gone awry in their psychology. Sadly, this is not an unusual situation. We can all recognize micro-managers and control freaks who suffer from an unbalanced Virgo dimension. Another expression of this imbalance is superficiality, arrogance and contempt for others. Heart problems plague Virgo people who seek central roles. It is wildly inappropriate for them. For a Sun Virgo, it's best to not try to occupy the center position of any group.

Virgo Sun people who are insecure about their identity can also be drawn to the service of powerful figures. They may become sycophants. This is not good. If a Virgo Sun person gives in to this weakness, they will be seen by others as liars, untrustworthy and treacherous. This situation would lead to a manipulative, bitter, regretful, unfulfilled and self-destructive life.
Many Virgo people (Sun, Moon) also have an unusually strong fear of death. Some also have a fascination with the topic of suicide or even suicidal ideation. Again, this is another sign of an ego that is insufficiently or improperly engaged in the world.

Virgos need to search for, find and firmly grasp good healthy identity characteristics and self-esteem so they cannot be misused by self-serving persons. The cultivation of relationships with Pisces people can remediate these problems.

There is a remedy to the suffering of the Virgo dimension!
An important remedy for everyone's problems is to have friendships with people who have their Suns or Moons or other planets in the opposite signs to yours.
How can this be a remedy? These relationships offer us new perspectives which can help us to outgrow our suffering.
For Virgos this means to consult with and confide in your Pisces friends.
Emulate them. Assist them. Perhaps you even need to argue with them sincerely!
This is important! If you don't currently have any Pisces friends - Get Some!
Remember, we never 'outgrow' our real friends with whom we share Instinctive Affection..
~ If such a thought occurs to you, you should realize that, instead, you need to 'outgrow' your own ego.

Here is an exercise that can help to understand the Virgo dimension:

Gather some friends who have Sun or Moon in Pisces. They will be there for contrast so you can speak with more people than you could by yourself. Perhaps one of your friends could record the event on a video camera.

Make a few dozen peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or pita pocket breads with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes with hummus / mustard / ketchup and wrap them all in wax paper.

Then go with your Pisces friends to distribute these sandwiches with coffee, tea and cocoa to some helpless, homeless or elderly needy people in your city.

Spend a little time with the people who receive your gifts. Listen to their stories. They may have very sad stories, but nevertheless you can try to be positive, comforting, nurturing and encouraging.

Alternatively, you might take some bags of pet food and treats to an animal shelter and play with the dogs and cats for a while. Maybe you can help people to adopt them.

Afterward, take some time to discuss and share your feelings about the experience with your friends. How did these deeds affect you and your friends?

This kind of experience will tell you much more about your own Virgo and Pisces dimensions than you could read anywhere!

"Hell is the inability to Love."
Leon Tolstoy ( ☉ ♍︎ ☽ ♍︎ )

The Path of Virgo is to Touch the World in as many ways as she can. Anyone with a healthy Virgo dimension is very fine indeed. They are committed to healthy wholesome living. They are socially graceful and can have gratifying social ideals. They value caring and intelligence. They have an impressive range and variety of skills and great natural ability in the areas of health and the proper functioning of an organization. They are ingenious, productive and meticulous. They see the problems of the day and are willing to work towards the solutions. They are patient, gentle and strong and they like to provide care for all kinds of creatures.

.. My friend and teacher, Dr. Margaret McFarland, used to say,
"I love being part of the beach of life - I like being one of the grains of sand."
"Mr Rogers" ~ Fred Rogers ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♓︎ )

Quotes by People with Sun in Virgo

"I always wondered why somebody doesn't do something about that.
Then I realized I was somebody."
Lily Tomlin ( ☉ ♍︎ )

"You will stay young as long as you learn, form new habits, and don't mind being contradicted."
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach ( ☉ ♍︎ )

• "We and the cosmos are one. "The cosmos is a vast living body, of which we are still parts. The sun is a great heart whose tremors run through our smallest veins. The moon is a great nerve center from which we quiver forever. Who knows the power that Saturn has over us, or Venus? But it is a vital power, rippling exquisitely through us all the time."
• "We need not feel ashamed of flirting with the zodiac. The zodiac is well worth flirting with."
D.H. Lawrence ( ☉ ♍︎ )

"The greatest of all gifts is the power to estimate things at their true worth."
Francois de La Rochefoucauld ( ☉ ♍︎ )

"Hell is the inability to Love."
Leon Tolstoy ( ☉ ♍︎ ☽ ♍︎ )

• "Don't believe the hype. I don't care how many number ones you have at the box office, I don't care how much they say you're great, don't believe it. Just stay in your lane and do what you're supposed to do."
• "Developing a good work ethic is key. Apply yourself at whatever you do, whether you're a janitor or taking your first summer job, because that work ethic will be reflected in everything you do in life."
• "It's not an easy journey, to get to a place where you forgive people. But it is such a powerful place, because it frees you."
• "The heart of who I am as a person and as a man is forgiveness, after forgiving my father for a lot of things that were done when I was child."
• "What I know about me is that, in order to lead, you also have to know how to follow."
Tyler Perry ( ☉ ♍︎ ☽ ♎︎ )

"...there are many possible branches, many possible futures. Our business is to choose one clean thread among the many, and bend the future to our will in accord with our own designs."
Liz Greene ( ☉ ♍︎ )

"Those who have mastered etiquette, who are entirely, impeccably right, would seem to arrive at a point of exquisite dullness."
Dorothy Parker ( ☉ ♍︎ )

"There's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in."
Leonard Cohen ( ☉ ♍︎ ☽ ♓︎ )

Some famous people with Sun in Virgo
Leo Tolstoy, Ingrid Bergman, Lauren Bacall, Raquel Welch, Sophia Loren, Brigitte Bardot, Sean Connery, Greta Garbo, Agatha Christie, Tim Burton, Stephen King, John Ritter, Leonard Cohen, Beyonce Knowles, Michael Jackson, Michael Buble, River Phoenix, Richard Gere, Hugh Grant, Charlie Sheen, Adam Sandler, Shania Twain, Claudia Schiffer, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Tim Burton, Michelle Williams, Chris Pine, Dave Chappelle, Julio Iglesias, Macaulay Culkin, Bill Murray, Idris Elba, Keanu Reeves, Freddie Mercury, P!nk...

Quotes by others relevant to Virgo

"He can't see the forest for the trees."
( He cannot see the big picture because he is so focussed on the details. )

"By forgetting the Supreme Lord, all the ailments cling to the man."
Guru Arjan Dev ( ☉ ♈︎ ) Hindu guru during early years of Sikh tradition.

"It takes a Village to raise a Child."

The antiseptic baby and the prophylactic pup
were playing in the garden when the bunny gamboled up;
They looked upon the creature with a loathing undisguised -
it wasn't disinfected and it wasn't sterilized.

They said it was a microbe and a hotbed of disease;
They steamed in a vapor of a thousand-odd degrees;
The froze it in a freezer that was cold as banished hope
and washed it in a permanganate of carbolated soap.

In sulphureted hydrogen they steeped its wiggly ears;
They trimmed its frisky whiskers with a pair of hard-boiled shears;
They donned their rubber mittens and they took it by the hand
and 'lected it a member of the fumigated band.

There's not a micrococcus in the garden where they play;
They bathe in pure iodoform a dozen times a day;
and each imbibes his rations from a hygienic cup -
the bunny and the baby and the prophylactic pup.

Arthur Guiterman ( ☉ ♏︎ )

.. My friend and teacher, Dr. Margaret McFarland, used to say,
"I love being part of the beach of life - I like being one of the grains of sand."
Fred Rogers ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♓︎ )

Links relevant to Virgo

Vivien Thomas ( ☉ ♍︎ ) Medical Researcher
A self-educated genius, Mr Vivien Thomas ( ☉ ♍︎ ), together with Dr Alfred Blalock ( ☉ ♈︎ ), solved two serious problems of surgical medicine in the middle Twentieth Century: First they addressed wartime Injury Shock and later Blue Baby Syndrome, which opened the field of Cardiac Surgery. Mr Thomas was granted an honorary doctorate to recognize his achievements over the decades. Their portraits are on the wall at Johns Hopkins.

movie: Something the Lord Made
book: Like Something the Lord Made
book: About the book: Like Something the Lord Made
website: Johns Hopkins ~ The Vivien Thomas Fund
NASA "Computors" Skilled Mathematicians in the 1960s
In the 1960s the NASA space program employed people, skilled mathematicians, as "computors" to make the calculations for all the space launches before electronic computers were available.

Dorothy Vaughan ( ☉ ♍︎ )
Katherine Johnson ( ☉ ♍︎ )
Christine Darden ( ☉ ♍︎ )
Mary Jackson ( ☉ ♈︎ )

movie: Hidden Figures
book: Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly
Mother Teresa ( ☉ ♍︎ ) A biography

books, articles & essays:
The Asteroids by Eleanor Bach, 1973
"Cultivation of the Earth and it's resources .. resulting in production, distribution, care and concern which nurture growth, ecology - cooperation between man and nature, nutrition, health, labor, work, and service for production. Civilizing force stemming from human concern; capacity for grief; grief at destruction; hope for rebirth; concern for workers or the common man."
A Simple Path by Mother Theresa ( ☉ ♍︎ )
H. G. Wells ( ☉ ♍︎ )
James Hilton ( ☉ ♍︎ )
D. H. Lawrence ( ☉ ♍︎ ☽ ♎︎ )
Leon Tolstoy ( ☉ ♍︎ )

Fun House by P!nk (Alecia Moore) ( ☉ ♍︎ ☽ ♈︎ )
"This used to be a fun house!
Now it's full of evil clowns!
Gonna burn it down, down, down!
Gonna burn it down!"
Brick in the Wall by Pink Floyd / Roger Waters ( ☉ ♍︎ )
This tragically anarchistic song complains bitterly about the gross misunderstanding and misuse of Saturn's principles in the world's educational systems. The author is unable to offer healing or corrections.

"We don't need no education!
We don't need no thought control!
No dark sarcasm in the classroom.
Hey, Teacher! leave them kids alone
You're just another brick in the wall!"
Aquamarine ~ Finale Suite   Audio1   by David Hirschfelder ( ☉ ♍︎ )
Leonard Cohen ( ☉ ♍︎ ☽ ♓︎ )
Everybody Knows (JLA) sung by Sigrid ( ☉ ♍︎ )
"Everybody knows ~
.. the ship is sinking
.. the captain lied
.. the war is over
.. the good guys lost"

The inner Path of Virgo is to constantly refine and improve herself and to coordinate and participate with many others all at the same time ~ To participate in the creation of, and become part of, a Safe, Happy and Healthy Community in a Wholesome Environment.
The experience of community leads us to the outer Path of Libra The Balance ( perhaps ruled by Eris ), the Path of Relationships and Partnership, the Path of being linked with and aware of others as individuals equal to ourselves.

1807 Vesta 525 5.3 hr 3.9 yr 322-384 (mKm)
⚶︎ ♍︎ :: Vesta - Asteroid of The Girl / The Snake

Region: ABO  MPC: 4  PD: A807FA
Asteroid Vesta

Vesta is roughly round, one of the four round members of the Asteroid Belt.

That Vesta was the Olympian goddess of the Hearth. The Word 'Invest' Comes From Vesta.

• Focus on Environment
Vesta may be considered a secondary representative of Virgo, focussed on social manners and mores and customs.
Vesta shows your style and where you keep the ‘home fires’ burning. Vesta is self-discipline and unwavering attention to a task. She is also a Prosperity goddess. The Hearth symbolizes abundance.

"Cultural tradition, loyalty to heritage, sense of national origin, identity with clan or group, vested interest groups, security, conservative, fostering that which endures, popular conventions, family, nation, law and order which insures harmonious coexistence, confidence in the continuance of life."
Eleanor Bach, "Ephemerides of the Asteroids" (1973)

1802 Pallas 512 7.8 hr 4.6 yr 319-510 (mKm)
⚴︎ ♍︎ :: Pallas - Asteroid of The Girl / The Snake

Region: ABO  MPC: 2  PD: A802FA
Asteroid Pallas

Pallas is roughly round, one of the four round members of the Asteroid Belt.

Pallas Athena was the name of the Olympian goddess of Wisdom.

• Focus on Intellect •
Pallas may be considered a secondary representative of Virgo, focussed on techniques and knowledge.

"Intermediary between Authority and the People; wise government; mind over matter; craftmanship, skills, handicrafts; gestalt perception; perception of unity in variety; pattern perception and creation; proper utilization of energy; disciplining instincts; industriouness, ingenuity, inventiveness; public service, citizenship, healing, cultural development."
Eleanor Bach, "Ephemerides of the Asteroids" (1973)

1849 Hygiea 434 14 hr 5.57 yr 417-523 (mKm)
⚕︎ ♍︎ :: Hygiea - Asteroid of The Girl / The Snake

Region: ABO  MPC: 10  PD: A849GA
Asteroid Hygiea

Hygiea is roughly round, one of the four round members of the Asteroid Belt. Hygiea is considered to be the smallest round minor planet.

Hygiene is a word derived from this Olympian demi-goddess.

In Greek as well as Roman mythology, Hygieia (also spelled Hygiea or Hygeia) was one of the Aeclepiadae; the sons and daughters of the god of medicine, Asclepius, and the goddess of healing, Epione. She was the personification of health, cleanliness and hygiene. Hygieia also played an important part in her father’s cult. While her father was more directly associated with healing, she was associated with the prevention of sickness and the continuation of good health. Her name is the source of the word “hygiene”. While the myth does not associate Hygeia directly with healing, but instead with hygiene and prevention, we can certainly see an immediate correlation of the asteroid Hygeia with remedy, noticeably present in the charts of doctors, traditional healers, or medical researchers.
Maurice Fernandez

• Cleanliness • Purity •
Hygiea may be considered a secondary representative of Virgo, focussed on cleanliness and the prevention of illness.

Hygeia intensifies and cleanses any other planetary energy with which she links, and assists it to express in a cleaner, stronger, truer form. Sometimes this poses real challenges and problems, making circumstances appear worse before they get better. Then Hygeia seems to act like the force behind a fever, which can rise to dangerous heights before it breaks, and the healing occurs. It’s all about getting the poison out first, so that wholeness can be restored, or aided to form. The poison is more often metaphorical than literal, of course. Hygeia always helps you to scrub up, or purge. She’s a catalyst for action as well as a force for intensifying and purifying other energies. However testing a time you have whilst she’s busy, you’re always left in much better shape when she has finished with you. Hygeia’s healing in ancient Greece was held in sleep temples. The priestesses used healing dreams and dream oracles. So they realised that traumas buried deep in the past can effect current life situations and reveal themselves dreams. Hypnosis, like dreams, induces a different state of consciousness that is in some situations an appropriate mechanism for healing. Meditation can lead to important life insights and greater peace in one’s life. Star Counsell

Some personal observations about Hygeia: Her place in the chart (by sign, house, and aspects) describes health vulnerabilities (physical or mental), and healing capacities (recovering from ailments or healing other people). She is prominent in many charts of health practitioners, healers, doctors, and medical researchers. Prominence can be determined by her placement on angles (Asc, Desc, IC, MC) Lunar Nodes (South or North), tight aspects to luminaries (Sun and Moon), or the abundance of aspects in general. Transits of Hygeia could activate ailment or health crises in the anatomical correspondence to astrology. Maurice Fernandez

Antiquity Jupiter 142,984 10 hr 12 yr 04.94-05.45 AU / 0.049
⚳︎ ♍︎ :: Jupiter, Ruler of SAGITTARIUS ~ The Archer / The Monkey


  • Jupiter, the largest planet in our system, is wildly arrayed in vividly colored swirling horizontal bands. The atmosphere is largely hydrogen and helium, with small amounts of other gases that color the skies of the planet. The planet has a huge long-lived storm that forms an "eye" called the Great Red Spot.
  • Jupiter stands very upright with his axis of rotation only 3° off vertical, perpendicular to the plane of revolution around the Sun! So there are no seasonal differences on Jupiter. The temperature of Jupiter is about -110 ℃ / -166 ℉.
  • There are four large round moons orbiting the planet, and many rocky satellites that are too small to be round. There is also a thin ring system like those around Uranus and Neptune.
  • Jupiter has a powerful magnetic field that lights up aurorae at the North and South Poles. The magnetic field is 10 times more powerful than that of Earth. Jupiter has a strong radio presence, emitting more radiation than it reflects from the Sun.
    Jupiter's Polar Aurorae Jupiter Aurorae
    Is this an indicator that Jupiter is the youngest of the planets? Is Jupiter the most recently matured star in our system of planets? Perhaps Jupiter is the mature form of a star in our system that shed the coat of fusion perhaps 2 billion years ago and then took it's current place as a planet in the solar system?
  • Jupiter's longitude of Perihelion is currently at Aries 14°.

In Greece and Rome, Jupiter / Zeus was the Chief of the Olympian Gods.
In Chinese 歲星 ("Sui Xing") means "Year Star"
In Hindi बृहस्पति ("Guru, Bṛhaspati")
In Hebrew צֶדֶק ("Tzedek") means "Righteous"

♃︎ ♐︎ Jupiter rules The Archer / The Monkey. • Expansion  • Enthusiasm  • Enterprise  • Benefit  • Exploration  • Correction  • Rectification  • Perspective  • Laughter  • Growth  • Purpose  • Development  • Outer Connections  • Redemption  • Preservation  • Upright  • Justice  • Righteous  • YinYang Yang Jupiter is the Yang analogue of Neptune
which is the Yin Ruler of Pisces.

Jupiter represents Sagittarius The Archer, The Dispersing Fire. Sagittarius is the Dimension of explosive energy expanding outward with enthusiasm to reach out and contact everything. Sagittarius is concerned with Learning at a high level . In India, Jupiter is called "Guru".

The Path of Sagittarius impresses us with the sheer immensity and energy and functioning of everything around us. The principles of Sagittarius can stir in us a sense of awe regarding the visible Universe. This path opens the movement toward Spirituality, toward a sense of the Divine. Corrections and a "right path" comes from Jupiter's encounter with the real world, with the principles represented by Saturn.

People with a well developed Sagittarius dimension have learned from their Scorpio dimension that the ego can be eliminated and Life continues. They learn to keep Conscious and Mindful and to sincerely integrate the many aspects of their New Horizons into their life. They offer optimism and enthusiasm. They have strong potential to inspire others to grow and develop their own sense of purpose. (Sir Winston Churchill, Mark Twain)

The principles of Sagittarius together with those of Pisces bring us to our connection to everyone and everything in the universe. Sagittarius contributes to the perspective on the ouside with energy and scale and Pisces from the inside with emotion, empathy and compassion. Between these two Paths, everyone will have their own idea of religion, a seed of awareness of being part of the Whole of Life.

"It is only necessary that you are confident and ignorant - then your success is assured!"
Mark Twain ( ☉ ♐︎ ☽ ♈︎ ) - advice to aspiring politicians

The Challenge of Sagittarius is to be clean and clear and not become Greedy, Superficial, Proud or Prejudiced, Narrow Minded, Self-Righteous, Bombastic, Contemptuous, Dogmatic or Hypocritical. The dangers of a poorly developed Jupiter shows in greed, gambling, drinking, drugs and wild behaviour. They can't get no satisfaction! Las Vegas, baby!

From the start, we can identify two classes of Archers:
The early class are those who blindly shoot volleys of arrows into the air in an arc, hoping to have an effect when the arrows hit, and who jump to conclusions with confidence and ignorance!
The other more mature class are those who have learned to aim for their targets with intention, direction, expertise and purpose and with much greater subsequent effect.
The differences are intention, direction, expertise, purpose and effect.

The difference and contrast is illustrated very well in the film "The Lord of the Rings". On the city parapet there is a large group of archers, the Men, who blindly shoot volleys of arrows into the air, hoping to see them hit enemy Orcs. There is also a smaller group of archers, the Elves, who nock their arrows, aim for captains of the Orcs and strike their targets true, depriving the enemy of their commanders.
The Elves are superb archers in the same class as the legendary inspirational marksmen Robin Hood of England, William Tell of Suisse and Arjuna the Supreme Archer of India.

After enthusiastically or angrily exploding with force and shooting into the air aimlessly many, many times, or simply jumping to ineffective and inaccurate conclusions, Archers strive to learn the lesson to determine and aim for a target. They get the concept of Course Correction from unsuccessful encounters with Saturn, from their failures to affect the real world. Paying closer attention to Saturn and Uranus helps to find the facts and methods that we all can use for more accurate, effective implementation. Pisces helps by loosening the ego to make our course corrections possible and acceptable. People who are heavily invested in their ego cannot accept corrections.

If our inner Archers accept the idea of Correction and integrate it into our directions and purposes, we can continue to make progress. This method of Explosion, Expansion, Behaviour Modification, Course Correction, Rectification, Desire for Redemption, Guided Growth and Development of Purpose leads toward the Path of Exploration, Gaining Benefits, Ethical Upright Living, Protection, Preservation and Justice leading to a Righteous Life. Jovian personalities who learn to succeed do indeed enjoy lifelong enthusiasm and provide optimism for their social circles.

The principles of Jupiter and Sagittarius enable us to reach out and get what we need and want. Sagittarius alone does not encourage us to give generously to others. Sagittarius is a Fire sign and does encourage us to display how large we are, to be the hero, but the urge for sharing comes from Neptune and Pisces, because that sign gives us the ability to feel the needs and desires of others. Saturn and Capricorn allow us to recognize the volume of our cup, and to accept the time to stop when filling it. They help us to allow others to fill their cups, to share with others. All these principles work together. It is SO important to coordinate with others when we are part of a group.

Jupiter and Sagittarius do NOT give us a sense of Responsibility. That comes largely from encounters with Capricorn and Saturn which make us aware of our Boundaries, our Limits, our Obligations and our Responsibilities.
As we become aware of the Benefits that we gain in life, we also need to understand and accept Corrections and the Responsibilities that are required to complete the cycle and maintain continuity and sustainability.

Regarding Benefits, Corrections & Responsibilities ~

From ancient times all the way to the nineteenth century, people would give birth to many children but most of them would not survive to adulthood. Even those who did survive to adulthood died relatively young from many causes. The population did not grow out of natural bounds, even though it did grow due to developments in agriculture.

In recent times, however, the safety of our world has increased so that very few children die young and more people live longer lives than ever before. This is largely due to public education and improvements such as the cleanliness and quality of our water and nutritious food and due to medicines such as vaccines and antibiotics.
These desirable Benefits were discovered and gained by learned scientists, engineers and teachers and shared with everyone.

Unfortunately, these Benefits were shared and delivered without Obligations, Responsibilities, Boundaries or Limits. Since then, these "benefits" have caused a tremendous unsustainable growth of our population. Subsequently, as our numbers have increased, we have inflicted growing levels of terribly destructive pollution and degradation of our world in many aspects.

In 1800, the estimated world population was under 1 billion people.
In 2024, the estimated world population is over 8 billion people.

The fact that many of our cultures and organizations around the world actually forbid family planning, birth control and abortion shows how dogmatically we are opposed to Responsibility and Sustainability. Our collective situation is akin to an infant or an insane person who is only thinking and acting from impulse and compulsions ~ not with purposeful awareness, self-control, meaningful choices, freedom and compassion.

If we recognize this, we will become aware of the need for Corrections.
We need the principles of Saturn to accept Responsibility and Limits.
We need the principles of Uranus for Knowledge, Clarity and Freedom to change.
We need the principles of Neptune to grow & develop Empathy and Compassion.
  • There is an urgent need to stop our abuse and to repair the damages to our natural environment and protect our world.
  • We desperately need to improve the education of the young in order to have a viable, sustainable future.
  • We need worldwide family planning educational programs and economic incentives to stop the growth and steadily shrink the size of our population to sustainable numbers.
  • We will also need to develop social structures and programs to ensure that as people do grow older they will all remain healthy, socially relevant and economically secure.
The Earth's Natural Environment, the Climate Crisis and Many Solutions
The Human Population Through Time
7 Billion People: How Did We Get So Big So Fast?
2000+ nuclear bombs time lapse

If we are not mislead by selfish greed, pride and hypocrisy, then we progress toward an opening, expanding, upright life and become more aware of the need to understand and engage the real world better and to participate in society, with all the practical complexities and interactions.
As we gain our Benefits, we need to accept and understand the great importance of Obligations and Responsibilities. These are the bookends to Rights and Benefits. Otherwise, the world we are currently shaping will not be sustainable.

Quotes by People with Sun in Sagittarius

"Own only what you can always carry with you: know languages, know countries, know people. Let your memory be your travel bag."
Alexandr Solzenitshyn ( ☉ ♐︎ ) One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will be at peace."
Jimi Hendrix ( ☉ ♐︎ )

"The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary ~
men alone are quite capable of every wickedness."
Joseph Conrad ( ☉ ♐︎ )

• "The power of man has grown in every sphere, except over himself."
• "I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught."
• "Never, never, never give up."
• "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
• "The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end - there it is."
Winston Churchill ( ☉ ♐︎ )

Silentium by Fyodor Tyutchev ( ☉ ♐︎ ☽ ♍︎ )

Be silent, secret and conceal
whatever you think, whatever you feel.
Within your soul your dreams should rise
and set like stars that fill the skies
with splendor on their nightly route,
Admire them, scan them and be mute.
How can a heart at will unfold
it's tale, can any soul be told
by what it is to live and die?
A thought when spoken is a lie.
The spings men dig for they pollute ~
Drink sweet waters and be mute.
Within yourself learn how to live.
Magic that is not fugitive
lies, a rich treasure in the mind
thoughts that the glare of day will blind
and the wild din without confute.
Drink sweet waters and be mute.

( Translated from the Russian by Babette Deutsch )

"Know how to live within yourself.
There is in your soul a whole world of mysterious and enchanted thoughts.
They will be drowned by the noise ouside.
Daylight will drive them away.
Listen to their singing and be silent."

(another translation )

"If we don't change, we don't grow.
If we don't grow, we are not really living.
Growth demands a temporary surrender of security."
Gail Sheehy ( ☉ ♐︎ )

"None can love freedom but good men.
The rest love not freedom, but license, which never hath more scope than under tyrants."
John Milton ( ☉ ♐︎ )

"The boys throw stones at the frogs in jest, but the frogs die in earnest."
Bion of Borysthenes

"How to make God laugh: Tell him your future plans."
Woody Allen ( ☉ ♐︎ ) (quoting a Yiddish proverb)

• "Every time we liberate a woman, we liberate a man."
• "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead ( ☉ ♐︎ ), anthropologist

"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. "
Mark Twain ( ☉ ♐︎ )

"My life has no purpose ... my life has no direction ... no aim ... no meaning ... and yet I'm happy ... I can't figure it out ... What am I doing right?"
Charles Schulz ( ☉ ♐︎ ), cartoonist

"...what we have to do with regard to the great wisdom from the whole of the past, both in the East and in the West, is to assimilate it and go on to new and original perception relevant to our present condition of life."
David Bohm ( ☉ ♐︎ ☽ ♓︎ ) physicist, 'Wholeness and the Implicate Order'

Quotes by others relevant to Sagittarius

Links relevant to Sagittarius

I Can't Get No Satisfaction The Rolling Stones
You've Got To Be Carefully Taught "South Pacific" by Rogers & Hammerstein, sung by John Kerr ( ☉ ♏︎ )
You've got to be carefully taught to hate and fear
You've got to be carefully taught from year to year
It's got to be drummed in your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught

You've got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made
And people whose skin is a different shade
You've got to be carefully taught

You've got to be taught before its too late
Before you are six or seven or eight
To hate all the people your relatives hate
You've got to be carefully taught
Deliver Us from "Prince of Egypt", sung by Ofra Haza ( ☉ ♏︎ )
Amazing Grace Poem by John Newton, sung by Judy Collins ( ☉ ♉︎ ☽ ♎︎ )
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now I'm found,
Was blind, but now I see..

As the outer path of Sagittarius expands outward, there is created a widening gap that is transformed by the structuring and materialization of the next sign, the inner Path of Capricorn, the Sea Goat and the Mountains of Saturn, the Path of Realization, Fulfillment and Resting.

1610 Io 3,643 TLS 42 hr 421,600 Km
☽︎ ♃︎ :: Io - Moon of Jupiter

Io ~ Moon of Jupiter
• Io reflects some qualities of Jupiter •


A girlfriend of Zeus

1610 Europa 3,121 TLS 3.5 dy 670,900 Km
☽︎ ♃︎ :: Europa - Moon of Jupiter

Europa ~ Moon of Jupiter
• Europa reflects some qualities of Jupiter •


A girlfriend of Zeus

1610 Ganymede 5,268 TLS 7.2 dy 1,070,000 Km
☽︎ ♃︎ :: Ganymede - Moon of Jupiter

Ganymede ~ Moon of Jupiter
• Ganymede reflects some qualities of Jupiter •

Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system, larger than the planet Mercury, and 77% of the diameter of Mars.

A boyfriend of Zeus, elevated to cupholder of the gods.

1610 Callisto 4,820 TLS 17 dy 1,883,000 Km
☽︎ ♃︎ :: Callisto - Moon of Jupiter

Callisto ~ Moon of Jupiter
• Callisto reflects some qualities of Jupiter •


a girlfriend of Zeus

Antiquity Saturn 120,536 11 hr 29.5 yr 09.01-10.07 AU / 0.052
⚳︎ ♍︎ :: Saturn, Ruler of CAPRICORN ~ The Sea Goat / The Rooster
Saturn Saturn


  • Saturn, the second largest planet, is elegantly clad in a gentle cascade of bands colored in earthy tones that change subtly with her seasons.
  • Saturn possesses spectacular Rings which were first discovered in 1610 when Galileo used a telescope to view Saturn and wrote that he saw two "ears" on the planet. Eventually these "ears" were viewed more clearly and finally astronomers understood them to be rings around the planet. The Rings of Saturn consist of 99% water ice particles. These range in size from blocks the size of small houses to little handfuls of clumps of snow. There are also huge dimmer outer rings of icy water vapor that glow in the sunlight. (See more information in Saturn's Rings below)
  • This giant world has seven sizable round moons and many more large mountain-sized rocks flying in orbit around the planet.
  • The angle of the axis of her rotation is 27° from perpendicular to the plane of her orbit around the Sun, not far from that of our Earth (23°), and thus Saturn also has four distinct seasons of about 7 Earth-years each. The temperature of Saturn is about -140 ℃ / -220 ℉.
  • Saturn's magnetic fields are almost as strong as those of the Earth, so she also has Aurorae around the North & South Magnetic Poles, but these are visible only in UV light.
    View Saturn's Aurora
  • At Saturn's South Pole, there is a mega-storm forming a giant funnel that opens inwards. At Saturn's North pole there are a group of giant perpetual storms that form a tremendous stable hexagon that looks like a cap made of brocaded fabric.
    View Saturn's North Pole Hexagon
  • Saturn's gravity is surprisingly close to that of the Earth, and it's density is so light that it would float in a giant bathtub of water! (with or without soap bubbles)
  • Saturn's longitude of Perihelion is currently in Cancer at 2°

In Greece and Rome, Saturn / Kronos, "Father Time", was the Titan who exiled his father Uranus and who then fathered Jupiter / Zeus and was in turn exiled by him. Saturday is named for this planet.
In Chinese 鎮星 ("Zhèn Xīng") means "The Quieting Star"
In Hindi शनि ("Śhani")
In Hebrew שבתאי ("Shabtai") means “My Resting"

♄︎ ♑︎ Saturn rules The Sea Goat / The Rooster. Capricorn by Spyrre Capricorn sculpture by Spyrre
• Facts  • Limits  • Definition  • Boundaries  • Building  • Structure  • Mastery  • Laws  • Time  • Patience  • Restraint  • Complete  • Achieve  • Maturity  • Consequences  • Obstacles  • Surmount  • Overcome  • Work  • Responsibility  • Security  • Excel  • Respect  • Reality  • Science  • Wisdom  • Teaching  • Meaning  • Actualization  • Satisfaction  • Realization  • Fulfillment  • Resting  • YinYang Yin Saturn is the Yin analogue to Uranus
the Yang ruler of Aquarius.

Saturn represents Capricorn The Sea Goat, The Starting Earth. This is traditionally the sign of the Wise Teacher, the voice of Experience. The Starting Earth is Realization, an acceptance and understanding of Reality. Hers is the path of Self-Realization and Fulfillment, becoming who we truly are, each with our own Meanings. An important facet of Self-Realization is being true to one's self and resting in that truth. Saturn represents Realization, Fulfillment, Life Satisfaction and Resting.
"Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shall you labor and do all your work. But the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God.."
Book of Exodus 20:7-10

Capricorn is symbolized by the Sea Goat, a mythical creature who spans the entire World. Her tail gracefully sweeps the Benthos of the Deepest Seas while her nostrils sniff the cool crisp air up at the tops of the peaks and summits of the Highest Mountains. She is the Mistress of the World!
Saturn's Cornucopia Actually, Saturn is naturally a gentle Shepherdess and Teacher.
Good Students who accept the value of Course Corrections (with regard to Jupiter) will follow close to Saturn and listen for her Guidance and Wisdom murmured with Love as they work to Build and Realize themselves in accordance with Natural Laws. They will also gradually Prune and Pare Away the Attitudes and Actions that don't fit the Meanings of their lives.

Saturn is involved with both outer restrictions & boundaries and inner liberty. Our natural boundaries mean that we must observe and respect the boundaries of others so that we all have complete liberties within to know ourselves and to become who we are. The Saturnian people you know may have surprisingly rich inner lives!

"Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is.
The most important product of his effort is his own personality."
Erich Fromm ( ☉ ♈︎ )

Saturn judges our positions regarding Natural Laws very clearly.
Sustainability is positive. Things that are not desperate are sustainable.
They can rest when it is time to rest.
If something observes well enough the living cycles of receiving and giving, it is sustainable and positive.
If something is sustainable it may progress to tomorrow or contribute to tomorrow ~

World wide, throughout our history, most of our societies have some level of serious problems with the Principles of Saturn, especially Boundaries, Mutual Respect and Resting. Sadly, these Principles are not yet well understood by mankind's group personality and far too many of our people.

"Hell is the inability to Love."
Leon Tolstoy ( ☉ ♍︎ ☽ ♍︎ )

People who don't yet understand the course corrections of Jupiter may view Saturn as harsh and hard as they continue to throw themselves against her boundaries and limits, creating for themselves frustration, intolerance, anger, violence, hatred, depression and insanity. They might even misuse Saturn's principles to oppress or crush other people's lives with unnecessary delays, limits, denials or scarcity.

The Principles represented by Saturn create Form and Structure. They organize Boundaries and Limits in Space and Time such as Gravity, Shapes, Borders, Distance, Speed, Days, Months, Years, Generations, Lifespans, Ages and Eras.

"Freedom and Restriction are two sides of the same coin,
the Freedom to Be Yourself and the Restriction Not To Be Anyone Else."
Antoine de St. Exupery, ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♌︎ )

Here are two valuable effects:
• These Limits simply give us some room to Become and Distinguish Ourselves and to have some degree of Safety. They give us the ability to make structures to define and build ourselves as we wish. Walls have an essential importance in Life. Limits let us create the frameworks for Identity. Boundaries provide Stability. Boundaries, Borders, Distance, Structures and Walls enable us to live in the World.

"Jim, In this galaxy, there's a mathematical probability of three million Earth type planets.
And in all the universe, three million million galaxies like this.
And in all of that, and perhaps more, only one of each of us."
~ Dr McCoy to Captain Kirk.
Star Trek TOS: 'Balance of Terror' (1966, S1 E14)
Written by Paul Schneider ( ☉ ♌︎ )

• These Limits also mark Separation and Distance, Scarcity and Rarity and even Lack and Loss, thus highlighting the Importance of what is Rare or Missing. When we disregard them with bad judgement, we may bring undesirable results. On the other hand, when we are aware and sensitive regarding these boundaries, we can consider the consequences of our actions and avoid unnecessary losses. This helps us understand how to Build and Achieve in order to Gain and Keep what we legitimately Need and Desire.
In this way, the Principles of Saturn help us learn Intimately, Indelibly, Vividly and Permanently what's Important, True, Valuable and Precious to us. Saturn guides us to learn Gratitude.

"See, In all our Searching, the only thing we've found that makes the Emptiness bearable .. is Each Other."
~ The Otherworlder to Ellie Arroway.
from the movie 'Contact' (1997)
from the book by Carl Sagan ( ☉ ♏︎ ), astrophysicist

Saturn's principles are essential to creating an identity. They are the key to understanding the obstacles to overcome and the structures and separations that are necessary to achieve mastery of our lives. Saturn represents the Natural Architecture of the world, the Path of Awareness and Acceptance of Meanings, Realization, Fulfillment and Resting.

"The fundamental principle of Morality is Respect for Life ..
The mysterious feeling of Respect for Life awakens in us when, in meditation upon ourselves and the world, we reach True Understanding of ourselves."
Reverence for Life Albert Schweitzer ( ☉ ♑︎ ), physician

People with Saturn prominent in their character are often excellent Teachers and Parents. They often excell in the Sciences. They wish and work to become their Best Selves and they understand how to help others to become their best selves. They know how to cultivate their society in the same way. A fulfilling life has good meaningful work and rewarding relationships.
The principles represented by Saturn enable us to Realize and Fulfill our lives.

The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams
Velveteen Rabbit "What is REAL?" asked the Rabbit one day... "Does it mean having things that buzz inside you and a stick-out handle?"

"Real isn't how you're made." said the Skin Horse. "It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real."

"Does it hurt?" asked the Rabbit.

"Sometimes," said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. "When you are Real you don't mind being hurt."

"Does it happen all at once, like being wound up," he asked "or bit by bit?"

"It doesn't happen all at once," said the Skin Horse. "You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't often happen to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But those things don't matter at all, because once you are Real, you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."

"I suppose you are Real?" said the Rabbit. And then he wished he had not said it, for he thought the Skin Horse might be sensitive. But the Skin Horse only smiled.

"The Boy's Uncle made me Real," he said. "That was a great many years ago; but once you are Real, you can't become unreal again. It lasts for always."

Quotes by People with Sun in Capricorn

• "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
• "Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right."
• "Science can be introduced to children well or poorly. If poorly, children can be turned away from science. They can develop a lifelong antipathy. They will be in a far worse condition than if they had never been introduced to science at all."
• "The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' (I found it!) but 'That's funny ...' "
Isaac Asimov ( ☉ ♑︎ )

"It is necessary only for the good man to do nothing for evil to triumph."
Edmund Burke ( ☉ ♑︎ )

"I am on the edge of mysteries and the veil is getting thinner and thinner."
Louis Pasteur ( ☉ ♑︎ )

"It's not what you are, but what you don't become that hurts."
Oscar Levant ( ☉ ♑︎ )

"I am learning all the time. My tombstone will be my diploma."
Eartha Kitt ( ☉ ♑︎ )

"You can't be brave if you've only had wonderful things happen to you."
Mary Tyler Moore ( ☉ ♑︎ )

• "If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants."
• "What we know is a drop, what we don't know is an ocean."
• "Men build too many walls and not enough bridges."
• "A man may imagine things that are false, but he can only understand things that are true."
• "Nature is pleased with simplicity."
• "Whence arises all that order and beauty we see in the world?"
Isaac Newton ( ☉ ♑︎ )

"I know a lot of men who are healthier at age fifty than they have ever been before,
because a lot of their fear is gone."
Robert Bly ( ☉ ♑︎ )

• "The only interesting answers are those which destroy the questions."
• "What is most beautiful in virile men is something feminine ~
what is most beautiful in feminine women is something masculine."
Susan Sontag ( ☉ ♑︎ )

"Never forget that the purpose for which a man lives is the improvement of the man himself, so that he may go out of this world having, in his great sphere or his small one, done some little good for his fellow creatures and labored a little to diminish the sin and sorrow that are in the world."
William E Gladstone ( ☉ ♑︎ )

• "A man can only do what he can do. But if he does that each day he can sleep at night and do it again the next day."
• "A great secret of success is to go through life as a man who never gets used up."
• "Life becomes harder for us when we live for others, but it also becomes richer and happier."
• "Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living things, man will not himself find peace."
Albert Schweitzer ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♈︎ )

"People say that what we're all seeking is the meaning of life.
I think that what we're really seeking is the experience of being alive."
Rudyard Kipling ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♊︎ )

"If I have caused just one person to wipe away a tear of laughter, that's my reward."
Victor Borge ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♊︎ ), musician and playful raconteur

"Don't compromise yourself. You're all you've got."
Janis Joplin ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♋︎ )

"Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. If you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don't throw it away."
Stephen W. Hawking ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♍︎ )

"The world has never yet seen a truly great and virtuous nation, because in the degradation of woman the very fountains of life are poisoned at their source."
Lucretia Mott ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♍︎ )

"I can't bring myself to take Astrology too seriously.
It goes against my Capricorn nature."
Sharyn Hahn ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♏︎ ) teacher

"True strength lies in submission which permits one to dedicate his life, through devotion, to something beyond himself."
Henry Miller ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♏︎ ) Henry Miller on Writing

• "The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change."
• "The very essence of the creative is its novelty, and hence we have no standard by which to judge it."
• "The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination."
• "When I look at the world I'm pessimistic, but when I look at people I am optimistic."
• "If we value independence, if we are disturbed by the growing conformity of knowledge, of values, of attitudes, which our present system induces, then we may wish to set up conditions of learning which make for uniqueness, for self-direction, and for self-initiated learning."
Carl Rogers ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♑︎ ) psychologist

"You will be better advised to watch what we do instead of what we say."
A. A. Milne ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♑︎ ) author 'Winnie the Pooh'

• (Regarding raising children) "Above all, I would teach him to tell the truth. Truth-telling, I have found, is the key to responsible citizenship."
• "The thousands of criminals I have seen in 40 years of law enforcement have had one thing in common: Every single one was a liar."
• "The cure for crime is not the electric chair, but the high chair."
• "No amount of law enforcement can solve a problem that goes back to the family."
• "Just the minute the FBI begins making recommendations on what should be done with its information, it becomes a Gestapo."
• (In response to a letter) "I regret to say that we of the FBI are powerless to act in cases of oral-genital intimacy, unless it has in some way obstructed interstate commerce."
J. Edgar Hoover ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♓︎ )

• "Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see."
• "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
• "I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word."
Martin Luther King, Jr ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♓︎ )

• "Self-respect is the fruit of discipline, the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself."
• "Above all, the prophets remind us of the moral state of a people: Few are guilty, but all are responsible."
• "Racism is man's gravest threat to man - the maximum hatred for a minimum reason."
Abraham Joshua Heschel ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♓︎ )

• "Courage is found in unlikely places."
• "Not all who wander are lost."
J R R Tolkien ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♓︎ ) (Lord of the Rings)

"Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away."
Elvis Presley ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♓︎ )

"The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit."
Moliere ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♓︎ )

• "I tore myself away from the safe comfort of certainties through my love for the truth; and truth rewarded me."
• "One's life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others, by means of love, friendship, indignation and compassion."
• "If any man had proved sufficiently self-centred and commonplace to attempt any subjugation, I should have judged him, found him wanting and left him. The only sort of person in whose favour I could ever wish to surrender my autonomy would be just the one who did his utmost to prevent any such thing."
Simone de Beauvoir ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♓︎ )

Quotes by others relevant to Capricorn

"Live Long and Prosper.."
Leonard Nimoy ( ☉ ♈︎ ) as Mr. Spock of Star Trek

Viktor Frankl ( ☉ ♈︎ ☽ ♐︎), a psychiatrist who survived the Nazi Holocaust in World War II, wrote in his book "Man's Search for Meaning" of his observations that fellow inmates in the concentration camps were more likely to survive if they had a strong sense of Meaning in their lives.

"Love and work... work and love, that's all there is."
Sigmund Freud ( ☉ ♉︎ )

"Grief is the price we pay for Love."

Links relevant to Capricorn

How to Find Meaning in Suffering (Scientific American magazine)
On Becoming a Person by Carl Rogers ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♑︎ )
A Way of Being by Carl Rogers ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♑︎ )

books, articles & essays:
Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl ( ☉ ♈︎ )
Out of my Life and Thought by Albert Schweitzer ( ☉ ♑︎ ), physician
Reverence for Life by Albert Schweitzer ( ☉ ♑︎ ), physician
The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien ( ☉ ♑︎ ) ( A brilliant story of Saturn's power, misused and corrected )
One Ring to rule them all,
One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them All
And in the Darkness bind them.
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens ( ☉ ♒︎ ) (1843)
(Jacob Marley's ghost appears and warns his partner Scrooge of their chains forged by selfishness & greed)

"But you were always a good man of business, Jacob." faltered Scrooge.

"Business!" wailed Marley. "Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forebearance and benevolence were, all, my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!"

Greta Thunberg ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♑︎ ) environmental activist, Finland
"How Dare You!" United Nations January 2019.
"This is all wrong..
I shouldn't be up here!
I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean.
Yet you all come to us young people for hope!

How Dare You!"
"You have stolen my dreams, my childhood with your empty words, yet I'm one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth.

How Dare You!"
"For more than thirty years the science has been crystal clear.
How Dare You continue to look away and come here saying that you are doing enough when the politics and solutions needed are still nowhere in sight?"

"You say you hear us and that you understand the urgency but no matter how sad and angry I am, I do not want to believe that ~ because if you really understood the situation, and still kept on failing to act, then you would be evil .. and that I refuse to believe."
Time Magazine Person of the Year 2019 World Economic Forum, January 2019 “I want you to panic,
I want you to feel the fear I feel every day.
And then I want you to act.”

On Empathy by Carl Rogers ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♑︎ )
Dalia Ziada ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♓︎ / ♈︎ ) Egyptian author and human rights activist.
Interviewed by David Harris 2024 Jan
Interviewed by Yasmine Mohammed 2023 Dec

Baby Boom (1987) with Diane Keaton ( ☉ ♑︎ ), Sam Shepard ( ☉ ♏︎ )
Orphan Horse (2019) with Jon Voight ( ☉ ♑︎ )
A Christmas Carol (1951) Marley's warning | Complete Film
  by Charles Dickens with Alastair Sim ( ☉♎︎ ), Sir Michael Hordern ( ☉ ♎︎ )
The Family Man with Nicholas Cage ( ☉ ♑︎ ) & Tea Leoni ( ☉ ♓︎ )
Cabin In The Sky "That Old Devil Consequence", Eddie Anderson ( ☉ ♍︎ ) & Lena Horne ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♏︎ )
Little Joe! Think of the consequences!

Little Joe:
Life's full of consequence,
That old devil consequence,
He takes all frivel out of fun!
When you got the candle lit
At both ends, the scandal it,
Creates always keeps you on the run,
Just when you're weakenin',
Fate sends the deacon in,
Crash and your pash ain't worth an ounce,
cause then comes the consequence,
That old devil consequence,
brings you back with a bounce ~
It's consequences what counts!

Sweet Georgia Brown:
Life's full of consequence,
But who's scared of consequence,
Lets sip the honey while it's sweet
We could be messin' round,
But you is digressin' round,
While I'm tossin' nature at your feet
Why don't we mosey round,
You could be cozy round,
A gal who could sprinkle you with spice ~

Little Joe:
But how 'bout the consequence,
That old devil consequence,
I been burned more than twice!
And I ain't paying the price!!

Little Joe, I'm proud of you!
Groundhog Day with Bill Murray ( ☉ ♍︎ ) & Andie MacDowell ( ☉ ♉︎ ) by Danny Rubin ( ☉ ♊︎☽ ♌︎ )
JRR Tolkien ( ☉ ♑︎ )
The Hobbit "The Little Things.."
The Elvish Queen Galadriel speaks with the wizard Gandalf:.

"Mithrandir ~ Why the Halfling?"

"I don't know .. Saruman believes that it is only great power that can hold evil in check.
But that is not what I have found. ~ I've found that it is the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary folk, that keeps the darkness at bay ~ simple acts of kindness and love.
Why Bilbo Baggins? Perhaps it is because I am afraid .. and he gives me courage."

"Do not be afraid, Mithrandir, You are not alone."
Lord of the Rings "My Friends.."
At the Coronation of the King, Aragorn meets with his Elvish love Arwen and embraces her. All begin to bow to the King.

Then King Aragorn sees the Hobbits who, as the least susceptible to the corrupting influence of the Ring of Power, were the only ones able to carry it to Mordor to destroy it. They begin to bow to the King, but he says to them:
"My Friends, You bow to no-one."

King Aragorn then bows to the Hobbits and the entire company follow suit.
The Twilight Zone by Rod Serling ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♐︎ )
• Of Late I Think of Cliffordville (1963) S4 E14 screenplay by Rod Serling ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♐︎ )
  from the short story "Blind Alley" (1943) by Malcolm Jameson.
  Ms. Devlin played by Julie Newmar ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♋︎ ) with Albert Salmi ( ☉ ♓︎ )
( scene at 48 minutes )
Mr. Feathersmith: "It didn't work!"

Ms. Devlin: (tersely)
"Of course it didn't.
• (she speaks accusingly)
Because you, Mr Feathersmith,
are a Wheeler and a Dealer!
A Financier, a Pusher, a Brain.
A Manipulator, a Raider.
• (she says with bitter disappointment in him)
Because you are a Taker, instead of a Builder.
A Conniver instead of a Designer!
A User - instead of a Bringer..
• (she laughs mockingly)
Well, Mr. Feathersmith, it seems that you
are behind the old eight ball."
One for the Angels (1959) S1 E2 written by Rod Serling ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♐︎ )
  with Ed Wynn ( ☉ ♏︎ ), Murray Hamilton ( ☉ ♈︎ ), Dana Dillaway ( ☉ ♎︎ )
"Lewis J. Bookman, age sixtyish. Occupation: pitchman.
Formerly a fixture of the summer,
formerly a rather minor component to a hot July.
But throughout his life, a man beloved by the children,
and therefore a most important man.
Couldn't happen, you say? Probably not in most places,
but it did happen ~ in the Twilight Zone."
Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy The POV Gun with Zooey Deschanel ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♑︎ )
After finding the "Point of View" gun on the Planet Magrathea, Tricia shoots President Zaphod several times to make him understand her perspective.

Finally, after several jarring epiphanies, Zaphod exclaims "Give me that!", reaches out, takes the gun from Tricia and aims it towards her.

Tricia sighs: "It won't affect me, I'm already a woman.."
Good Morning Miss Dove with Jennifer Jones ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♓︎ ), Chuck Connors ( ☉ ♊︎ ) A review

Brick in the Wall A song of Saturn tragically misunderstood and misrepresented
This tragically anarchistic song complains bitterly about the gross misunderstanding and misuse of Saturn's principles in the world's educational systems. The author is unable to offer healing or corrections.

"We don't need no education!
We don't need no thought control!
No dark sarcasm in the classroom.
Hey, Teacher! leave them kids alone
You're just another brick in the wall!"
Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell ( ☉ ♏︎ ☽ ♓︎ )
Don't it always seem to go..
That you don't know what you've got till it's gone.
They paved Paradise ~
Put up a parking lot!
Hi Lili, Hi Lili, Hi lo ~ from "Lili", sung by Leslie Caron ( ☉ ♋︎ )
A song of Love is a sad song,
Hi Lili, Hi lo,
A song of Love is a song of Woe,
Don't ask me how I know..
Inchworm, Inchworm by Frank Loesser, sung by Danny Kaye on Sesame St.
Two and two are four
Four and four are eight
Eight and eight are sixteen
Sixteen and sixteen are thirty two

Inchworm, Inchworm,
Measuring the marigolds,
You and your arithmetic
You'll probably go far,

Inchworm, Inchworm,
Measuring the marigolds,
Seems to me you'll stop and see
How beautiful they are.
Ha Kotel by Yossi Gamzu & Dubi Zeltzer sung by Ofra Haza ( ☉ ♏︎ )
The Wall, Moss and Sadness
The Wall, Lead and Blood
There are people with Hearts of Stone,
Here are Stones with the Heart of Man.
Turn Turn Turn From the Book of Kohelet (Ecclesiastes 3) music by Pete Seeger sung by The Byrds
To Everything ~
Turn Turn Turn
There is a Season ~
Turn Turn Turn
And a Time for every Purpose
Under Heaven..
Tie a Yellow Ribbon round the Old Oak Tree sung by Tony Orlando ( ☉ ♈︎ )
What the World Needs Now by Hal David ( ☉ ♊︎ ) Burt Bacharach ( ☉ ♉︎ ☽ ♒︎ ) sung by Jackie DeShannon ( ☉ ♌︎ )
What the world needs now,
Is Love sweet Love,
That's the only thing,
that there's just too little of..
You Are My Sunshine From a lullaby sung by an unknown young mother (perhaps in Kentucky), sung by Johnny Cash (☉♓︎)
You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey,
You'll never know, Dear, how much I love you,
Please don't take my Sunshine away...
Love Me Tender, Love Me True by Elvis Presley ( ☉ ♑︎ ) & Vera Matson
Love me tender, love me true,
All my dreams fulfilled,
Oh my darling, I love you,
And I always will.

When people learn the lessons of the inner Path of Saturn well, then the principles represented by Jupiter can flow easily within them and they are also better prepared to encounter the Illumination presented by Uranus and the Empathy encouraged by Neptune.
As our Lives become Realized and Fulfilled, we become more interested in the next steps of Enlightenment and Freedom (the outer Path of Uranus, Aquarius the Ewer) and Empathy and Compassion (the inner Path of Neptune, Pisces the Fish).

1610 Saturns Rings * * 6-14 hr 7k-80k Km
◌︎ ♄︎ :: The Rings of Saturn

The Rings of Saturn

  • The Rings of Saturn are a distinct feature in the solar system, as is the the perpendicular rotation of Uranus which is the Yang correlate to Saturn.
  • The Rings of Saturn were first discovered in 1610 when Galileo pointed a telescope toward Saturn and wrote that he saw two "ears" on the planet. Eventually these "ears" were viewed more clearly and finally understood to be rings around the planet.
  • The Cassini mission reached Saturn in 2017 providing wonderfully clear views and extensive data of the entire Saturn system - planet, rings & moons.
    NASA Cassini mission Photos
    View Saturn's Rings Close-up
  • Now we know that these rings consist of 99% water ice ranging in size from small growler icebergs, igloos, snowmen and ice blocks down to ice cubes, marbles and clumps of snow. Some rings have small "shepherd moons", moonlets, large irregular rocks that seem to modify or preserve the shape of the rings with their gravity.
  • The rings revolve around Saturn at varying speeds. The inner rings circle the planet in 6 hours while the outer rings circle in 14 hours. The rings also have moving waves.
  • Astronomers have identified 7 main rings which are actually collections of many more thin rings. Saturn's ring system is an amazingly complex structure. Five rings (ABCDF) are vivid to the naked eye and close to the planet. They all have striations with distinct colors and empty gaps between them. The inner edge of the ring closest to the planet is at a distance of 7,000 km, while the outer edge of the furthest vivid ring is at a distance of 80,000 km from the planet. After a gap, there is another, fainter 6th ring (The G ring).
    Saturn's round moons all orbit outside the Six inner rings.
    Further out, much thinner and much less visible to the naked eye, there is another vague, wide, tenuous 7th ring of icy water vapor (The E ring). This very faint 7th ring (E) stretches from the orbit of Mimas to the orbit of Titan.
    ⮜ Mouse over the image of Saturn backlit by the Sun to see a diagram of Saturn's system of Rings and Moons.
Capricorn by Spyrre Saturn rules The Sea Goat / The Rooster. • Although the Rings of Saturn are a modern discovery and were unseen and unknown in ancient times, they eminently, dramatically and beautifully illustrate this world's ancient symbolic meanings and principles of Structures, Boundaries, Limits and Levels, and amazingly, all this natural beauty is made of Water! YinYang Yin Saturn is the Yin analogue to Uranus
the Yang ruler of Aquarius.

1789 Mimas 396 TLS 23 hr 185,520 Km
☽︎ ♄︎ :: Mimas - Moon of Saturn

Mimas ~ Moon of Saturn
• Mimas reflects some qualities of Saturn •

This little moon, Mimas, is famous as the "Smallest known round body"

Mimas was

1789 Enceladus 504 TLS 33 hr 238,020 Km
☽︎ ♄︎ :: Enceladus - Moon of Saturn

Enceladus ~ Moon of Saturn
• Enceladus reflects some qualities of Saturn •

Enceladus is small but still beautifully spherical! This is a watery world that is gripped, squeezed and warmed by the friction generated by Saturn's gravity. Because of this heat, geysers spray out water vapor. Some of this returns to the moon as snow, and some is added to Saturn's Rings. Scientists speculate that simple life might exist in the depths of Enceladus' warm active ocean. Would you try 'sardines' imported from Enceladus?

Enceladus was

1684 Tethys 1,060 TLS 45 hr 294,660 Km
☽︎ ♄︎ :: Tethys - Moon of Saturn

Tethys ~ Moon of Saturn
• Tethys reflects some qualities of Saturn •

Tethys is ??

Tethys was ??
1684 Dione 1,124 TLS 2.75 dy 377,400 Km
☽︎ ♄︎ :: Dione - Moon of Saturn

Dione ~ Moon of Saturn
• Dione reflects some qualities of Saturn •

Dione is ??

Dione was ??
1672 Rhea 1,527 TLS 4.5 dy 527,040 Km
☽︎ ♄︎ :: Rhea - Moon of Saturn

Rhea ~ Moon of Saturn
• Rhea reflects some qualities of Saturn •

Rhea is Saturn's second largest moon.

The name Rhea comes from the Greek goddess (or Titan) Rhea, who was the daughter of Uranus and Gaea. Her husband was Kronus (Saturn). Rhea was also called the mother of the gods because she gave birth to several of the gods of Mount Olympus, including Zeus (Jupiter)
1655 Titan 5,149 TLS 16 dy 1,221,850 Km
☽︎ ♄︎ :: Titan - Moon of Saturn

Titan ~ Moon of Saturn
• Titan reflects some qualities of Saturn •

Titan has a thick atmosphere, mostly of Methane & Nitrogen. There are rivers and frozen mountains made of other liquids, not water! This large moon is an amazing and completely alien world! It seems like a living world utilizing elements that are octaves higher on the Periodic Table. Scientists have wondered if life can exist using those components.

Titan is named for it's large size - Larger than Mercury and 75% the diameter of Mars! Titan is the second largest moon in the solar system, just a little smaller than Jupiter's Ganymede.

1671 Iapetus 1,470 TLS 79 dy 3,561,300 Km
☽︎ ♄︎ :: Iapetus - Moon of Saturn

Iapetus ~ Moon of Saturn
• Iapetus reflects some qualities of Saturn •

Like most moons, Iapetus is tidally locked as it circles Saturn. For some still unknown reason, (year 2021) it has a dirty leading side that seems to collect soot and a clean trailing side that is very bright with snow. What is that little moon doing to get so dirty?

Iapetus was a Titan, a son of Uranus and Gaea.

1977 Chiron 166 6 hr 50 yr 10-18 AU
💫︎ ⚷︎ :: Chiron - Centaur Between Saturn & Uranus

Region: CBO  MPC: 1977  PD: Kowal 🗐 Ephemeris
Chiron ~ a Centaur
• The Wounded Healer •

This little comet circles the Sun, wandering between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus.
It is not a round body, but nevertheless seems distinct and significant in Astrological charts.

Chiron was a Centaur blessed by the gods with the knowledge and wisdom to heal.
He, himself, though, suffered from a wound that he could not heal completely.

Chiron makes the rounds like a liaison between Reality and Potential!
This little comet seems to challenge us to turn a weakness into a strength.

1787 Uranus 51,118 17 hr 84 yr 18.28-20.10 AU / 0.047
⚳︎ ♍︎ :: Uranus, Ruler of AQUARIUS ~ The Ewer, Water Bearer / The Dog
Uranus in Infra-red Light


  • Uranus, enrobed in Turquoise, Calm, Quiet, Peaceful and Serene, rotates 'on his side', 97° from the plane of revolution around the Sun. As on our world, on Uranus there are also 4 seasons. However, the reason for these seasons is very different! Each of these last for 21 years, but due to the extreme axial orientation these seasons are exaggerations of ours. On our world, there are no temperature changes around the Equator. In contrast, you could describe any spot on Uranus as having four seasons: Super Summer, Dayly Sunshine, Super Winter and Dayly Sunshine again. During Super Summer, the pole and the entire Northern or Southern hemisphere points toward the Sun, while the other pole and entire hemisphere remains in a Wintry Starry Darkness for years! So Super Summer is as if our entire Northern or Southern Hemisphere were beyond the Arctic or Antarctic circles! Then both poles and hemispheres gradually move to many years of daytime and nighttime for a long season, then they are gradually reversed. The average temperature on Uranus is about -195 ℃ / -320 ℉.
  • The thick dense atmosphere is mostly Hydrogen, Helium and a small percentage of Methane that absorbs red light and reflects the distinctive Sky Blue color, like the inside of a Quail's egg or the shell of a Robin's egg.
  • There are 5 round moons and a thin ring system like those at Jupiter and Neptune. The moons and rings revolve around Uranus at the equator in the plane of rotation, almost perpendicular to Uranus' plane of revolution round the Sun.
    View Uranus Rings in Infra-Red light
  • Uranus has a complex system of magnetic fields. Curiously, the magnetic field strength varies by region. In some areas in the South, it is is ⅓ of Earth's field while in some areas in the North it is about 4 times that of the Earth. While Earth's field is tilted by 11° away from the poles, Uranus' main magnetic axis is widely tilted at a 59° angle to the rotational axis. The main magnetic axis does not even go through the geometric centre of the planet! How does that happen? Scientists entertain a hypothesis of an inner ocean that creates the variations in the fields with electrical currents.
    For more information:
    The Strange Magnetic Poles of Uranus
    The Unusual Magnetosphere of Uranus
  • Uranus' longitude of Perihelion is currently at Virgo 20°.
  • Uranus was discovered in 1787 by British astronomer William Herschel, born November 15, 1738 in Hanover, Germany.

This planet was discovered in modern times and named Uranus after the Greek primordial Sky god who fathered the Titans together with Gaia, the Earth goddess. In other cultures, traditional names have also been chosen for the new planets.
In Chinese 天王星 ("Tian Wang Xing") means "Star of the King of the Sky"
In Hindi इन्द्र ("Indra")
In Hebrew אורון ("Oron") means "Little Light, Enlightener".

♅︎ ♒︎ Uranus rules The Ewer, The WaterBearer / The Dog. • Network  • Invention  • Groups  • Individuality  • Knowledge  • Clarity  • Intuition  • Trust  • Loyalty  • Friendship  • Seeking Truth  • Hope  • Ideals  • Dreams  • Illumination  • Enlightenment  • Freedom  • Cosmic Consciousness  YinYang Yang Uranus is the Yang analogue to Saturn
which rules Capricorn as Yin.

Uranus represents Aquarius, The Steady Air, the Ewer, the Water Bearer.
Aquarius is traditionally the sign of the Magician. Aquarius is the Path of Knowledge, Clarity, Illumination, Enlightenment, Freedom and awareness of our alignment with the Universal Consciousness.

Aquarius is the dimension that complements the sign of Leo, the Heart. Aquarius distributes and illuminates and allows us to sense instinctive affections and affinities. This dimension helps us to see clearly who and what we are and to see our place in our groups and our world.

The Ewer represents the principles of flow found in all pervasive networks. In the natural physical world, clouds carry water from the sea up over the land to the mountains and then let the moisture condense into rain and snow. In living bodies, circulatory systems distribute life-blood, sap and other juices throughout the system. The streams of the Water Bearer illuminate our connections to everything that Saturnian principles have helped us to design and build. They show us as much as we can see of the ever-present knowledge of ourselves, everyone else and everything around us.
The Only Real Magic, the Magic of Knowledge ~ Adventures of Superman, 1952

"Before Enlightenment, Chop Wood and Carry Water.
After Enlightenment, Chop Wood and Carry Water."
Wu Li.

A Zen Story of Enlightenment
A Zen Story

An important Challenge of this Path is to gradually and safely open our own Inner Screens that hide our connections and to make them translucent and permeable and to accept the newly visible Truths and Meanings of ourselves and everyone and everything in our lives.

If this isn't done carefully, gently, calmly, it may be shocking to us when Truths and Meanings become apparent! With this in mind, many Aquarians prefer to learn about others gradually and thoroughly .. and so some people will say that they find Aquarians to be too unemotional. In fact, it's just a matter of timing and pacing and placing high importance on one's knowledge of another's mind. Most Aquarian people (Sun, Moon) prefer stable relationships.

If all of us do not gently and carefully present our truths to others, they may also find it shocking if they were not prepared for what they see, hear and learn.

As we all successfully navigate these requirements, we come to see more clearly and to understand the Path of Illumination, Enlightenment and Freedom.

Unfortunately, there are many people who are unprepared for Uranus. There are people who ignore, misuse or pervert the lessons of Jupiter, who always want more for themselves without any regard for correction or guidance, who act with explosive anger, wildness, extremism and who have contempt and hatred for others and seek to usurp or even destroy their achievements.

There are also people who ignore, misuse or pervert the lessons of Saturn, who deny, disregard and disrespect boundaries, responsibility & limits or who exert indecent control, unnecessary & unreasonable restrictions or coldness toward others and who prevent other people from working towards their own realization and fulfillment.
To such misguided people, when Uranus approaches, it will seem like Unwelcome, Frightening, Shocking, Dangerous Lightning! Some of these people may even believe that Uranus represents Unwelcome, Frightening, Shocking, Dangerous Lightning and that they can misuse this for their compulsive, deformed, distorted purposes!

In a different vein, you may know people who are seriously disturbed by the state of the world. Of course! We all do! Have you heard activists who rant constantly about injustices? Of course! We all have! This is how an unprepared Aquarius dimension responds badly to a society that accepts lies and neglects the truth. Lies make people crazy and confused.

"I have been .. and always shall be .. your Friend."
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan ~ Spock's dying words to Captain Kirk

To people who learn well the lessons of Jupiter and Saturn, to those who are Open-minded, Honest and Upright and who Work to Fulfill their Own Destiny and have Respect for Others' Meanings, Uranus will be Illumination, a Network of Ideas and Good, True, Faithful Friends sharing amazing perspectives and their knowledge, dreams, epiphanies and visions. They will reveal their discoveries, share their inventions and offer interesting relationships, adventures and meanings beyond the usual pathways of life.

To these sincere truthful people, when Uranus appears, he will seem like windows opened to the Sky, to sunny days and clear starry nights. Uranus will show us gentle rains, peaceful silent snowy hills and surprisingly beautiful lightning storms and polar aurorae. Listening through Aquarius we can hear Poetry inspired by the Moon and the Stars. We can hear the Music of Nature. Looking through Aquarius we can see Visions of clarity, insight and Universal Truths.

"In the beginning of all things, wisdom and knowledge were with the animals, for Tirawa, the One Above, did not speak directly to man. He sent certain animals to tell men that he showed himself through the beasts, and that from them, and from the stars and the sun and the moon should man learn .... all things tell of Tirawa."
Eagle Chief ( Letakots-Lesa ~ Pawnee, late 19th century, Western North America )

With the Dimension of Aquarius our perceptions and ideas flow into our connection to the Ever-Present Universal Mind and Body of Knowledge. We can constantly strengthen our link and renew it, recompiling and reintegrating it into ourselves. This constant activity develops our access to the universal body of knowledge that can reach and illuminate everything within us and all around us.

This activity opens us to hear the Voices of Nature and beckons us to listen to the Universal Mind.

"And the LORD spoke unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his Friend."
The Bible, Exodus 33:11

In the every-day world, we can perceive Uranus in collective endeavours for the benefit and advancement of our societies, such as scientific, educational or social organizations that rescue nature or educate people or just strong, healthy, wholesome sustainable communities such as Ashrams and Kibbutzim.

There are communities, businesses and institutions that are committed to keeping a place for everyone to shine with their own light, and dedicated to being trustworthy ethical societies with tolerance and acceptance. The principles of Uranus become visible in loyal, trusting, knowledgeable, stable, strong alliances, friendships and loves.

Progressing, we become more aware that we are truly connected in all the dimensions of Life and that the Saturnian separations that seem to divide and distinguish us are actually meaningful illusions that hold lessons for us to learn.

As an exercise, try to learn about someone - human or animal. Perhaps you might choose someone who needs your help. You'll learn about them and how to help them. As you learn more and more about them, you'll find that together with knowledge, you will develop some compassion, affinity, and perhaps even affection for the object of your attention. The emotions of Pisces naturally follow the knowledge of Aquarius. People who are Free also have Compassion. Indeed, the level of our Compassion is a good indicator of the degree of our Freedom. This exercise will help you recognize how you work with your Path of Aquarius and point out the connection between the signs of Aquarius and Pisces. The Knowledge of Truth serves as important precursor and background to Compassion, Universal Love.

This Path encourages all of us to develop the ability to calm and quiet the ego and the mind when necessary or desirable. The principles of Uranus become available to us when we engage in deep thought or quiet mind meditation. This activity leads to strong Individuality and Loyalty, Intuition, Clarity, Illumination, Epiphany, Originality and Genius. A person with a well-developed Aquarius dimension is naturally friendly and openly loving. Knowledge is complementary to Love. This Path leads to the search for Truth and a desire to strengthen our spiritual connections, our personal alignment and communion with the Universal Mind or "Cosmic Consciousness". When we prepare ourselves well and commit to progress, this Path will lead us towards Enlightenment and Freedom.

Quotes by People with Sun in Aquarius

"A free society is one where it is safe to be unpopular."
Adlai Stevenson ( ☉ ♒︎ )

"It takes a lot of time to be a genius,
you have to sit around so much doing nothing, really doing nothing."
Gertrude Stein ( ☉ ♒︎ )

• "A consensus means that everyone agrees to say collectively what no one believes individually."
• "History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives."
Abba Eban ( ☉ ♒︎ )

"Against stupidity the very gods themselves contend in vain."
G. E. Lessing ( ☉ ♒︎ )

"I've had it all, I've done it all, I've seen it all.
It's all about Love. God is Love."
Rick James ( ☉ ♒︎ ) (his epitaph)

• "There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate."
• "The whole difference between construction and creation is exactly this:
  that a thing constructed can only be loved after it is constructed,
  but a thing created is loved before it exists."
• "Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts. I was better after I had cried, than before ~ more sorry, more aware of my own ingratitude, more gentle."
• "It is because I think so much of warm and sensitive hearts, that I would spare them from being wounded."
• "There is a wisdom of the head, and... there is a wisdom of the heart."
• "Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts."
• "No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another."
• "I'm not going to tell you the story the way it happened. I'm going to tell it the way I remember it."
• "I hope that real love and truth are stronger in the end than any evil or misfortune in the world."
• "Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but - I hope - into a better shape."
Charles Dickens ( ☉ ♒︎ ☽ ♐︎ )

• "Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end - then stop."
• "Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it."
• "Oh, 'tis love, 'tis love that makes the world go round."
• "One of the secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others."
• "She generally gave herself very good advice (though she very seldom followed it)."
• "Take care of the sense and the sounds will take care of themselves."
• "'But I don't want to go among mad people,' said Alice.
  'Oh, you can't help that,' said the cat. 'We're all mad here.'"
• "Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle."
Lewis Carroll ( ☉ ♒︎ ☽ ♐︎ )

"Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?"
Abraham Lincoln ( ☉ ♒︎ )

"A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary."
Dorothy Fisher ( ☉ ♒︎ )

"A real teacher says: I'll teach you to become free - even from me."
Erkki Melartin ( ☉ ♒︎ )

"Radical simply means grasping things at the root."
Angela Davis ( ☉ ♒︎ )

• "One cannot attain divine knowledge till one gets rid of pride."
• "One cannot have the vision of God as long as one has these three – shame, hatred, and fear."
• "One can easily realize God if one is free from guile.
  Spiritual instruction produces quick results in a guileless heart."
• "Pray to God that your attachment to such transitory things as wealth, name, and creature comforts may become less and less every day."
Ramakrishna ( ☉ ♒︎ ☽ ♓︎ )

Quotes by others relevant to Aquarius

"Make New Friends, but keep the Old.."
"The One is Silver, the Other ~ Gold!"

"A Friend loveth at all times."
Bible: Proverbs: 17:17

“Lots of people like rainbows. Children make wishes on them, artists paint them, dreamers chase them, but the Aquarian is ahead of everybody. He lives on one. What's more, he's taken it apart and examined it, piece by piece, color by color, and he still believes in it. It isn't easy to believe in something after you know what it's really like, but the Aquarian is essentially a realist, even though his address is tomorrow, with a wild-blue-yonder zip code.” Linda Goodman, book "Sun Signs"

"Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies,
quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love
and always have to mix love and hate in their object-relations."
Sigmund Freud ( ☉ ♉︎ ) The Basic Writings

"If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!"
activists against war, pollution, corporate greed, climate change, etc..

"Fear makes strangers of people who would be friends."
Shirley MacLaine ( ☉ ♉︎ )

"No woman ever hates a man for being in love with her,
but many a woman hate a man for being a friend to her."
Alexander Pope ( ☉ ♊︎ ) An Essay on Criticism

"A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections and rebukes evil is to be respected as if he reveals the secret of some hidden treasure."
Tenzin Gyatso, Dalai Lama XIV ( ☉ ♋︎ ) The Art of Happiness

"When one is trying to do something beyond his known powers it is useless to seek the approval of friends.
Friends are at their best in moments of defeat."
Henry Miller ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♏︎ ) Henry Miller on Writing

"One's life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others, by means of love, friendship, indignation and compassion."
Simone de Beauvoir ( ☉ ♑︎ )

"The property of friends is common."
Bion of Borysthenes

"Oh, the comfort,
the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person,
neither having to weigh thoughts nor measure words,
but pouring them out, just as they are, chaff and grain alike;
certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them,
keep what is worth keeping,
and then with a breath of kindness,
blow the rest away."
George Eliot ~ pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans ( ☉ ♏︎ ☽ ♑︎ ) Middlemarch

Links relevant to Aquarius

books, articles & essays:
Charles Dickens ( ☉ ♒︎ ☽ ♐︎ )
Lewis Carroll ( ☉ ♒︎ ☽ ♐︎ ) ( Charles Dodgson )
  • Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
  • Through the Looking Glass
Jules Verne ( ☉ ♒︎ ☽ ♏︎ )
  • 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
  • The Mysterious Island
  • Master of the World
  • Jouney to the Center of the Earth
  • From the Earth to the Moon
Death is Nothing At All by Henry Scott-Holland ( ☉ ♒︎ ) at the funeral of King George VII (1910)

videos & films:
John Hughes ( ☉ ♒︎ ☽ ♓︎ )
  • Beethoven
  • Breakfast Club
  • Curly Sue
  • 101 Dalmations
  • Dutch
  • Ferris Bueller's Day Off
  • Home Alone
  • Just Visiting
  • Miracle on 34th St (1994)
  • Mr. Mom
  • Only the Lonely
  • Planes Trains and Automobiles
  • Pretty in Pink
  • Sixteen Candles
  • Some Kind of Wonderful
  • Uncle Buck
  • Weird Science
Making Whoopee!  written by Walter Donaldson ( ☉ ♒︎ ) sung by Eddie Cantor ( ☉ ♒︎ ☽ ♓︎ )
The Twilight Zone | The Hunt (1962) written by Earl Hamner ( ☉ ♋︎ ) with Arthur Hunnicutt ( ☉ ♒︎ ), Jeanette Nolan ( ☉ ♑︎ )
Gatekeeper: "Come on in and reap your heavenly reward."
Rip growls menacingly at the gatekeeper.
Simpson: "Come on, Rip!"
Gatekeeper:"Oh hold on, neighbor Simpson, you can't take that dog in there.."
Simpson: "They ain't no fleas on that dog!"
Gatekeeper:"That don't make no never mind, he can't come in.."
Simpson: "How come?"
Gatekeeper:"This here's folks' heaven, there's another place we can put him though, right up the road.. now you just tie him to the fence there and I'll walk him up for you a little later on."
Simpson: "Come on Rip!"
Gatekeeper:"Now hold on neighbor Simpson, where do you think you're goin'?"
Simpson: "Well I thank you very much, but I don't reckon in there is any place for me."
Gatekeeper:"Why not?"
Simpson: "Well, any place that's too high-falutin for Rip is too fancy for me. How thorobred does a dog have to be before you let him in there anyway?"
Gatekeeper:"Well, ain't no dogs allowed in there at all."
Simpson: "What kinda outfit you runnin that don't allow no dogs?"
Gatekeeper:"I tell you they got a special place for dogs right up the road."
Simpson: "Well, me an Rip are goin down there then."
Gatekeeper:"Well you won't get in, the dog maybe, but not you."
Simpson: "Well what kind of heaven would it be wth nuthin in it but dogs? A dog's got a right to have a man around, just the same as a man's got a right to have a dog around, if'n he wants to be anyways happy!
It's a Wonderful Life  Jimmy Stewart ( ☉ ♉︎ ) & Henry Travers ( ☉ ♓︎ )
(The Angel Clarence shows George Bailey the world as it were if he had not been born. After visiting several places in his town, George faces the huge negative difference without his presence.)

Clarence: "Strange, isn't it? Each's man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around, he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?"
They enter the graveyard, where George sees his brother's grave.
Clarence: "Your brother Harry Bailey broke through the ice and was drowned at the age of nine."
George: "That's a lie! Harry Bailey went to war! He got the congressional medal of honor! He saved the lives of every man on that transport!"
Clarence: "Every man on that transport died! Harry wasn't there to save them, because you weren't there to save Harry!
You see, George, you really had a wonderful life.. Don't you see what a mistake it would be to throw it away?"
Futurama: Jurassic Bark sung by Connie Francis ( ☉ ♐︎ )
If it takes Forever,
I will wait for you..
For a Thousand Summers,
I will wait for you..
Bedazzled "I sold my soul" with Gabriel Casseus ( ☉ ♉︎ ), Brendan Fraser ( ☉ ♐︎ )
Cellmate: "What you in for, brother?"
Eliot: "Eternity."
Cellmate: "That's a long time, must'a did some really bad shit.
Eliot: "Yeah, I sold my soul."
Cellmate: "Hope you got something good for it."
Eliot: "Matter of fact, I got nothing for it."
Cellmate:"Well, that's a really bad deal if you ask me."
Eliot: "Well, I'm not asking you.."

Cellmate: "Doesn't really matter though, can't sell your soul anyway."
Eliot: "Oh really? Why do you say that?"
Cellmate: "Doesn't really belong to you in the first place ~ no way, no how."
Eliot: "So who does it belong to?"
Cellmate: "Belongs to God ~
That Universal Spirit that animates and binds all things in existence.
Devil's gonna try and confuse you, that's her gig.
In the end you gonna see clear who and what you are and what you're here to do. Now, you gonna make some mistakes along the way, everybody does. If you just open up your heart and open up your mind, you'll get it."

Eliot: "Who are you?"
Cellmate: "Just a Friend, brother ~ just a really good Friend..".

High Tide Or Low Tide Bob Marley ( ☉ ♒︎ ) & The Wailers In high seas or in low seas
I'm gonna be your friend,
In high tide or in low tide,
I'll be by your side,

Just Call Out My Name by Carole King ( ☉ ♒︎ ) You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running
To see you again

Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there
You've got a friend

That's what friends are for by Carole Bayer Sager ( ☉ ♓︎ ) Burt Bacharach ( ☉ ♉︎ ) Dione Warwick ( ☉ ♐︎ ) Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for.

Vem Kan Segla Förutan Vind? Scandinavian Finnish FolkSong Who can Sail without the Wind?
Who can Row without Oars?
Who can Part from his Friend
Without Shedding Tears?

I can Sail without the Wind,
I can Row without Oars.
But I Cannot Part from my Friend
Without Shedding Tears.
sung by Neue Wiener Stimmen
I See Your True Colors by Cindy Lauper ( ☉ ♋︎ ☽ ♒︎ )
But I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you

So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful
Like a rainbow..
Ordinary Miracle by Sarah McLachlan ( ☉ ♒︎ ☽ ♑︎ )
It's not that unusual
When everything is beautiful
It's just another ordinary miracle today

The sky knows when it's time to snow
Don't need to teach a seed to grow
It's just another ordinary miracle today

When you wake up everyday
Please don't throw your dreams away
Hold them close to your heart
'Cause we're all a part
Of the ordinary miracle

Sun comes up and shines so bright
And disappears again at night
It's just another ordinary miracle today
I Can See Clearly Now written by Johnny Nash ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♓︎ ), sung by Jimmy Cliff
I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright bright sunshiny day

Oh, yes I can make it now the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is that rainbow I've been praying for
It's gonna be a bright bright sunshiny day

Look all around, there's nothing but blue skies
Look straight ahead, there's nothing but blue skies
Here is that rainbow I've been praying for
It's gonna be a bright bright sunshiny day
The Age of Aquarius ~ 1972 /  1991 by The 5th Dimension
When the moon is in the Seventh House,
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then Peace will guide the Planets,
And Love will steer the Stars
This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

Harmony and Understanding,
Sympathy and Trust Abounding,
No more Falsehoods or Derisions,
Golden Living Dreams of Visions,
Mystic Crystal Revelation,
And the Mind's True Liberation.
Aquarius! Aquarius!

Those who progress on the outer Path of Aquarius toward Enlightenment and Freedom will understand that this is not the end of the story. As we actively seek Illumination, Enlightenment and Freedom, our inner gates will open and the Piscean waters of Empathy and Compassion will start to flow within us. People who become Free can express Compassion. Indeed, the level of our Compassion is a good indicator of the degree of our Freedom. As people progress on the Path of Aquarius, they recognize that there is one more Planet and Sign ~ The inner Path of Neptune & Pisces the Fish, The Path of Empathy, Compassion and Joyful Surrender of the Self to the Wholeness of Life.

1948 Miranda 472 TLS 34 hr 129,780 Km
☽︎ ♅︎ :: Miranda - Moon of Uranus

Miranda ~ Moon of Uranus
• Miranda reflects some qualities of Uranus •

This little moon, Miranda, is scarred by rows and furrows that are unexplained at this time! (year 2021) It seems like someone was trying to make a farm on this little moon!

Miranda is the sweet daughter of Prospero the magician in the play "The Tempest" by William Shakespeare.

1851 Ariel 1,156 TLS 2.5 dy 191,240 Km
☽︎ ♅︎ :: Ariel - Moon of Uranus

Ariel ~ Moon of Uranus
• Ariel reflects some qualities of Uranus •


Ariel is a mischievous sprite who does the bidding of Prospero the magician in the play "The Tempest" by William Shakespeare.

1851 Umbriel 1,168 TLS 4 dy 265,970 Km
☽︎ ♅︎ :: Umbriel - Moon of Uranus

Umbriel ~ Moon of Uranus
• Umbriel reflects some qualities of Uranus •


Umbriel is a character in Alexander Pope's poem "The Rape of the Lock".

1787 Titania 1,576 TLS 8.7 dy 435,840 Km
☽︎ ♅︎ :: TItania - Moon of Uranus

Titania ~ Moon of Uranus
• Titania reflects some qualities of Uranus •

Titania is the largest moon of Uranus.

Titania is Queen of the Fairies in Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer Night's Dream".

1787 Oberon 1,522 TLS 13 dy 582,600 Km
☽︎ ♅︎ :: Oberon - Moon of Uranus

Oberon ~ Moon of Uranus
• Oberon reflects some qualities of Uranus •

Oberon is the second largest moon of Uranus.

Oberon is King of the Fairies in Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer Night's Dream".

1846 Neptune 49,528 16 hr 165 yr 29.80-30.40 AU / 0.010
⚳︎ ♍︎ :: Neptune, Ruler of PISCES ~ The Fish / The Boar


  • Neptune, Deeply Indigo, very Windy and Stormy, has a very closely circular orbit like Venus. This 'close circle ratio' club includes Venus, Earth, Neptune, Quaoar then Uranus and Jupiter. These circular orbits hint at the need for a more sophisticated theory of gravity!
  • If we look at intervals (like Bode's law), we can see that Jupiter's orbit is about 5 AU from the Sun, Saturn is about 10 AU, Uranus is about 20 AU and Quaoar is about 43 AU, occupying the next orbit in that doubling series. Neptune seems to have slipped towards the Sun into an orbit of 30 AU, halfway between Uranus and Quaoar. Is this significant? Read the entry for Quaoar below for a little more on this..
  • Neptune's axis of rotation is 28° from vertical (perpendicular to the plane of revolution), similar to those of Earth, Mars and Saturn.
  • Neptune's main magnetic axis is way off (47°) from it's axis of rotation. The magnetic field is about 27 times stronger than that of the Earth.
  • The atmosphere is mostly Hydrogen and Helium. Neptune's equator seems to rotate once every 18 hours while its polar regions spin once every 12 hours. This difference in rotational speed between those regions is the largest of any planet and surprisingly causes the strongest winds in the solar system, as fast as 2,100 km/hr! There is a long-standing Great Blue Spot storm near the Equator similar to the Great Red Spot storm on Jupiter. The average temperature on Neptune is about -200 ℃ / -330 ℉.
  • Neptune also has a thin ring system like those of Jupiter and Uranus.
  • There is one large moon that revolves around the planet in the opposite direction to the planet's rotation and revolution around the Sun. Astronomers believe that this contrary situation will eventually, in the far future, result in the disintegration of the moon. (See Triton below)
  • Neptune's longitude of Perihelion is currently at Taurus 14°.
  • Neptune was discovered in 1846 by three astronomers ~
    • Urbain Le Verrier, who calculated the predicted position of Neptune.
    • John Couch Adams, another who independently calculated the position of Neptune.
    • Johann Gottfried Galle, the first to visually identify Neptune as the eighth planet.

This planet was discovered in modern times and named Neptune after the Roman Olympian god of the Sea. Neptune / Poseidon was a brother of Jupiter / Zeus. In other cultures, traditional names have been chosen for the new planets.
In Chinese 海王星 ("Hai Wang Xing") means "Star of the King of the Sea"
In Hindi वरुण ("Varuna")
In Hebrew רָחָב ("Rahav" ) means "Wide [as the Sea]"

♆︎ ♓︎ Neptune rules The Fish / The Boar. • Storms  • Community Health  • Inner Connections  • Acceptance  • Forgetting  • Forgiveness  • Redemption  • Completion  • Paradox  • Sublimation  • Transformation  • Evolution  • Insight  • Belief  • Faith  • Release  • Resonance  • Generosity  • Altruism  • Empathy  • Compassion  • Transcendance  • Grace  • Joyful Surrender  • Wholeness  • YinYang Yin Neptune is the Yin analogue to Jupiter
which is the Yang Ruler of Sagittarius.

Neptune rules Pisces the Fish, the sign of Dispersing Water, Flowing Emotions and the last sign of the Zodiac.
Pisces is traditionally the sign of the Mystic. Neptune and Pisces represent the ability to empathize with others and to connect with the world from Within Ourselves. Pisces is the Path of Empathy, Compassion, and of Joyful Surrender of the Self to Union with the Universal Wholeness.

In our everyday world, the Pisces dimension helps us to grow beyond our ego so we can connect emotionally with our Loved Ones. This ability also allows us to surrender our ego and our attachments to the world at the end of each day when we Sleep and Dream. Finally, it lets us completely release our ego and the world at the end of each life when our Essence Returns to the Source of Life with our Stories.

"The Dew Is On The Lotus! Rise, Great Sun!
And lift my leaf and mix me with the wave.
Om, Mani Padme, Om! The Sunrise comes!

The Dewdrop Slips into The Shining Sea!"

Pisces people (Sun or Moon) love Dreams. They may have high ideals. This can also put them in the position of being bitterly disappointed when the world doesn't even come near to their ideals.
If you're not one of them, you can let one of the Pisces people in your life be a guide for your behavior. Try to live up to their best dreams. Your life will be better for this.

Pisces people (Sun or Moon) sometimes feel that they become Others. They worry that they might lose themselves in relationships. This is simply an effect of their keener awareness of the Empathy that lets us all feel and reflect the emotions of others, and it intimates at a potentially Wonderful ability to emotionally connect and merge with the Universal All of Life.

The Collective Emotions always greatly affect Pisces people (Sun or Moon), and the condition of Pisces individuals tells a great deal about the society in which they live. Personally, they may appear to be healthy or ill, strong or weak, giving or selfish, but they are always keenly responsive to, and often aware of, the emotional condition of their society.

Emotions provide fuel, motivation and power. They set the conditions for subsequent cycles of actions. Emotions respond to Intentions and Actions, Desires, Needs and Physical Conditions, Perceptions and Knowledge. Emotions affect our legacy to the future, five minutes ahead or five years... Negativity, abuse, cruelty, selfish greedy intentions and lies distort our emotions horribly. This can affect entire groups.

If people don't properly navigate or understand the previous Paths, especially the preceding Collective Paths (Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus) they will experience anger and resentment, frustration and isolation and shock and rebelliousness.

They may then misunderstand the ethereal character of Neptune and may turn to lies, theft, toxic adaptability & deception, escape, alcohol, drugs & careless relationships, charismatic cults, crimes, deep depression or even to mental illness and self-abandonment. They may have the depressing distressing belief that "nothing matters".

⩫ ⩫ ⩫

However, Pisces also helps us to learn of the Choices of Directions, that each attribute such as Forgiveness, Acceptance and Understanding, is a two-way street ~ Forgive and be Forgiven, Accept and be Accepted, Understand and be Understood.

Pisces can easily help us to feel both directions or sides, but with a bit more thought, life experience and knowledge, Pisces can also help us to understand that the duality of 'both sides' is actually an illusion!

Until a Pisces person (Sun, Moon) understands this, the duality may cause misunderstanding and suffering. When they can feel the Unity, everything changes. Then Everything Matters!

Klein bottle Moebius strip A Klein bottle or a Moebius Strip illustrates that things can seem to have two sides if you only look at any short section.

However, if you go on to traverse the entire structure, you will understand that there is actually only one surface, folded and twisted!

A video on How to Fill a Klein Bottle!

⩫ ⩫ ⩫

"Releasing Attachments" means letting go of fears, shame, guilt, grief, lies, illusions, and other related issues such as egotism, selfishness, impatience, expectations, addictions, neediness, possessiveness and compulsions. This frees us and allows us to understand ourselves and everything as it is and everyone as they are, including all our relationships.

It's important to know that this is not Abandonment of relationships. Those are two very different directions. The wish to Abandon is an indicator that there are some negative attachments, fears or aversions that we ought to release.

Releasing attachments actually frees the flow of our ability to genuinely receive and give Love and Joy. When Pisces Sun or Moon people are strongly affected by other people, they don't need to worry about being changed or taken over ~ If they 'release attachments', then what they really need and whatever really belongs with them will stay and the rest will flow away. When attachments are released, we can relate to everyone without egoistic blocks and the energy of nature flows within us without hinderance.

"Not all who wander are lost."
Lord of the Rings ~ JRR Tolkien ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♓︎ )

There is an interesting little paradox with regard to Pisces and Capricorn ~ For Pisces people or the Pisces Dimension in all of us, Capricorn, the sign of Boundaries, can provide Freedom!
How? ~
By setting limits, people can focus clearly on who they are. They can look to Saturn for their own personal style of setting limits.
When we set boundaries, our Pisces dimension can also freely choose when to engage empathy with others and to influence them for kindness, instead of being affected by negativity which would force people to hide or deceive in order to protect themselves.
Sincere, intelligent people will understand and learn to use this ability for the good of all. We can each choose when to open our own Pisces Dimension to encourage forgiveness, compassion and kindness and to be a healing influence.

Pisces People (Sun, Moon) can activate empathy and compassion in other people. If they are mature and wise, they can help their society grow and develop by improving the group interactions and providing inspiration.

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me,
‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.' ”
Mr. Rogers Neighborhood Fred Rogers ( ☉♓︎ ☽ ♓︎ )

On the other hand, if these people are immature and selfish, they might use everyone around them to gather what they want for themselves alone. People who deceptively misuse this ability for selfish purposes will distort everything with the power of illusion. If people who act like this are left alone, they may gradually learn from their isolation that honest, sincere relationships are very important.

The principles of our Pisces dimension are very active when we sleep. Like people who are denied sleep, those individuals or groups who ignore, neglect, deny or reject their Pisces dimension will become insane.
As a society, we need to watch out for and listen to our Pisces people. If the Pisces people among us are suffering or misbehaving, this means that our society is in serious trouble. (This is probably not really news to anyone!)

We all need to be aware of the sensitivity within ourselves and heed the feelings and messages of empathy and the urges towards compassion. If we listen to and heed our Pisces dimension, we will learn how to change gears and release our egos when necessary and desirable. Our lives will become more wholesome and whole.

"When you were very young,
people smiled you into smiling,
laughed you into laughing
and loved you into loving."
Mr. Rogers Neighborhood Fred Rogers ( ☉♓︎ ☽ ♓︎ )

When we work to understand the previous Paths, especially the lessons represented by Jupiter, Saturn & Uranus, this brings a degree of Uprightness & Correction, Realization & Fulfillment and Illuminated Enlightenment as a background of guidance for our changing emotions and our potential for Empathy and Compassion.

When we act with wholesome upright Purposes, with mutual Respect for everyone's Meanings and perceive and express the Truth, our emotions will become nurturing, healing, gentle and vigorous pleasures. We can then be moved by their deeper significance, even those of our sorrows.

The previous lessons and their gifts will affect our changing emotions. Good purposes, experiences and knowledge will encourage healthy positive emotions, Caring and Nurturing, Devotion and Healing, Empathy and Compassion.

These positive emotions will give us faith that the emotional needs, urges, storms, contradictions and paradoxes that affect us and move us so strongly can also be integrated into a unified life of wholeness in a larger scale.

The Path of Pisces helps us to Become More Than We Were. It is The Path of Resonance, Inner Growth, Transcendance & Inner Union with Everything.

A cayman with her pet butterflies

"Where wisdom reigns, there is no conflict between thinking and feeling."
Carl Jung ( ☉ ♌︎ ☽ ♉︎ ) psychologist

Now the Storms and Paradoxes take on a Beauty replacing previous fears with new larger, deeper meanings. Now we can have Faith that they move everything around in ways that motivate us to resolve problems and develop in ways that will nourish, heal, increase and fulfill our lives.
The principles of Pisces open us to Empathy and Compassion and enable us to "Walk in each others shoes". When possible, we can choose to help.

"The World was created for the sake of Kindness."
Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki (Rashi) ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♉︎/♊︎ ) ( born February 22 1040, Troyes France )

Quotes by People with Sun in Pisces

"All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer ( ☉ ♓︎ )

"The spirit naturally chooses the difficult rather than the easy.
It is so much more interesting."
W. H. Auden ( ☉ ♓︎ )

• "Be who you are and say what you feel,
  because those who mind don't matter
  and those who matter don't mind."
• "Don't cry because it's over.
  Smile because it happened."
Theodore Geisel (Dr. Seuss) ( ☉ ♓︎ ) Your Favorite Seuss: A Baker's Dozen

• "The supreme happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved."
• "A stand can be made against invasion by an army.
  No stand can be made against invasion by an idea."
Victor Hugo ( ☉ ♓︎ )

• “To obey from love is better than to obey from fear.”
Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki (Rashi) ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♉︎/♊︎ ) ( born February 22 1040, Troyes France )

The lives of great men all remind us
we can make our lives sublime,
and, departing, leave behind us
footprints on the sands of time.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♏︎ )

• "The world is being lead by mad men!”
• “Anytime of the day you can get control of yourself by sitting quietly.”
George Harrison ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♏︎ ) musician, one of the Beatles

• "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."
• "I want to know God's thoughts. The rest are details."
• “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
• “As a human being, one has been endowed with just enough intelligence to be able to see clearly how utterly inadequate that intelligence is when confronted with what exists.”
• “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”
• “In order to understand ourselves, others, and the world around us, we need to be able to change and adapt our perspectives.”
Albert Einstein ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♐︎ ) Physicist

"The end of science is not to prove a theory, but to improve mankind."
Manly P. Hall ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♒︎ )

"When an argument is for the sake of Truth, if I win, I win.
But if I lose, I also win ~ because being defeated by the Truth is the only form of defeat that is also a victory."
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♒︎ )

• "You can cage the singer, but not the Song."
• "My Art gave me the platform to do something about the activism."
• "I'm not gonna do anything other than what I think is Worthy of being done."
• "Art in its highest form is art that serves and instructs society and human development"
• "Artists are the gatekeepers of Truth.
   We are civilization's Anchor.
   We are the compass for humanity's Conscience."
• "Each and every one of you has the power, the will and the capacity
   to make a difference in the world in which you live.
   You should go through life knowing 'I Am Somebody'."
Harry Belafonte ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♒︎ )

"As long as you have not grasped that you have to die to grow,
you are a troubled guest on the dark earth."
Mircea Eliade ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♓︎ )

"I begin by considering an effect."
Maurice Ravel ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♓︎ ) musician

Quotes by others relevant to Pisces

“Sleep that knits up the raveled sleave of care,
The death of each day's life,
Sore labor's bath,
Balm of hurt minds,
Great nature's second course,
Chief nourisher in life's feast.”
William Shakespeare, Macbeth Act II Scene II

“Sleep hath its own world,
And a wild dream of wild reality,
And dreams in their development have breath
And tears, and torture,
And the touch of Joy.”
Lord George Gordon Byron ( ☉ ♒︎ ☽ ♋︎ )

“You (Pisces) possess a unique, innate ability to see most aspects of most situations all at once!”
Rosemary Breen

• "How wonderful that we have met with a Paradox!
Now we have some hope of making progress."
• "Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real."
Niels Bohr ( ☉ ♎︎ ), physicist

“Storms rage about me.
I calm my heart and send out
ribbons of peace – peace.”
English Haiku by Catharine Larsen

"Whoever loves becomes humble.
Those who love have, so to speak, pawned a part of their narcissism."
Sigmund Freud ( ☉ ♉︎ ) psychologist

"Not all who wander are lost."
JRR Tolkien ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♓︎ ) (Lord of the Rings)

"The [quiet] mind of the Sage is the mirror of Heaven and Earth."
Zhuangzi, Daoist teacher

"My Friend is a Fish ~
In her Mind is a Hook ~
Who's holding the Rod?
None other than God!"

Links relevant to Pisces

books, articles & essays:
Sensitive people bring Happiness to their Work.
Six Styles of Love
Sleep: Your Silent Partner in Mental Health (1961) by Margaret Steger
Ideas and Opinions by Albert Einstein ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♐︎ )
The Light of Asia (1879) by Sir Edwin Arnold ( ☉ ♊︎ )
Victor Hugo ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♐︎ )
• Les Miserables
• The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Search for a Higher Truth by George Harrison ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♏︎ )

The Twilight Zone by Rod Serling ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♐︎ )
• "Last Rites of Jeff Myrtlebank" (1961) S3 E23 written by Montgomery Pittman ( ☉ ♓︎ ), with James Best ( ☉ ♌︎ ), Sherry Jackson ( ☉ ♒︎ )
• "Two" (1961) S3 E1 written by Montgomery Pittman ( ☉ ♓︎ ), with Elizabeth Montgomery ( ☉ ♈︎ ), Charles Bronson ( ☉ ♏︎ )
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1989) with Michael Caine ( ☉ ♓︎ ), Steve Martin ( ☉ ♌︎ ), Glenne Headley ( ☉ ♓︎ )
From the plane on the tarmac, Janet runs to Lawrence and gives him a bag:
  "Here take this - it doesn't belong to me, and I'll always have something from you that means much more! Bye!"
The police deliver Freddie to Lawrence at the airport as Janet departs on her flight.
  "Listen Freddy, this time, she really is on that plane, you can't harm her again.
You didn't have to steal her money!"
  "I didn't steal her money! She stole from me! I was about to win the bet - she says, close the drapes, close the door, take a shower.. When I get out ~ she's gone, my clothes are gone, my watch is gone.."
  "Do you expect me to believe that when she just returned the $50k that I gave her?"
  "What $50k?"
  "The $50K you stole from her!"
  "I didn't steal $50K from her!"
They open the bag that Janet gave Lawrence.
  "Hey! There's my clothes!"
Freddy finds and reads a letter from Janet:
  "Hello boys, it was fun, I'll miss you, love Janet. PS I'm keeping the money, is that wrong?"
Freddy: (agitated, outraged)
  "Of all the lousy!.. She is disgusting, She is lying, She is deceitful, She is two faced, She is conniving, She is dishonest!".
Lawrence (laughing, appreciating Janet's skill, beaming with admiration):
  "Yes! Isn't She Wonderful?"
Lord of the Rings "The Little Things.." JRR Tolkien ( ☉ ♑︎ )
The Elvish Queen Galadriel speaks with the wizard Gandalf:.

"Mithrandir ~ Why the Halfling?"

"I don't know .. Saruman believes that it is only great power that can hold evil in check.
But that is not what I have found. ~ I've found that it is the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary folk, that keeps the darkness at bay ~ simple acts of kindness and love.
Why Bilbo Baggins? Perhaps it is because I am afraid .. and he gives me courage."

"Do not be afraid, Mithrandir, You are not alone."
Dolphin Tale The true story of Winter, a Florida dolphin who lost her tail.
Harvey by Mary Chase ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♌︎ ) with Jimmy Stewart ( ☉ ♉︎ ) Josephine Hull ( ☉ ♌︎ ) Peggy Dow ( ☉ ♏︎ )  
Harvey, a Pukka, appears as a 6-foot white rabbit only to a select few: Elwood Dowd is his best friend.

Veta Louise to Dr. Chumley in her house:
"A photograph shows only the reality, but a painting shows not only the reality, but the dream behind it. It's Our Dreams, Doctor, that carry us on. They separate us from the beasts. I wouldn't want to go on living if I thought it was all just eating and sleeping and taking my clothes off, I mean putting them on.. OOH!" (As she turned, she saw the portrait of Harvey and Elwood)

Elwood to Dr Sanderson and Miss Kelly in Charleys Bar:
"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state that I finally won out over it."

Elwood to Dr Chumley in the doctor's office:
"Years ago, my mother said, 'In this world, Elwood, you must be Oh-So-Smart or Oh-So-Pleasant.'
Well, for years I was smart, and I recommend pleasant."
Miracle on 34th Street (1947) written by Valentine Davies ( ☉ ♍︎ ) with ( ☉ ♌︎ ) ( ☉ ♊︎ ) Natalie Wood ( ☉ ♋︎ ) ( ☉ ︎ )  
Kris Kringle is on trial in New York City for claiming to be Santa Claus at his job at Macy's:

Kris's lawyer Fred to Kris's boss Doris:
"Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to.
It’s not just Kris that’s on trial. It’s everything he stands for.
It’s Kindness, Joy, Love, and all the other intangibles."

Doris to Fred:
"Fred, you’re talking like a child.
You’re living in a realistic world!
Those lovely intangibles aren’t worth much.
You don’t get ahead that way."

"That all depends on what you call getting ahead ...
Someday, you’re going to find out that your way of facing this realistic world just doesn’t work.
And when you do, don’t overlook those lovely intangibles.
You’ll discover they’re the only things that are worthwhile!"

Charlotte's Web book by E.B. White. film with Julia Roberts ( ☉ ♏︎ ) Dakota Fanning ( ☉ ♓︎ )
Little brother: "Dad, can I have a piglet, too?"
Dad: "No, I only give piglets to early risers.
Your sister Fern was up before dawn, ridding the world of injustice.."
Portrait of Jennie (1948) based on novella by Robert Nathan, with Jennifer Jones ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♓︎ ), Joseph Cotten ( ☉ ♉︎ )
"There is no Life until
you've Loved and been Loved,
and then there is no Death."
50 First Dates with Drew Barrymore ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♋︎ ), Adam Sandler ( ☉ ♍︎ )
Avatar: The Last Air Bender Aang meets a Guru to study the Chakras
Aang's Guru speaks about the Crown Chakra, the last one.
Guru: "Meditate on what attaches you to this world.
Now let all of those attachments go.
Let them flow down the river.."

Aang: "What? Why would I let go of Katara? I love her!"

Guru: "Learn to let her go, or you cannot let the pure cosmic energy flow in from the universe."

Aang: "Why would I choose cosmic energy over Katara? How could it be a bad thing that I feel an attachment to her? Three chakras ago that was a good thing!"

Guru: "You must learn to let go."

Jubilee by Charlie Barnett & Joe Fab, sung by Alison Krauss ( ☉ ♌︎ )
The sun came up on Monday morn,
The world was all in flames.
It’s all a mortal man can do
To make it right again.

Swing and turn, Jubilee.
Live and learn, Jubilee.

The moon came up, I stood my ground
And swore to not give in,
To never rest and do my best
To rid this world of sin.

Swing and turn, Jubilee.
Live and learn, Jubilee.

The one who spoke cried tears of hope
That we might change in time,
And when I looked into her eyes
The fear I saw was mine.

Swing and turn, Jubilee.
Live and learn, Jubilee.

The time had come to travel on.
I made my way alone.
My soul will mend at journey’s end.
This road will take me home.

Swing and turn, Jubilee.
Live and learn, Jubilee.
Stormy by The Mamas & The Papas
You were the sunshine, baby
Whenever you smiled
But I call you Stormy today,

All of a sudden that old rains falling down
And my world is cloudy and grey
You've gone away

Oh stormy, Oh stormy
Bring back that sunny day!
Yesterday love was like a
warm summer breeze
But like the weather, it changed

Now things are dreary, baby
and it's getting cold
And I stand alone in the rain
calling your name..
Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood by Benjamin, Caldwell & Marcus (for Nina!) sung by Nina Simone ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♑︎ )
I Put a Spell on You by Guitar Slim, sung by Nina Simone ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♑︎ )
I put a spell on you
'Cause you're mine!
You'll Never get to Heaven if you Break my Heart by Burt Bacharach ( ☉ ♉︎ ) sung by Dione Warwick ( ☉ ♐︎ )
You'll never get to heaven
if you break my heart,
So be very careful
not to make us part!
Yes, My Darling Daughter (1940) song by Jack Lawrence, sung by Dinah Shore ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♑︎ )
Mother, May I go out dancing?
  Yes, my Darling Daughter!
Mother, May I try Romancing?
  Yes, my darling daughter!
What if there's a Moon, Mama,
and it's shining on the Water?
Mother, Must I keep on dancing?
  Yes, my Darling Daughter!
Rainbow Connection with Kermit the Frog, Choir! Choir! Choir! and New Yorkers at Lincoln Center, NYC
Dr Dolittle "When I Look in Your Eyes" (1967) written by Leslie Bricusse ( ☉ ♒︎ ), sung by Rex Harrison ( ☉ ♓︎ ) book by Hugh Lofting ( ☉ ♑︎ )
Dr. Dolittle sings goodbye to Sophie the Seal
when setting her free at a seaside cliff.

When I look in your eyes
I see the wisdom of the world
In your eyes
I see the sadness
Of a thousand goodbyes
When I look in your eyes

And it is no surprise
To see the softness of the moon
In your eyes
The gentle sparkle of the stars
In the skies
When I look in your eyes

In your eyes
I see the deepness of the sea
I see the deepness of the love
The love I feel you feel for me

Autumn comes, summer dies
I see the passing of the years
In your eyes
And when we part
There’ll be no tears
No goodbyes
I’ll just look into your eyes.

Those eyes, so wise, so warm, so real
How I love the world your eyes reveal
Isn’t it a pity you’re a seal?

Suzanne by Leonard Cohen ( ☉ ♍︎ ☽ ♓︎ )
Suzanne takes you down
To her place near the river
You can hear the boats go by
You can spend the night beside her
And you know that she's half crazy
But that's why you want to be there
And she feeds you tea and oranges
That come all the way from China
And just when you mean to tell her
That you have no love to give her
Then she gets you on her wavelength
And she lets the river answer
That you've always been her lover

And you want to travel with her
And you want to travel blind
And you know that she will trust you
For you've touched her perfect body
with your mind


Now Suzanne takes your hand
And she leads you to the river
She is wearing rags and feathers
From Salvation Army counters
And the sun pours down like honey
On our lady of the harbour
And she shows you where to look
Among the garbage and the flowers
There are heroes in the seaweed
There are children in the morning
They are leaning out for love
And they will lean that way forever
While Suzanne holds the mirror

And you want to travel with her
And you want to travel blind
And you know you can trust her
For she's touched your perfect body
with her mind
The Prince of Egypt | When You Believe ~
  lyrics by Stephen Lawrence Schwartz ( ☉ ♓︎ ) & music by Kenny Edmonds (BabyFace) ( ☉ ♈︎ )
  sung by Mariah Carey ( ☉ ♈︎ ) & Whitney Houston ( ☉ ♌︎ )
There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles you can achieve?
When you believe, somehow you will
You will when you believe
A Muppet Christmas Carol: written by Paul Williams ( ☉ ♍︎ )
Bless Us All sung by The Muppets
Bless us all

With a Grateful Prayer & a Thankful Heart sung by Michael Caine ( ☉ ♓︎ )
Every Night will end
And every Day will start
With a Grateful Prayer
And a Thankful Heart.
My Sweet Lord (1970) by George Harrison ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♏︎ )
My Sweet Lord
I really want to see you
Really want to be with you
But it takes so long, my Lord
I really want to know you
Really want to go with you
Really want to show you Lord
But it won't take long, my Lord (Hallelujah)
My sweet Lord (Hallelujah)
My sweet Lord (Guru Sakshaat)
My sweet Lord (Parabrahma)
My sweet Lord (Hare Rama)
My sweet Lord (Hare Krishna)
Shower the People You Love With Love by James Taylor ( ☉ ♓︎ ☽ ♓︎ )
Shower the people you Love with Love..
Show them that you really care!

The inner Path of Pisces is the last dimension and allows us to experience Humility, Appreciation, Inspiration, Awe, Wonder and Wholeness. This Path encourages us to "Love our neighbors as ourselves" and to Live a Wholesome Life with Patience, Forgiveness, Acceptance, Empathy, Kindness, Compassion and Loving, Joyful Surrender to the Wholeness of Life.

"One who is free from illusion, false prestige, false association, who understands the Eternal, who is done with material lust, who is freed from the duality of happiness and distress, and who knows how to surrender unto the Supreme Person, attains to that Eternal Kingdom."
Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 15 Verse 5

1846 Triton 2,706 TLS ℞ 5.8 dy 354,800 Km
☽︎ ♆︎ :: Triton - Moon of Neptune

Triton ~ Moon of Neptune
• Triton Reflects reflects Neptune's Rulership of Pisces •

The large moon Triton, with a diameter about 40% of Mars, revolves around Neptune in the direction opposite to the Planet's rotation. Because of this, astronomers believe that in the very distant future Triton is destined to be torn apart by gravity as it eventually spirals in towards it's parent planet. As Triton is disintegrated, this moon's crumbling remains may join and thicken the ring system around Neptune.

Triton was a son of the Olympian god of the sea, Neptune (Poseidon)

The eventual destiny of Triton is so very fitting to Neptune's astrological symbolism and significance of two fish swimming in opposite directions and an eventual resolution of wholeness. The moon that revolved around the planet in the contrary direction will be dispersed into her rings!

2005 2005 RN43 700 7 hr 270 yr 40.57-42.14 / 0.028
💫︎     :: 2005 RN43 - Associated with Capricorn / Rooster?

Region: ISB / KBO  MPC: 145452  PD: 2005 RN 43 🗐 Ephemeris

  • RN43 has a very circular orbit ~ The fourth closest after Venus, Neptune and Earth!


• Waiting • Timing •

Astrologers are currently investigating the correlations of 2005RN43 in the chart.
Here are some quotes..

From Maurice Fernandez Evolutionary Astrology with Maurice Fernandez
"Together we've observed a kind of 'waiting' mode..".

2000 Varuna 750 6.3 hr 279 yr 40.91-45.33 / 0.056
💫︎ :: Varuna - Associated with Uranus or Jupiter?

Region: ISB / KBO  MPC: 20000  PD: 2000 WR 106 🗐 Ephemeris

  • Varuna's orbit is quite circular for one of the outer planets. The orbital eccentricity is just higher than Saturn's.

Hindu god ...

• Communication • Surpass • Influence • Stories

Astrologers are currently investigating the correlations of Varuna in the chart.
Here are some quotes..

From Lorna Bevan Cosmic Intelligence Agency
"Varuna's placement in your chart is where you have the potential to go beyond your usual boundaries and limitations to achieve something greater than yourself. Somehow you have faith in your own inner resources. The House Varuna occupies is the area of life where you can make a lasting impression, become an influencer or shaper of creative ideas."

From Maurice Fernandez Evolutionary Astrology with Maurice Fernandez
"..writers .. storytellers.."

2002 Quaoar 900 17.7 hr 240 yr 41.70-45.11 AU / 0.037
💫︎ Q :: Quaoar - Associated with Pisces?

Region: ISB / KBO  MPC: 50000  PD: 2002 LM 60 🗐 Ephemeris

  • Quaoar is about the same size as Ceres. This little world at the inner edge of the Kuiper Belt has a small rocky satellite named Weywot, which is only a large shard about 74 km across one side and not round at all.
  • If we consider intervals like Bode's law, then we see Jupiter about 5 AU from the Sun, Saturn about 10 AU, Uranus about 20 AU and Quaoar around a mean of 43 AU, occupying the next expected orbit in that doubling series. Neptune seems to have slipped towards the Sun into an orbit of 30 AU, halfway between Uranus and Quaoar.
  • Quaoar has a very circular orbit at the outer edge of the Innner System, just at the inner edge of the Kuiper Belt, which is quite mysterious! There is only about 7.5% difference between the Perihelion and Aphelion, which is expressed as an Orbital Eccentricity of 0.037.
    At this time, this little world follows fourth in circular regularity after Venus, Neptune and Earth. There is some indication that 2005RN3 might also be in this group of mysteriously circular orbits. These are the most circular orbits around our Sun. What does this say about Gravity in our solar system?
    Quaoar is the next planet after Neptune if you order them by the Orbital Periods. It is also one of the furthest planets with a regular circular orbit. Other surprisingly circular orbits are those of the minor planets 2005-RN43 and Varuna, see below. All the worlds farther out have much more extremely elliptical orbits.
  • Quaoar's orbit seems to define an "Anchor Ring" to the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud objects in their extremely elliptical orbits. They all seem to have their Perihelions near Quaoar's orbit even though their Aphelions may go out hundreds of AU!
For these characteristics, this list includes Quaoar at the outer edge of the Inner System, and not quite at the Inner edge of the Kuiper Belt. The Inner System planets could be considered the vital organs of the solar system, and the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud considered as sensory organs and peripheral limbs.

From Lorna Bevan Cosmic Intelligence Agency
"Quaoar is the great force of creation in the diverse myths of the Tongva, the indigenous people of the Los Angeles basin. Quaoar has no form or gender and dances and sings Weywot, Sky Father, into existence. He danced and sang the song of creation, and thus the universe began."

• Steady • Consistent • Flow • Playful • Creative •

Astrologers are currently investigating the effects of Quaoar in the chart.
Here are some quotes..

From Lorna Bevan Cosmic Intelligence Agency
"Quaoar rules manifestation - it is where we bring into being that which we desire. You can channel its deep space transpersonal properties to transform your experience of reality. Within Quaoar's mythology, it is a seen as a creation force. This force is alive and well within all of us and we use it every day mostly without conscious awareness. Once you learn to harness this energy and work with it, you can literally create your own personal reality that lines up with your highest intentions. You can do this by tapping into your sensory acuity, the source of intuition, and letting it guide you.
This is the path of joyful creation, discovering the unified field and interconnectedness of all then using that knowledge to bring about a brighter future. Under strong Quaoar transits and progressions, shamanic journeying and soul retrieval is accessible. A defining element of Quaoar energy is playfulness and notable people with strong Quaoar aspects have these qualities in spades: experimenting; teasing; game playing; risk taking; being creative; pretending. These are the most captivating individuals, entertaining, charming and full of weird charisma. The shadow side is: toying; ridiculing; acting out; fraud; deception and prank playing. When you understand that Quaoar has a very close resonance to Jupiter then the larger than life behaviour starts to make sense."

From Maurice Fernandez Evolutionary Astrology with Maurice Fernandez
..."playful, mischief "... "Quaoar-aspected natives want to play and create a new reality..''

(click names)
Orbital Period
⮟ Sorted
Apsides (AU) / O.E. (𝑒)
(Moons Km)
Astronomy, Mythology, Astrology, Keywords, & Photos
2004 Orcus 917 hr 244 yr 30.27-48.07 / 0.227
💫︎ :: Orcus - Associated with Virgo / Snake?

Region: KBO  MPC: 90482 PD: 2004 DW 🗐 Ephemeris

  • Resonant with & opposite Pluto's orbit, and a little more than ⅓ the diameter of Pluto, Orcus has virtually the same orbital period as Pluto, and their orbits have similar angles to the ecliptic, but their aphelions point in opposite directions! There is a small rocky satellite, Vanth, which is only about 270 km across, so not a round moon.


• Edges • Surfaces • Oaths • Contracts • Accountable • Hypocrisy • Integrity

Astrologers are currently investigating the correlations of Orcus in the chart.
Here are some quotes..

From Maurice Fernandez Evolutionary Astrology with Maurice Fernandez
"..perfection problem: they insist on following (or even making) the rules, they obsess about cleanliness, and may even be a bit OCD (obsessive-compulsive). Orcus individuals make lists, adjust your tie, and/or too often send their food back to the kitchen".

From Jeremy Allan Neal: Orcus
"Where Pluto is intense and personal and represents the compulsion to attempt control of situations and people in our lives, Orcus is detached and impersonal and attempts to manage challenging circumstances, not with Pluto's habitual power struggle but rather through cold, inhuman disinterest. In archetypal terms, Pluto is the Mafia boss pulling everyone's strings and Orcus is his henchman with a heart of stone. Pluto is impassioned, Orcus passionless. Orcus rules extreme human qualities: the determination to survive in pitiless conditions, as well as the drive to overcome all odds. Orcus has a strong correlation with oaths, and, when negative, rules swindlers and liars, while when positive, persons of integrity".

Discovered in 2004, 90482 Orcus is a transneptunian object and Plutino in 2:3 resonance with Neptune, creating a Hadean triumvirate alongside Pluto and Ixion.
This groundbreaking work traces the mythological roots of Orcus and extrapolates a rich astrological principle which perfectly encapsulates the emerging spiritual paradigm of our age. The approaches to Orcus are uncompromising and inescapable, but to balk at his hard-won revelation is to reject all possibility of an authentic and fulfilling life. For the astrologer, the wisdom of Orcus adds a vivid new dimension to the nativity, and for the esoteric student too, the methodologies and tenets of Orcus create a profound organising principle with which to better understand the exigent shift from a life of unsatisfying material striving to a new depth of spiritual freedom.

From Steven Forrest, author of The Inner Sky:
"Jeremy Neal's masterwork about Orcus is a major contribution to the advancement of astrology. Facing the real significance of these newly-discovered trans-Neptunian bodies is not work for the faint-hearted. This is a courageous book that carries the reader into the heart of darkness. Fortunately, it also carries us out again! Neal faces painful subjects unflinchingly, and yet never loses sight of the higher ground. I enthusiastically welcome his voice to the conversation."

From Lorna Bevan: Cosmic Intelligence Agency
"The psycho-spiritual task of wherever the Orcus archetype lives in your birth chart and psyche is to convert separation and isolation into genuine and congruent integrity. That means knowing your highest level core values and then living them out in daily life and prioritising your life around them. In other words, walk your talk. Be impeccable with your word. Under-promise and over-deliver".

1930 Pluto 2,377 6.4 dy 248 yr 29.70-49.30 AU / 0.244
⚳︎ ♍︎ :: Pluto, Ruler of SCORPIO ~ The Scorpion, Eagle / The Sheep

Region: KBO  MPC: 134340  PD: 1930

  • Pluto & Charon are often considered a "Binary Planet". The planet Pluto and the moon Charon may be considered a "binary planet" since their gravitational barycenter is actually in the space between them! In addition to that indicator of shared power, the moon Charon is about half the diameter of Pluto. This is the highest ratio of moon diameter to parent planet diameter in our solar system. Another planet-moon pair that have a similar configuration are Eris and Dysnomia. Latest data (as of 2021) suggests that Dysnomia's diameter may be about ⅓ the diameter of Eris. (See Eris below) Our Earth and Moon may have the third highest ratio - Our moon's diameter is 27% of the Earth's diameter.
  • The NASA New Horizons mission of 2015 found that Pluto has a sweet-heart symbol in her geography. See the photo? LOL!
  • Pluto's Perihelion & Neptune
    Pluto has a "2:3 Resonance" with Neptune, meaning that every two orbits of Pluto equals three orbits of Neptune.
    Pluto's highly elliptical orbit also actually overlaps inside Neptune's orbit! The last time this took place was from February 1979 to February 1999. During that time, Pluto was closer to the Sun than Neptune. Pluto's passage through it's own sign, Scorpio, took place during this time (1984 - 1995).
    Pluto's longitude of Perihelion is at Scorpio 14°. Heliocentrically, Pluto is in her Rulership during this time. The Sun sees Pluto draw closest to him during Pluto's passage through her own Dimension in the course of her orbit. The average temperature of this distant little world is about -225 ℃ / -375 ℉.
  • Pluto was visually discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh, born February 4, 1906 in Streator, IL. He successfully completed the search started over 20 years earlier by Percival Lowell, who was born March 13, 1855 in Boston, MA. The Pluto glyph commemorates Percival Lowell's initials.

In Rome and Greece, the Olympian god Pluto / Hades was a brother of Jupiter / Zeus, and the lord of the underworld to where the souls of departed people went (See also "Elysian Fields").

♇︎ ♏︎ Pluto rules The Scorpion / The Sheep. • Deep Emotion  • Desire  • Will  • Power  • Closure  • Gentle Penetration  • Transformation  • Reproduction  • Influence  • Devotion  • Bonding  • Sharing  • Separation  • Regeneration  • Healing  • Passion  • YinYang Yin Pluto is the Yin analogue to Mars
which rules Aries as Yang.

Pluto represents Scorpio, Steady Water. Pluto represents the signs of The Scorpion, The Eagle, The Sheep. Pluto signifies the development of our Deep Emotions, our Intense, Constant Feelings and Keen Perceptions, Observations, Analysis and Insight.

Pluto is the feminine Heroine. Pluto represents energy drawn and directed inward to transformations. This is the principle of inner changes, including the experiences gained from relationships. Pluto principles are also involved in transforming and releasing energy and matter. Pluto principles can be viewed as a zipper, able to both close and open.

An important Challenge to Scorpio is "Integrity". As with everything, there is also a possible downside: The Path of Scorpio can be misused to empower people who wish to be dictators! People who wish to enslave others and subjugate them will try to misuse these principles.

In nature, power is used to create and preserve opportunities for reproduction. But these opportunities have practical limits and the various species all have their own strategies to find ways to reproduce. (Lions, Bonobos, Birds of Paradise, Octopi, Sea Otters, Walrus, Wolves, Bison, Horses, etc, etc..)

Power in human society is a twisted version of sexual attraction and influence. Humans who are unable to deeply connect emotionally will often seek social 'power' to compensate for this deficiency in their own self-image. But 'power' is a poor, pale substitute for actual deeply connected relationships.

"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority;
still more when you superadd the tendency of the certainty of corruption by authority.”
Lord Acton ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♑︎ ) ( John Dalberg-Acton )

When we learn well Saturn's lessons of Consequences, we reconsider the personal evolution of our Scorpio path and guide it towards Integrity. Many Scorpio people ( Sun, Moon ) have a sense that Good Judgement is of critical importance. They are usually careful about choosing their associates. They are not casual people, and are usually very conscientious and diligent in work and everything they do.

"If something is worth doing, it's worth doing well."

If you meet a careless, spiteful or superficial Scorpio (Sun or Moon), you can be sure that things have gone wrong for them. You can actually help by simply being as truthful and honest as possible.
Consequences are very visible to them. Pluto adds a desire for Integrity precisely because Scorpio sees Duality. Well-developed Scorpio people take Integrity very seriously. They value and respect Honesty.

They are usually interested in, and often know and understand well, the issues of Fear and Courage. They are often involved in Life and Death decisions. Death means more to them than to most people. They spend more time and effort trying to understand it and deal with it.

"The world is a very narrow bridge, and the important thing is to not fear at all."
Rabbi Nachman of Breslov ( ☉ ♈︎ )

"Find what you love and let it kill you.."
Richard Samet "Kinky" Friedman - singer, humorist, politician ( ☉ ♏︎ )

Many Scorpio people (Sun, Moon) have an emotional "x-ray vision" and can understand other people's inner situations and motivations quite well. They have a natural gift for psychological analysis. They can also have insight into general healing at many levels, and some deeply spiritual ones. They often share what they create with inspiring generosity. The story of Jonas Salk is a good example of devotion, transformation and heroism.

In the early 1950s Dr. Jonas Salk worked in the University of Pittsburgh to discover a vaccine against Polio. After successful tests, he openly published his formulas for preparing the vaccine, making them freely available for everyone to produce. His vaccine subsequently saved countless lives. In an interview in 1955, shortly after the vaccine was proven safe, effective and released, he was asked who owns the patent.
He replied: "Well, the people, I would say. There is no patent. Could you patent the Sun?"
Interview with Dr. Jonas Salk ( ☉ ♏︎ ☽ ♓︎ )

Scorpio has also been called the Eagle in Antiquity. This may be a case of 'Before & After' comparison regarding stages of development. Whereas an inexperienced Scorpio may retaliate against perceived insults like a stinging scorpion, a more mature Scorpio (Sun Moon) may understand how to 'rise above' them like an eagle with a more complete view of emotional issues. Many Scorpio people like to pilot airplanes.

When people cultivate meditation, the principles of Pluto also enhance One-Pointed Concentration, and Intensity of Focus. Where Pluto is in a chart, you will always find Passion, Devotion and Powerful Motivation in that area of life. The positive side is Commitment, Dedication, Strong Bonds and Devotion. Sometimes these are expressed as Obsession or Fixation.

These qualities are evident in Scorpio people's personal relationships, which are usually intense because they connect through the Ever-Present Universal Emotions. Other people are quickly attracted to Scorpios and easily bond with them, when permitted.

Some people seem fearful of Scorpio people. This may be because the Scorpio person can focus their perceptions on the deep emotions of those around them. Those people who are hiding their hurtful intentions in the dark may fear being exposed. If you know someone who generally does not like Scorpio people (Sun, Moon), beware of them.

In contrast, people who have integrity and wholesome values generally have no averse reactions to Scorpios, and may indeed appreciate being understood by someone who can see and understand deeply. Honesty and Sharing bring out the best in Scorpios. Remember, Scorpio and Aries are the two heroic signs.

"What is hell? I maintain that it is the suffering of being unable to love."
Fyodor Dostoyevsky ( ☉ ♏︎ )

The natural metaphor of Pluto's elliptical orbit passing inside the circular orbits of Quaoar and Neptune is reminiscent of the sexual function ~ To bring something into the system from the outside or to carry something from the system outward. Pluto represents this cycle, both these actions. Sharing and Merging are activities of our Scorpio dimension and should never be forgotten or neglected.

( It's a secret, but most Scorpio People are very Sexy Creatures. )

In All of Us, the Path of Scorpio is to Feel, Possess, and Live Through the Emotional Intensity of being an individual who can feel and understand deeply the power and consequences of our choices in Life, who can relate to, Love and Bond intimately with another, and of being an individual who can influence the world during our lifetime and even beyond it, and who must eventually leave this life behind. The Path of Scorpio involves real and honest Existential Questions and Passion!

"See, in all our Searching .. the only thing we've found that makes the Emptiness bearable .. is Each Other."
"Contact" (movie) by Astrophysicist Carl Sagan ( ☉ ♏︎ )

Quotes by People with Sun in Scorpio

"I used to see the outer world as the only reality.
Now when I am older I understand that the only reality is the invisible self."
Arvid Jarnefelt ( ☉ ♏︎ )

"The elimination of war should be the major task of social education."
Konrad Lorenz ( ☉ ♏︎ )

"Now, my own suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose…
I suspect that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of, or can be dreamed of, in any philosophy."
J.B.S. Haldane ( ☉ ♏︎ ) mathematical biologist

• "Latent in every man is a venom of amazing bitterness, a black resentment ~ something that curses and loathes life, a feeling of being trapped, of having trusted and been fooled, of being the helpless prey of impotent rage, blind surrender, the victim of a savage, ruthless power that gives and takes away, enlists a man, and - crowning injury - inflicts upon him the humiliation of feeling sorry for himself."
• "Politics is the art of preventing people from taking part in affairs which properly concern them."
Paul Valery ( ☉ ♏︎ )

"Man is not what he thinks he is ~ he is what he hides."
Andre Malraux ( ☉ ♏︎ )

"I have no desire whatsoever for fame ... No, thank you very much.
Sir Harold Nicolson ( ☉ ♏︎ )

"Many people have forgotten how georgeous the night sky can be.
It is not only an aesthetic experience, but it elicits unbidden feelings of reverence and awe."
Carl Sagan ( ☉ ♏︎ ) astrophysicist

"I am most proud of my integrity and least proud of my cynicism."
Chloe Sevigny ( ☉ ♏︎ )

• "Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so too."
• "Let each of us boldly and honestly say: How little it is that I really know!"
• "All murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets."
• "Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It lets what is excellent in others belong to us as well."
• "Love truth, and pardon error."
• "Our wretched species is so made that those who walk on the well-trodden path always throw stones at those who are opening a new road."
Voltaire ( ☉ ♏︎ )

"Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others."
Robert Louis Stevenson ( ☉ ♏︎ )

Amoebas & Sex

Amoebas at the start
Were not complex
They tore themselves apart
And started Sex.

And Sex has ruled the earth
From then till this,
Producing woe and mirth
And pain and bliss.
Through Sex the seedling wakes
To cleave the ground.
'Tis really Sex that makes
The world go 'round.

It sublimates the mind
With noble themes,
Or sends it unrefined,
Suggestive dreams.
'Tis Sex that rules the lives
Of clods and kings.
It gives us books and wives
And other things

Ambition, love, and strife
And all the ills
And ecstasies of life
And Freuds and Brills!

Arthur Guiterman ( ☉ ♏︎ )

"The moment we begin to fear the opinions of others and hesitate to tell the truth that is in us, and from motives of policy are silent when we should speak, the divine floods of light and life no longer flow into our souls."
Elizabeth Cady Stanton ( ☉ ♏︎ )

• "Honesty has always worked for me."
• "I think sometimes when children grow up, their parents grow up. Mine grew up with me."
• "I'm a woman who likes to be courted - strongly."
• "People always ask me, 'What is it that you regret?' And I say, 'nothing, because I could not buy what I've learned.' "
• "Acceptance is the key to be… To be truly free."
Katy Perry ( ☉ ♏︎ ☽ ♏︎ )

"It feels so good to be part of someone again!"
Coralie ( ☉ ♏︎ ☽ ♒︎ )

"It is always with excitement that I wake up in the morning wondering what my intuition will toss up to me, like gifts from the sea.
I work with it and rely on it. It's my partner."
Jonas Salk ( ☉ ♏︎ ☽ ♓︎ )

Quotes by others relevant to Scorpio


"Out of the night that covers me,
black as the pit from pole to pole;
I thank whatever gods may be
for my unconquerable soul."
"In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
my head is bloody but unbow'd."
"Beyond this place of wrath and tears
looms but the horror of the shade,
and yet the menace of the years
finds and shall find me unafraid."
"It matters not how strait the gate,
how charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul."

Willian Ernest Henley ( ☉ ♍︎ ☽ ♏︎ )

"Grief is the price we pay for Love."

Links relevant to Scorpio

Death is Nothing At All by Henry Scott-Holland ( ☉ ♒︎ ) at the funeral of King George VII (1910)

Saving Millions of Lives Story of Dr Salk's vaccine

books, articles & essays:
Man Unfolding (1972) by Jonas Salk ( ☉ ♏︎ ☽ ♓︎ )
The Survival of the Wisest (1973) by Jonas Salk ( ☉ ♏︎ ☽ ♓︎ )
The Laughing Muse / Old Poetry Arthur Guiterman Arthur Guiterman 'Amoebas & Sex' ( ☉ ♏︎ )
"Amoebas at the start
Were not complex
They tore themselves apart
And started Sex.

And Sex has ruled the earth
From then till this,
Producing woe and mirth
And pain and bliss.

Through Sex the seedling wakes
To cleave the ground.
'Tis really Sex that makes
The world go 'round.

It sublimates the mind
With noble themes,
Or sends it unrefined,
Suggestive dreams.

'Tis Sex that rules the lives
Of clods and kings.
It gives us books and wives
And other things

Ambition, love, and strife
And all the ills
And ecstasies of life
And Freuds and Brills."

videos, movies:
Little House on the Prairie books by Laura Ingalls Wilder, TV shows by Michael Landon ( ☉ ♏︎ ☽ ♉︎ )
The Twilight Zone by Rod Serling ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♐︎ )
"Nothing in the Dark" (1961) S3 E16 written by George Clayton Johnson ( ☉ ♋︎ ), with Gladys Cooper ( ☉ ♐︎ ), Robert Redford ( ☉ ♌︎ )
"Mother.. Give me your hand..
No shock, no engulfment, no tearing asunder, and what you feared would come like an explosion is like a whisper.
What you thought was the end - a beginning."

18th Variation from Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini ( ☉ ♏︎ ) by Sergei Rachmaninoff ( ☉ ♈︎ )
Joni Mitchell ( ☉ ♏︎ ☽ ♓︎ )
Both Sides Now
A Case of You
Stormy Weather sung by Ethel Waters ( ☉ ♏︎ )
Black Magic Woman by Santana written by Peter Green ( ☉ ♏︎ )
Got a Black Magic Woman
Got a Black Magic Woman
I've got a Black Magic Woman
Got me so blind, I can't see
That she's a Black Magic Woman
She's trying to make a devil outta me

Don't turn your back on me, baby
Don't turn your back on me, baby
Yes, don't turn your back on me, baby
Stop messing 'round with your tricks
Don't turn your back on me, baby
You just might pick up my magic sticks

Got your spell on me, baby
You got your spell on me, baby
Yes, you got your spell on me, baby
Turning my heart into stone
I need you so bad, Magic Woman
I can't leave you alone.
The Game Of Love   Wembley 1965    London Hullabaloo 1965    Solid Silver UK 2004
   by Wayne Fontana ( ☉ ♏︎ ) & The Mindbenders
The purpose of a man is to love a woman
And the purpose of a woman is to love her man
So come on baby let's start today, come on baby let's play
The game of love love love

It started long ago in the Garden of Eden
When Adam said to Eve, "Baby, you're for me."
So come on baby let's start today, come on baby let's play
The game of love love love love

Come on baby 'cause the time is right
Love your daddy with all your might
Put your arms around me, hold me tight
Play the game of love

Ofra Haza ( ☉ ♏︎ )
Deliver Us
Where or When from Babes in Arms 1937 by Rodgers & Hart

It seems we stood and talked like this before
we looked at each other in the same way then
but I can't remember where or when..
the clothes you're wearing are the clothes you wore
the smile you are smiling you were smiling then
but I can't remember where or when..

..And Finally, Pluto and the inner Path of Scorpio releases Tremendous Energy!
This leads to the next path, motivating the expansion of the outer Path of Jupiter, Sagittarius the Archer, which opens the gate to the set of the last four signs, the collective dimensions. Working to understand the Path of Scorpio can prepare us to energize our Collective Signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces.

1978 Charon 1,212 TLS 6.4 dy 19,640 Km
☽︎ ♇︎ :: Charon - Moon of Pluto

Charon ~ Moon of Pluto
• Reflects Pluto's Rulership of Scorpio.

As you can see in the photo, Pluto's moon Charon is a redhead! Charon is about half the diameter of Pluto. Charon and Pluto orbit surprisingly close to each other. Pluto & Charon are tidally locked to each other in synchronous rotation. Remarkably, they both always face each other with the same sides. They are intimate partners in their dance.

Our Moon also faces Earth with only one side, but our Earth does not reciprocate, as she turns on her axis every 24 hours. This gives everyone on Earth the opportunity to see the Moon practically every day!

Charon was the ferry boatman who escorted departed souls across the river Styx to Hades.

2001 Ixion 710 12 hr 251 yr 30.09-49.33 / 0.240
💫︎ :: Ixion - Associated with Sagittarius / Monkey?

Region: KBO  MPC: 28978  PD: 2001 KX 76
🗐 Ephemeris


Ixion ..

• Correction • Action • Justice • Good Trouble •

Astrologers are currently investigating the correlations of Ixion in the chart.
Here are some quotes..

From Lorna Bevan Cosmic Intelligence Agency
"Ixion lies outside Pluto's orbit making it the Outsider and its themes are: a rebel with a cause; taking on the powerful; the audacity of belief; picking a necessary fight; pushing your luck and limits. Ixion themed people keenly feel their outlier status yet they embrace it. They don't want order because the status quo is flawed. Resonating with Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus brings Ixion optimism, practicality and originality - a bit like wily coyote.
Tracy Delaney, programmer of the Serennu minor planet ephemeris, is gifted at working out difficult delineations. "Ixion is 'the unforgiven' - the original source of the split," she writes, meaning the split in the human mind. He is capable of anything, but he's also "the king of dissociation - my deepest fears about who or what I may really be and be capable of.
Tracey Delaney proposes: "I think maybe it could feel like: I'm hell bent on coming out as myself. I want you to see the warts and poison and filth and all - the parts I can't even accept myself - but I want YOU to accept them. I want it to hurt, I want to wallow in the pain of losing those who can't accept me, it will be soooo cathartic." Turning forever on the wheel of fire could be read as what we do to ourselves if we can't forgive ourselves or accept ourselves."

From Maurice Fernandez Evolutionary Astrology with Maurice Fernandez
"Ixion breaks rules. Those who rightly challenge bad laws, like Martin Luther King, Jr. who fought for civil rights, and Galileo, who took on the Catholic church and its suppression of science, display Ixion at its finest".

2002 2002 MS4 800 9 hr 273 yr 36.18-47.90 / 0.144
💫︎     :: 2002 MS4 - Associated with Sagittarius / Monkey?

Region: KBO  MPC: 307261  PD: 2002 MS 4 🗐 Ephemeris



• Learning • Thought • Right Path

Astrologers are currently investigating the correlations of 2002MS4 in the chart.
Here are some quotes..

From Maurice Fernandez Evolutionary Astrology with Maurice Fernandez
"Learning, knowledge, thought"

From Zane Stein
On his webpage, Amable related this body to:
"closed circuits of feedback, were every action returns reinforced in each cycle of interaction, like the trade between Native Americans and European colonists, the Cold War between United States and Soviet Union, or between United States and Middle East in present times. Every action has strong consequences on the long run, and that is why is so important to act correctly from the very beginning."

Amabale also sees it as the search for a 'spiritual security' that comes from:
"a deep understanding of the spiritual laws of the universe, were every action has strong consequences on the long run."

I have found it ties into a strong need to be on the 'right path', and a willingness to make a major life change if one feels one has been travelling on the wrong one. For example, I have seen individuals, when this body in transit crosses their Saturn, become involved in a deeply religious path, sometimes a full religious conversion. Which ties in with the search for 'spiritual security'.

2004 Salacia 950 6 hr 275 yr 37.49-46.62 / 0.110
💫︎ icon Salacia :: Salacia - Associated with Crab / Rabbit?

Region: KBO  MPC: 120347  PD: 2004 SB60 🗐 Ephemeris


Salacia is the Roman goddess of the calm and sunlit ocean.

From Alex Miller AlexAsteroidal Astrology: Salacia
"Initially Salacia wished to preserve her virginity and remain unmarried, but Neptune's courtship was determined, and eventually she accepted him as her husband."

• Inhibition • Release •

Astrologers are currently investigating the correlations of Salacia in the chart.
Here are some quotes..

From Maurice Fernandez Evolutionary Astrology with Maurice Fernandez
"..inhibited or finally released expression or feelings"..

From Alex Miller AlexAsteroidal Astrology: Salacia
"Astrologically, Salacia represents extreme erotic fascination or interest, crudely expressed sexual intent and socially unacceptable, often illicit, sexual activity."

2003 Haumea ~ 1,600 4 hr 283 yr 34.64-51.58 / 0.196
💫︎ Haumea :: Haumea - Associated with Virgo or Pisces?

Region: KBO  MPC: 136108  PD: 2003 EL 61 🗐 Ephemeris

  • Haumea is massive enough to be a sphere, but instead, it is a rapidly spinning ovoid, appearing as a fat, long pancake that rotates very quickly, almost quickly enough to tear itself apart. Approximate dimensions are reported as 2100 x 1680 x 1074 Km.
    This little world has a few small rocky satellites.

Haumea was a Hawaiian goddess who populated the islands with children from her own body..

• Accelerator? • Dispersion? • Scattering? • Dissemination? • Distribution? •

Astrologers are currently investigating the correlations of Haumea in the chart.
Here are some quotes..

From Maurice Fernandez Evolutionary Astrology with Maurice Fernandez
"This damaged yet still formidable Dwarf Planet brings life and death, change and transformation".

2005 MakeMake 1,430 22.5 hr 309 yr 38.59-52.84 / 0.161
💫︎ Makemake :: MakeMake - Associated with Aquarius / Dog?
image not found

Region: KBO  MPC: 136472  PD: 2005FY9 🗐 Ephemeris


MakeMake was a creator god of the Pacific Islanders.

• Network • Magic •

Astrologers are currently investigating the correlations of MakeMake in the chart.
Here are some quotes..

From Lorna Bevan Hare In The Moon Astrology
" People with prominent Makemake placements seem to be able to access data directly from the Noosphere. [.. ] Makemake seems to facilitate a new birth in consciousness, a new way of life that is entirely outside our existing paradigms. [..] Makemake is intellect that is outside society, out beyond the mainstream. Sometimes this supercharged intellect is able to bring in benefits for society - such as quantum mechanics - or at the other end of the spectrum crazy ideas that cannot be easily absorbed and are labelled undesirable. [..] People with Makemake prominent surprise us with unexpected behavior and achievements akin to magic."

2003 Varda 750 5.6 hr 313 yr 39.59-52.64 / 0.140
💫︎     :: Varda - Associated with The Bull / Ox or Scorpio - Eagle / Sheep?

Region: KBO  MPC: 174567  PD: 2003 MW12 🗐 Ephemeris

  • Varda was discovered on June 21, 2003 from Kitt Peak Observatory.
    Varda’s north node is currently at 4 Libra 05.

Varda is named after the goddess Varda in the Indian pantheon. Varda is a bestower of blessings. Her name means a River, Giver of Boons. Varda correlates with the name of Vishnu’s consort, Lakshmi, a goddess of wealth in Hindu mythology.

• Blessings • Boons •

Astrologers are currently investigating the correlations of Varda in the chart.
Here are some quotes..

From AstroGarden
Her most useful expression in the chart is by far the ability to sniff out bullshit from light-years away and not have any part of it. Of course, her connection to Manwë cannot be ignored, ... say that she represents the way a great relationship brings out the best in each partner.
One more thing I find is that this dwarf planet seems unusually kind, proving that even in the dark reaches of the wild unknown you will find more than just cold indifference to us.
There is a strong undercurrent of service and devotion to her, and she wants to help those who need it. As we face a more uncertain future every day, Varda lends us the hope we need not to crumble before our fears or give into the despair that seeks to grip us and drag us down. Varda name meaning: A River; Giver of Boons.

From Phillip Sedgewick Star Blogs
Varda is a bestower of blessings. Varda correlates with the name of Vishnu’s consort, Lakshmi, a goddess of wealth in Hindu mythology. Here is Varda to invoke blessings of cooperation, negotiation, arbitration, interpersonal balance and stronger and more enhanced relationship dealings. No doubt it is a blessing to remain firm in one’s belief while being able to understand the point of view of another, include it, make adjustments, and come out with everyone enjoying net gain. No doubt it is a blessing to value the importance of relationships, whether personal or more collective in scope.
She is transiting several Sag black holes, so “practice what you preach” and “be true to your nature instead of your dogmas” messages are in play.
Some keywords for Varda are Cooperative, Receptive, able to negotiate, ability to remain strong in conviction while perceiving another’s point of view, relationship oriented, perception of shared resources in relationship, "mi casa es su casa", ability to “get over ones self.”

From Planet Waves
What is missing in the chaos of our times is the presence of feminine intelligence. The disaster we are witnessing unfold is the product of warfare, of “heroic” medicine rather than the Wise Woman tradition, and of the attempt to make humans into artificial beings by rewriting their genetic code. We could say that the whole crisis we are in is being driven by toxic masculinity, in a near-total void of women’s wisdom.

2002 2002 AW197 886 9 hr 322 yr 40.92-53.16 / 0.130
💫︎     :: 2002 AW197 - Associated with Aquarius / Dog?

Region: KBO  MPC: 55565  PD: 2002 AW 197 🗐 Ephemeris



• Progressive Idea • Steps

Astrologers are currently investigating the correlations of 2002AW197 in the chart.
Here are some quotes..

From Maurice Fernandez Evolutionary Astrology with Maurice Fernandez
"Indicates a new path or light-bulb idea that leads one to the next level".

2002 2002 TC302 584 56 hr 410 yr 39.16-71.38 / 0.290
💫︎     :: 2002 TC302 - Associated with Pisces / Boar?

Region: KBO  MPC: 84522  PD: 2002 TC 302 🗐 Ephemeris

  • Resonant with Neptune with 2 orbits to 5 Neptune orbits.


• Secrets • Revelations •

Astrologers are currently investigating the correlations of 2002TC302 in the chart.
Here are some quotes..

From Evolutionary Astrology with Maurice Fernandez
"Valuable as an indicator of things or motivations hidden and/or revealed".

2007 GongGong 1,230 22 hr 550 yr 33.00-100.66 / 0.500
💫︎ gonggong :: GongGong - Associated with Cancer / Rabbit-Cat?

Region: KBO  MPC: 225088  PD: 2007 OR 10 🗐 Ephemeris

  • GongGong has a huge red area on one side, and a small rocky satellite.
    This little world moved from Aquarius to Pisces, forward and back, direct and retrograde, during the period from April of 2005 to January of 2008.

GongGong was an emotionally demonstrative Chinese god of Water.

• Sympathy • Empathy • Resonance •

Astrologers are currently investigating the correlations of GongGong in the chart.
Here are some quotes..

From Maurice Fernandez Evolutionary Astrology with Maurice Fernandez
"..weeping heart icon, as the Big Softie appears in charts of those who tender great compassion and sensitivity toward others. Its dark side is to woefully lack any compassion or to be hyper-sensitive.."

2003 Eris 2,326 25.9 hr 561 yr 37.77-97.56 AU / 0.436
Eris ♎︎ :: Eris Perhaps the Ruler of LIBRA ~ The Balance Scales / The Horse?

Region: KBO  MPC: 136199  PD: 2003UB313 🗐 Ephemeris
Eris (Persephone?)

  • Eris / Persephone is virtually the same size as Pluto, but has a much longer orbital period, and so revolves around the Sun extremely slowly. For example, this little world entered Aries in 1923, and will move to Taurus in 2044.
  • Like Pluto, Eris / Persephone also has a relatively large round moon, Dysnomia which is estimated to be a little less than ⅓ the diameter of the parent planet. The average temperature of Eris ranges from -217 ℃ to -243 ℃.
  • Eris was discovered in 2003 by a team of three astronomers: Michael Brown, Chad Trujillo and David Rabinowitz. The daughter of astronomer Dr. Brown wanted to name the planet 'Persephone', but that name had already been assigned to an asteroid. Still, Persephone does fit the planet since it goes so far away for so long and is virtually the same size as Pluto! Dr Brown, the discoverer of Eris, said of the planet after hearing all the discussions surrounding the discovery: "She [Eris] causes strife by causing arguments among men, by making them think their opinions are right and everyone else's is wrong."

Eris was a jealous goddess, a mischief maker.
However, this world was first named 'Persephone' by the discoverer. Persephone, the daughter of Demeter / Ceres, was obliged to go to live with her husband Hades / Pluto every year for half a year, during which time period her mother mourned her and refused to bring forth fruit on Earth. This allegory explained the Fall and Winter Seasons.

Eris Eris • Balance  • Mirror  • Logic  • Theory of Mind  • Compensate  • Assist  • Reciprocate  • Attract  • Choose  • Oppose  • Partner  • Cooperate  • Relationship  • Ideas  • Concepts  • YinYang Yang Eris may be the Yang analogue to Venus
which would be the Yin ruler of Taurus.

Eris may be the Ruler of Libra, Starting Air.
If Eris is the ruler of Libra, then it would be the Yang analogue to Venus which would remain the Yin Ruler of Taurus.

Astrologers are currently investigating the correlations of Eris / Persephone in the chart.
Here are excerpts from articles:

From Lorna Bevan Hare In The Moon
"Although Eris can create a disrupting commotion, upsetting your existing, limiting and antiquated structures of consciousness, she opens you to see beyond the finite bounds of your current perception, beyond the self-imposed limitations by breaking through your egoic defenses. In doing so, you are left to redefine and re-organise your world view to embrace a far vaster reality - a view more aligned to our rapidly expanding 21st century quantum awareness."

From Maurice Fernandez Evolutionary Astrology with Maurice Fernandez
"..articles that argue that Eris is "The Other," representing alienation and the outcasts among us, even as it points to an awakening of community and cohesiveness that we sorely need"

In the Path of Libra, we relate to others. So it's reasonable to believe that Libra holds our Theory of Mind Theory of Mind (ToM), the term coined by Premack and Woodruff (1978), is the cognitive capability of understanding another's mind. Many mammals (Primates, Cats, Dogs, Dolphins) and Avians have strong ToM. which enables us to understand how others think and behave. A Theory of Mind is important in all our relationships, especially loves, friendships, partnerships and alliances. This capability touches logic and strategies in games, contests, arguments and fights. This capacity provides the perceptual background that leads to the emotional 'x-ray vision' of the following sign, Scorpio.

The principles of Libra take us the furthest we can go away from ourselves. Relationships have complex backgrounds. Two or more people are involved and there is also the amalgam or composite of those participants, the dyad or other combinations.

Each other person we meet is figuratively another world. Amazingly, each thing in the Universe is unique. Even though there are groups, classes and types, similarities and resemblances, there are not exactly two of anything, not even twins or clones.

Libra people (Sun, Moon) are fond of new and original ideas. They like "New". They like new things, methods, inventions and techniques. They also like new relationships. Other people may cry that Librans are in love with love. They may neglect or even reject tradition.

Libra is significant for Choice.
With Libra, we can compare and weigh the pros and cons of any given relationship as on a balance scale. We can choose from the many choices available to us. We can choose whether or not to engage and then choose to either cooperate or compete. When we make choices we generate, constellate or liberate our emotional power. The more committed we are to our choices, the more powerful our ensuing emotions can become. Ideas can generate passions in people.

"Nothing is as powerful as an Idea whose time has come."

Quotes by People with Sun in Libra

"The story of a love is not important.
What is important is that one is capable of love.
It is perhaps the only glimpse we are permitted of eternity."
Helen Hayes ( ☉ ♎︎ )

"The mark of a true crush... is that you fall in love first and grope for reasons afterward."
Shana Alexander ( ☉ ♎︎ )

"If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live."
Lin Yutang ( ☉ ♎︎ )

"Through my work, my life, I serve as a builder of bridges between people."
Veikko Sinisalo ( ☉ ♎︎ ) Finnish actor

"A red rose is not selfish because it wants to be a red rose.
It would be horribly selfish if it wanted all the other flowers in the garden to be both red and roses."
Oscar Wilde ( ☉ ♎︎ )

"If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change.
As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. ...
We need not wait to see what others do."
Mahatma Gandhi ( ☉ ♎︎ )

"How wonderful that we have met with a paradox.
Now we have some hope of making progress."
Niels Bohr ( ☉ ♎︎ ) physicist

"Marriage is not just spiritual communion, it is also remembering to take out the trash."
Joyce Brothers ( ☉ ♎︎ )

"Your task is not to seek for love,
but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."
Rumi ( ☉ ♎︎ )

"If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end;
If you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth,
only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair."
C. S. Lewis ( ☉ ♎︎ )

"You don't have to call it God or Jesus. That's religious humbug to a lot of people, but you've gotta believe that nature and spiritual things surround us. That is what put us here! I thank the universe for that every day of my life."
Jack LaLanne ( ☉ ♎︎ )

"The whole conviction of my life now rests upon the belief that loneliness, far from being a rare and curious phenomenon, peculiar to myself and to a few other solitary men, is the central and inevitable fact of human existence."
Thomas Wolfe ( ☉ ♎︎ )

"Don't tell your friends their faults ~
they will cure the fault and never forgive you."
Logan Pearsall Smith ( ☉ ♎︎ )

"Eventually you love people - friends or lovers - because of their flaws."
Karen Allen ( ☉ ♎︎ )

"When sex comes in the door, love flies out the window. Men are afraid of women and women have good reason to be afraid of men. If I hazarded a guess as to the most endemic, prevalent anxiety among human beings - including fear of death, abandonment, loneliness - nothing is more prevalent than the fear of one another."
R. D. Laing ( ☉ ♎︎ )

"Everything is clearer when you're in love."
John Lennon ( ☉ ♎︎ )

"Your task is not to seek for love,
but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it,
and embrace them."
Rumi ( ☉ ♎︎ ) Sept 30 1207

Quotes by others relevant to Libra

"Joys shared are multiplied,
Sorrows shared are divided."
~ Swedish proverb ~

"She [Eris] causes strife by causing arguments among men,
by making them think their opinions are right and everyone else's is wrong."
From Dr Michael Brown, discoverer of Eris

John Robinson: "Have you noticed, you always take the opposite position to whatever I say?"
Maureen Robinson: "Of course I do, we're married!"
from the "Lost in Space" movie, 1998
played by William Hurt ( ☉ ♓︎ ) & Mimi Rogers ( ☉ ♒︎ )
written by Akiva Goldsman ( ☉ ♋︎ )

Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy with Zooey Deschanel ( ☉ ♑︎ ☽ ♑︎ )
After finding the Point of View gun on the Planet Magrathea, Tricia shoots President Zaphod several times to make him understand her perspective.

Finally, after several jarring epiphanies, Zaphod exclaims "Give me that!", reaches out, takes the gun from Tricia and aims it towards her.

Tricia sighs: "It won't affect me, I'm already a woman.."
Horse Feathers with Groucho Marx ( ☉ ♎︎ ☽ ︎ )
Graduation Day!

"Whatever it is, I'm Against It!"

Links relevant to Libra

Lord of The Rings by Howard Shore ( ☉ ♎︎ ☽ ♌︎ )
Forget-Me-Nots by Patrice Rushen ( ☉ ♎︎ )
"Send me some Forget-Me-Nots,
Help me to remember!"
Imagine by John Lennon ( ☉ ♎︎ ) & The Plastic Ono Band
Can you be my Superman? arranged by DJ Black Coffee

The outer Path of Libra, Ideas, Judgements, Choices and Relationships leads to the inner Path of Pluto, Scorpio, Bonding & Releasing, Intimacy, Passion, Synthesis, and powerful Mutual Influence.

2003 Dysnomia 700 TLS? 16 dy 37,300 Km
☽︎ :: Dysnomia - Moon of Eris
Eris Dysnomia

Dysnomia ~ Moon of Eris
• Reflects Eris' Rulership of Libra.

Current data reinforces speculations that Dysnomia is relatively newly aquired by Eris. Thus, the moon may still be in the process of moving into a tidal locking with the parent planet.
Dysnomia seems to be a little less than ⅓ the diameter of the parent planet Eris. The other planets that have relatively large moons are the Earth and Pluto.


2007 G!Kun 630 ? hr 623 yr 37.50-107.94 / 0.480
💫︎     :: G!Kun - Associated with Scorpio / Sheep?

Region: KBO  MPC: 229762  PD: 2007 UK 126 🗐 Ephemeris

  • G!Kun has a small rocky satellite called "Guo Ho", about 100 km wide and not round.

G!kun||'homdima is a mythical Namibian heroine.
Her story tells of her providing protection for her people and punishment of miscreants.
Her natural form is a lovely young woman, but she can disguise herself as an Aardvark, perhaps to watch for dangers unobtrusively.
How to pronounce her name

• Heroic • Protection •

Astrologers are currently investigating the correlations of G!Kun in the chart.
Here are some quotes:

From Alex Miller Alex Asteroid Astrology
"Based in her myth as protector and defender, her youth, and aggressive support of her people, Gkun can be seen as the driving force of female leadership, militant feminism, and dynamic interaction with restoring justice and order. Astrologer Philip Sedgwick, an acknowledged expert on this region of the solar system, suggests some initial keywords for Gkun: formidable, cleansing, nurturing, and confidence-inspiring on the positive end of the Gkun spectrum, and vindictive, retaliatory, self-absorbed, meddlesome, insecure, or smothering as its negative potential."

2003 Sedna 995 10 hr 11,408 yr 76.19-937.00 / 0.854
💫︎ :: Sedna - Associated with Pisces / Boar?

Region: OCO  MPC: 90377  PD: 2003 VB 12 🗐 Ephemeris

  • Sedna takes about 11,408 years to complete one circuit around our Sun at a great distance and in an extremely elliptical orbit.

Sedna was an Inuit goddess who was abused by her father and thrown into the sea, where she became the source of creatures of the sea and a nurturer of the people who made their living from the sea.

• Injustice • Suffering • Transmutation • Redemption • Compassion

Astrologers are currently investigating the correlations of Sedna in the chart.
Here are some quotes..

From Lorna Bevan Cosmic Intelligence Agency
"People with strong Sedna aspects in their birth charts or through progression can prove resolute and visionary on the upside and inflexible and unrealistic on the downside.
Themes of Trauma, suffering, illness and survival against all odds repeat over and over in Sedna's discovery chart and those people and events who have strong Sedna indicators. ffff Sedna is sadness and suffering - an archetype of Saturn and Neptune all in one. Yet if Sedna symbolises the worst of Saturn / Neptune, she also brings out the best - tenaciousness and extreme devotion. ...
The bedrock of Sedna's influence goes far deeper than being a victim into something far rarer - a solid determination, almost a willingness, to suffer because they are committed to achieving a difficult goal."

From Maurice Fernandez Evolutionary Astrology with Maurice Fernandez
"People with Sedna aspecting personal planets have deep emotional challenges that seem like Saturn-Neptune, at best, persistent, with Saturnine determination and Neptune's long-suffering patience - at worst, .. overwhelmed and frozen (Saturn), disconnected from reality (Neptune)".

  🐉︎ (🏺︎ 🐟︎ ⚖︎) (♒︎ ♓︎ ♎︎) 🕎︎ ✡︎ 🕉︎ ☯︎
Psalm 8
    Abraham Contemplates the Stars ~ Ephraim Lillian, 1908 Abraham Contemplates the Stars
~ Ephraim Lillian ( ☉ ♊︎ ), 1908
    ( This heartfelt little Bible verse was
written about 3,000 years ago.
~ a long time to wonder. )
  🐉︎ (🏺︎ 🐟︎ ⚖︎) (♒︎ ♓︎ ♎︎) 🕎︎ ✡︎ 🕉︎ ☯︎