Longevity & Fulfillment

In Star Trek, Spock's parting salutation to family, friends and colleagues was "Live Long and Prosper." This phrase captured a place in the imagination of fans of the show because it is a common wish ~ many people would like to have a long life, and everyone would like to have a fulfilling life. This is considered evidence that you have done something correctly - You did it right. People often ask someone who is old and successful "How did you do it? What is the secret?"

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Are we 'doing it right'? Are we managing our civilization so that we will all have long lives and prosperity? Will our children's children's children also enjoy fulfilling lives? Which of the attributes in these discussions seem to contribute to long and fulfilling lives? Are Lying, Contempt, Selfishness & Hatred closely aligned with happiness and fulfillment? Or will working toward Trust, Acceptance, Empathy and Love be more conducive to a sustainable future?

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