Responsibility & Freedom

Responsibility and Freedom are naturally related. People who can be responsible all by themselves enjoy more freedom than irresponsible ones. An important aspect of Responsibility is expressed by the ability to be still when necessary, the ability to recognize and set our own limits by ourselves and to keep our actions within our boundaries.

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It's easy to grant freedoms to people who respect others' boundaries.
Imagine that you meet with someone whom you know can be trusted. Today that person is far away from their home for some reason, and it is late. You would probably think that they have lots of interesting stories to tell, and you would like to get to know them better. Would you be willing to invite that person to join you and your family for dinner and to stay over-night? Since you know that you can trust this person to be considerate and responsible, you will probably grant them freedom to enter your home and live there tonight as you do. You'll trust that it will be safe for them to speak with your family, to read your books and even browse in your kitchen for snacks.

Now imagine that you meet with someone else whom you know does not consider it important to respect your boundaries. Would you invite that person to your home in the same way? Would you even want to speak with that person? This second person will most likely enjoy none of those freedoms that you would grant to the first person because you know that they aren't responsible or trustworthy.

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Compulsion works against Free Will and Decisions.

Compulsion is an exaggerated version of any biological or psychological need.
Food is a biological need to survive from day to day.
Sex is a biological need to reproduce and survive into the future.
Curiosity is an intellectual need to explore.
Expansion, control, resistance, letting go and other actions are some psychological attributes that can be turned into exaggerated compulsions which go far beyong the real needs.

Someone who has compulsions must first satisfy those compulsions.
When a compulsions is present it takes priority.
It may feel like an obligation.
When an opportunity comes for a choice or a decision the person with compulsion must first satisfy that requirement.
Then the person can look to the choice, but the compulsion can repeat its demand.
So gradually the compusion may shape the personality so that choices are ignored and ridiculed.

People who are bound by compulsions can't be free.

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